Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
Maybe this will spur Michelle Obama.
Was Washington actually a great President though? Or does he get included for his antics during the Revolutionary war?
Maybe this will spur Michelle Obama.
going of that list, Franklin D. Roosevelt gets more Number 1's of any President.Was Washington actually a great President though? Or does he get included for his antics during the Revolutionary war?
Maybe this will spur Michelle Obama.
Maybe this will spur Michelle Obama.
The millennials definitely overwhelmingly voted Hillary
The context in this race is different because his Supreme Court nominee will most likely last more than 4 years. Nevertheless, I am just trying to find some rationale behind a decision that will benefit the educated majority, not the uneducated ones. I am not a fan of open democracy just to let you know.Why shouldn't people over 60 to be vote in a decision that decides who stays in office for the next FOUR years?
Feck me, there is hardly anything less democratic than a left-winger that doesn't get his will.
Good god. Let's hope not.
If this doesn't prove that yesterday was about social disenfranchisement then nothing will. Devastating stuff.
Trump won white women with no college degree by almost a 2:1 margin and nearly matched Hillary on White women with a degree. He also outperformed his expectations among Hispanics. Clearly this was about class - not race or gender.
In case you're still wondering how this happened...
I still like to visualize it.It mostly looks like that every year, even when Dems win.
This. Which is a damning inditement on the Obama years. Democrats were meant to be for the poor and disadvantaged but created a rustbelt of the forgotten, an industrial wasteland created by the union supporting party. Clinton can blame Obama for a lot of her defeat.If this doesn't prove that yesterday was about social disenfranchisement then nothing will. Devastating stuff.
Trump won white women with no college degree by almost a 2:1 margin and nearly matched Hillary on White women with a degree. He also outperformed his expectations among Hispanics. Clearly this was about class - not race or gender.
Was Washington actually a great President though? Or does he get included for his antics during the Revolutionary war?
Hispanic women with a college degree voted more for Trump than Hispanic women with no college degree. Any rationale for this?If this doesn't prove that yesterday was about social disenfranchisement then nothing will. Devastating stuff.
Trump won white women with no college degree by almost a 2:1 margin and nearly matched Hillary on White women with a degree. He also outperformed his expectations among Hispanics. Clearly this was about class - not race or gender.
Hispanic women with a college degree voted more for Trump than Hispanic women with no college degree. Any rationale for this?
This. Which is a damning inditement on the Obama years. Democrats were meant to be for the poor and disadvantaged but created a rustbelt of the forgotten, an industrial wasteland created by the union supporting party. Clinton can blame Obama for a lot of her defeat.
I'd say he was pretty good. Although you are probably right in that what he did leading up to his presidency probably gets put in to the discussion to. He had a big debt to his cabinet, which was probably the best there has ever been. Alexander Hamilton, Henry Knox and Thomas Jefferson. Hamilton in particular was influential in creating the money system and bank. Probably his great legacy though was stepping down after 2 years, setting a precedent for others to come.
In case you're still wondering how this happened...
This. Which is a damning inditement on the Obama years. Democrats were meant to be for the poor and disadvantaged but created a rustbelt of the forgotten, an industrial wasteland created by the union supporting party. Clinton can blame Obama for a lot of her defeat.
That was actually expected even if Trump were to pull this off.Would you be surprised if I told you Hillary won more votes than Trump did ?
It looks like the end of democrats party with so many light blue ..In case you're still wondering how this happened...
Please do expand on this point if you could.
That doesn't explain losing the House and Senate too.Obama was impeded at every step by the most divisive Congress in the history of this country.
Clinton doesn't have anyone to blame but herself, her shitty campaign and the Democrat establishment.
The only positive thing to come out of this is that the elites of the Democratic party will have to do a lot of soul-searching for the shitstorm they have unleashed by turning the primaries into a coronation for an immensely flawed candidate. Any half-decent political would have wiped the floor with Trump, but Clinton has such a blotted past that the Trump campaign was able to equate emails to Trump's vile behavior.
Democracy in a nutshell
Oh I'm no Clinton supporter at all, but I do think her treatment was worse because she was a woman.
Yes she's corrupt, yes she's a liar, yes she deceives and panders name a president who isn't or hasn't done any of those things? Her corruption runs deeper than most because she's been around for much longer than most.
But I do think if she was a guy who did the same things, she wouldn't have received the same reception.
Reference to Bill Clinton and NAFTA gutting the manufacturing industry?
That would have happened with or without NAFTA. High wages, low productivity, low level of education and bad quality doesn't really help keeping an industrial area competetive.
And shaping public opinion via his regular news show appearances (apologies if you already mentioned that).There are so many problems. A short list.
Many economists follow one school of thought and are way too partisan/narrow minded to acknowledge the strength/weaknesses of other ideas.
Historic dogmas are not getting questioned/scrutinized.
The use of data/models/math is down-right shocking and completely irresponsible at times.
There seems to be a complete lack of self-awareness. This results in sweeping statements based on extremely weak evidence that are often in direct contradiction with reality. Economists overestimate their knowledge and their ability to make useful predictions.
The academic process of rejecting bad ideas that works extremely well in natural science is not working particularly well in social science. Part of this is down to complexity, but part of it also to problematic academic culture.
That is tragic, when it happens in academia, but dangerous and harmful when it comes to public policy. Nowadays there is a class of economic advisors who profit massively from spreading their nonsense. They are in a symbiotic relationship with politicians and both reinforce their own ideology. Krugmann published some very interesting work in the past, but nowadays he is just a dangerous ideologue. Science means, that you are open to new evidence. Krugmann just fits any data into his pre-existing ideology. He is reversing the scientific process.