The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Answered the first one wrong and thought the quiz was taking the piss, so I answered the most moronic thing for the rest of it and all went green. Guess they were serious, I just wasn't at their level on the first question.
I got 11/12, and the one I did get wrong I really should have got right if I just selected the worst option, but gave him to much credit for some reason.
Does anyone personally know a Trump supporter who has changed their mind on him lately? Is this even possible?

I've been talking to one lately; I get the feeling he's in too deep to ever admit to himself that he might have been wrong. The conversation always ends up being combative/defensive and devoid of facts.

I know a few that openly mock him and call him what he is. However none regret yet. Seen more like a useful fool to be tolerated. For example, the supreme court for one. And many are rubbing their hands in glee at the possibility Trump may get to replace RBG if she goes Sickening.

The military are wavering big time though.

The answers to the last one about what he was watching on TV that worried him: "Vladimir Putin's history of dealing with employees who disappoint him.":lol:
:lol: Denald really does absolutely nail it. It’s like all Trump’s tweets were fed into a machine learning algo along with the days news.
:lol: Denald really does absolutely nail it. It’s like all Trump’s tweets were fed into a machine learning algo along with the days news.
There was a point where I thought he was done, as if he gave up because the real Trump was out Denalding him. Glad to see he rose from the flames like a shark.
So the mar a lago extended trip was BS all along? He needs that mis direction to protect himself I suppose.
Now that Mattis is gone who’s going to come up with the bright ideas?
Same Rich “when the president does it, it’s not illegal “ Nixon ?

He also created the EPA. I don't think Nixon is as bad as pop culture has us believe (could make a fairly strong argument that Nixon did less damage to the US working/middle class than Reagan and Clinton for example).

Its interesting how much Watergate still influences public perception as some gold standard of corruption when in reality it was pretty tame compared to what pretty much every President since Reagan has done. Candidate Reagan's deal making with Iranian terrorists to undermine the sitting US President about releasing hostages which then directly led into the even more corrupt Iran-Contra Affair toes the fine line of treason casually stepping over that line when its convenient which is worse than Nixon's low level domestic espionage (which both parties pretty much still do as much as they can get away with).
He also created the EPA. I don't think Nixon is as bad as pop culture has us believe (could make a fairly strong argument that Nixon did less damage to the US working/middle class than Reagan and Clinton for example).

Its interesting how much Watergate still influences public perception as some gold standard of corruption when in reality it was pretty tame compared to what pretty much every President since Reagan has done. Candidate Reagan's deal making with Iranian terrorists to undermine the sitting US President about releasing hostages which then directly led into the even more corrupt Iran-Contra Affair toes the fine line of treason casually stepping over that line when its convenient which is worse than Nixon's low level domestic espionage (which both parties pretty much still do as much as they can get away with).

Christ, that's some real revisionist whitewashing of Nixon. What about his actions in Vietnam and how many civilians and soldiers he let die needlessly because he couldn't afford the political cost of withdrawing? He knowingly prolonged a brutal, devastating losing war for years.
Its interesting how much Watergate still influences public perception as some gold standard of corruption when in reality it was pretty tame compared to what pretty much every President since Reagan has done.

Yeah, Bush and his cronies with Carlyle Group, Haliburton and KBR is a good example.
Christ, that's some real revisionist whitewashing of Nixon. What about his actions in Vietnam and how many civilians and soldiers he let die needlessly because he couldn't afford the political cost of withdrawing? He knowingly prolonged a brutal, devastating losing war for years.

Onenil would somehow manage to argue that devil himself would be better than Clintons
Christ, that's some real revisionist whitewashing of Nixon. What about his actions in Vietnam and how many civilians and soldiers he let die needlessly because he couldn't afford the political cost of withdrawing? He knowingly prolonged a brutal, devastating losing war for years.

This is the type of misunderstanding post I was afraid of. I am not defending any of Nixon's mistakes, of which there were certainly a number especially if one dislikes Kissinger and doesn't agree with the premises of real politick. But we shouldn't allow the shallow media perceptions prevent us from actually examining issues deeper. As the examples I mentioned, Nixon created the EPA and proposed nationalized universal health care. Irrespective of other policies he enacted, those two are certainly good things. Things that Republicans have been fighting ever since and things that go far beyond anything positive that Reagan or Clinton did. Neither Reagan nor Clinton created anything as substantially positive as the EPA.

On foreign policy again, I am not defending Nixon but rather every US President since Carter has blood on their hands. Oh and JFK, LBJ also have Vietnam blood on their hands. I don't believe its possible to really quantify how much innocents around the world have suffered because of US foreign policy endeavors and attribute out blame to somehow objective determine that Nixon cost less lives than Reagan or Clinton but I don't think its possible to argue that either Reagan or Clinton were any meaningful tier of better/compassionate/life saving or however you want to quantify it than Nixon. If you really want I can summarize a few of Reagan and Clinton's foreign/domestic policy that cost lives just we understand that my comments are NOT meant to prop up Nixon but rather show how completely shitty US Presidents have been since then.

For Reagan we have Iran Hostage->Iran-Contra, we have arming both sides of the Iran-Iraq conflict, we have all sorts of anti-commie justified bullshit in Latin America, shady deals with Noriega, we have his endeavors into arming Afghanistan resistance wantonly which would lead to tonnes of unforeseen consequences as we all know too well, wasted money on Strategic Defense Initiative (hey lets call space lasers Star Wars and hand hundreds of millions to our friendly neighborhood defense contractor) and I don't think I even have to list the damage of his domestic policy but let's make sure we don't forget the mega swindles that caused S+L bailout and oh yeah the cultural glorification of the YUPpie and how Reagan's term solidified a lot of the intentional right wing from the 1970s Goldwater Rev/Southern Strategy institutions.

Clinton's neo-liberalism accelerated all the damage of the Cold War ending. His naive Republican-lite neo-liberal radical de-regulation advice fecked the Soviet Union's transition and helped give us the oligarchs that led to Putin. His neo-liberalism was just as damaging in human cost around Latin America and parts of the middle east. But really, Clinton enacted some of the worst smorgasbord of right wing policies. His 1994 Tough on Crime caused immense damage to poor and middle class families. Mandatory minimums, 3 Strikes and his push for the War on Drugs and prison privatization were cruel right-wing policies. He pushed Defense of Marriage Act, cuts to welfare and demonization of the single welfare mom, deregulation of a number of industries from finance to telecom much of which directly led to the financial crisis of 2008. Oh and the whole time him and his wife were the champions of the Anti-MeToo movement completely savaging his numerous accusers then wasting tonnes of time and taxpayer money because he kept wanting to get his knob wet. Then Hil doesn't even know what due diligence means and was the Democrat legitimizing voice for the Iraq War. The damage caused by usurping the Democrat Party with Republican-lite corporatism caused a lot of suffering and will continue to do so until the party can once again become the party of the New Deal and Great Society instead of championing Heritage Foundation right wing policies and labeling them liberal.

So let's stop with the hyperbolic strawmen and the outrage that someone actually said Nixon wasn't ALL bad; he actually had some policy ideas that were light-years better than anything Reagan or Clinton proposed.

"violation of civil rights, racist policies, domestic criminality and international war crimes"?

Yup Reagan and Clinton are both guilty of all that as well so what's your point again?
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