nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions
Republicans have a solid message on immigration. That is, reduce the immigrant population by whatever means necessary, doesn't matter if they are legal or illegal. Democrats do not. They don't know what to do with caravans, dreamers, loopholes in current laws, reform on existing laws etc. Perhaps it is easier to just trying to reduce the flow all the time, like NRA with guns. All they need to do is identify any legislation that threatens gun proliferation and create a loud noise around it and see it fail. They don't have to figure out a working system to replace the existing law. I believe that's the same problem with immigration as well. All republicans need to do is look at things that help immigrants and take out one by one and they don't have to worry about comprehensive immigration reform. That being said, I think even Sanders would want a courtroom resolution for this instead of a political solution.
However, I'm not sure about any deal protecting recent legal immigrants. We are completely at the mercy of memos from USCIS. There is no need of executive orders as well for protecting legal/illegal immigrants. What is this about?
i think reason democrats dont have a solid message is because they are afraid to make a moral case because they dont want to alienate these people.

and thats why i think the republicans could get bipartisian support for permanently ending birthright citizenship if they grandfathered it in