Mint? Berry?
Doesn't that effectively normalize the behavior? If you stop being outraged, you are ultimately saying it is acceptable.He's surely got a point though? I think it's important to highlight Trump's lies to a certain extent, but the outrage every time he says something ridiculous probably doesn't serve much of a point at this stage - we know he lies constantly and he isn't going to stop as long as he's in office.
E.G. someone made this point on Twitter - In 2014, the broadcast networks refused to air Obama's speech on the Dreamers/immigration by saying it was overtly political. But now they're going to air Trump's speech. And this is almost solely because he spends all his time raging against the media and accusing them of bias. He's being rewarded for his shitty behavior and given a bigger platform to spread what will inevitably be a bunch of lies. Of course that also goes back to them being spineless and complicit, so probably crazy to expect them to stand up to Trump at this point.