The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Obsession, yes. Obviously the events in the Crimea were awful; everything else is rubbish (particularly the bit about killing civilians, you're really going to throw that one around while defending the US?). Putin exposed America as a relatively inept bully by shattering ISIS in Syria as well as the USAs Al Qaeda "allies" (!?!), and repeatedly hacked the most technologically advanced country in the world...I mean, I can see why the Obama administration is angry.
You seem to be saying both that Russia are a powerful force in the world that are currently sidelining the US in geopolitics, and that current western focus on them as a threat is "obsession". Doesn't seem to follow.
Why was she harassed? would be the more logical question

She wasn't, she was asked a question, that's all.

Imo the Reagan administration had the right idea in the 80s - drastically reduce the number of warheads so that only the minimum required for effective deterrence is retained, with no overkill. Unfortunately the Soviets were only willing to go partway down that road.

With nuclear proliferation those ideas are becoming irrelevant. The human future is more nukes, not less.

Wow, I agree. And a sane and rational post Will, WTF! Well it is Christmas after all. Merry Christmas to you.

It's Christmas time.


There goes Putin, playing the Moron Elect like a fiddle. A few niceties to him and Trumpski will be putty in his hands. That's all it takes, blow smoke up his arse and he will do or say anything, he's such a feckwit. Putin is going to play him like crazy over the next 4 years (if he lasts that long) and all we can do it sit back and watch it happen.

Personally though I think many Republicans have forgotten what the stance on Russia used to be like so they need some reminding. I reckon that all the TV and cable channels should just run Rambo II and Rocky IV back to back all over the Christmas holidays. That will sort it out.
You seem to be saying both that Russia are a powerful force in the world that are currently sidelining the US in geopolitics, and that current western focus on them as a threat is "obsession". Doesn't seem to follow.

Being replaced in geopolitics doesn't make then an enemy. US could hve acted in a more forceful manner but did not, Russia did. Not debating which is right or wrong here, but yeah...there still is a cold war leftover obsession over Russia.
Being replaced in geopolitics doesn't make then an enemy. US could hve acted in a more forceful manner but did not, Russia did. Not debating which is right or wrong here, but yeah...there still is a cold war leftover obsession over Russia.
Where did I say enemy?
Completely serious. Greenwald is a galactic drama queen who is apparently a bit sensitive about people asking him if the Intercept has any Russian backing.

The Intercept is fully owned by a single rich individual, who isn't Russian.
She wasn't, she was asked a question, that's all.

7:48 AM PT -- The husband of the unruly passenger tweeted an hour before the plane took off, "Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them."

Sounds premeditated more than an question it is harassment.
7:48 AM PT -- The husband of the unruly passenger tweeted an hour before the plane took off, "Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them."

Sounds premeditated more than an question it is harassment.

Agreed the Tweets from the wife weren't clever, but according to witnesses the man just asked her a simple question and told her that her Father had divided and was going to ruin the country. He wasn't shouting, or aggressive, but obviously he shouldn't have done it, but there was no need to remove him from the plane either.
Anyway, enough nonsense back to the Moron Elect and yet more of his nonsense....... Making threats to the U.N. yet again.

He's just such a pathetic, dim, cnut. :lol: He's just so completely clueless.

The difference is that Saudi Arabia conceded something (many things initially) that the US wanted, namely alliance to counter Iran (whose democratically elected leader Mossadegh CIA deposed - Operation AJAX - in favor of the reviled Shah who favored US Oil companies but who two decades of CIA sponsored savagery toward his own people inspired the 1979 Islamic revolution.)

From the US point of view SA is the willing bedrock of regional stability, (other than funding or sponsoring extreme fundamentalist groups, like ahem Al-Qaeda who are dead set on destroying us, and other than sponsoring terrorists group in Iraq, Syria and most recently Yemen, they have been a bedrock of regional stability) even though I'd agree this has become more questionable in recent years.

But look back at the 70s and 80s and you'll understand why there is a relationship there, and why it benefited both the US and the Saud family (you mean we secure the oil, you peg the price of oil to USD, you buy $Billions of dollars weapons from us, you purchase trillions of US Treasuries, I think I get the gist of the relationship. It's been going on since Eisenhower in the 50's and we are willing to close an eye to the all the naughty things Saudi Barbaria does domestically and abroad. Sometimes we even fight their proxy wars in Syria and Yemen. All in the name of democracy)

You don't want to normalize relations with Russia because Russia has been unwilling to normalize relations on any acceptable terms. Yes Obama and HRC tried, and they also thought Putin was one thing while he later proved to be another. (Yeah, I mean we just tried to expand NATO at every step, and put an anti-missile shield in Poland, and tried to marshal the Ukraine opposition and install our own guy in there we have done nothing that could be perceived as aggressive towards Russia. We almost went to nuclear war in the 60's during the missile Cuban crisis but that was a different era. Blame it on JFK ;)

I was discussing strategy. You asked why the US has an alliance with one disgraceful regime and not another, and I told you why.
Anyway, enough nonsense back to the Moron Elect and yet more of his nonsense....... Making threats to the U.N. yet again.

He's just such a pathetic, dim, cnut. :lol: He's just so completely clueless.

Maybe he's going to make sure the US pays the UN what they owe?
Nah. There wouldn't be much left of civilization, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, but mankind would probably survive.

Living things can tolerate much greater exposure to radiation than previously assumed - healthy animal communities thrive on the site of the Chernobyl nuclear reactors. 'Nuclear winter' scenarios are melodramatic, speculative and evidence free. There's no reason to place much confidence in such predictions.

We won't know until we try of course, which hopefully won't be anytime soon, but humanity has more in common with the cockroach than an unpleasant character. My guess is that, post Armageddon, we'll be sifting through the ruins with the little buggers competing for scraps.

Wow interesting (if you're right!). I'd love to see some links (genuinely), because it runs contrary to everything I've read so far.

:lol: That's quite fitting really, and ends up much like his election forecasts.

I find it a little odd though how both the Moron Elect and Putin both decide to talk about nukes on exactly the same day. Very strange. Also, The moron seems to have a serious hard on for nuclear weapons. He's mentioned them more during the campaign and since he won than I think I've ever heard any world leader talk about them. Well except from searching for them, or stopping Iran from having them. It's yet another power trip for him. All eyes on him, he holds the power, that's all he gives a feck about.
I presume Trump is wanting to bolster his countries arms to make up for his small hands.
:lol: That's quite fitting really, and ends up much like his election forecasts.

I find it a little odd though how both the Moron Elect and Putin both decide to talk about nukes on exactly the same day. Very strange. Also, The moron seems to have a serious hard on for nuclear weapons. He's mentioned them more during the campaign and since he won than I think I've ever heard any world leader talk about them. Well except from searching for them, or stopping Iran from having them. It's yet another power trip for him. All eyes on him, he holds the power, that's all he gives a feck about.

Nate Silver is wrong. Again. Actually, the map will be all red, every State would vote for the republicans after a nuclear holocaust ... the only survivors would be the gun owners!
Nate Silver is wrong. Again. Actually, the map will be all red, every State would vote for the republicans after a nuclear holocaust ... the only survivors would be the gun owners!

I doubt guns would do too well against nukes.
anyome clued up in these matters can give an estimate of how long it'd take for the fallout to reach Oz? Need to start digging my shelter.
Sometimes the "formal owner" and the "real owner" are not the same person!

There isn't much stuff that is being hidden here...and if
a. Intercept was controlled by Putin indirectly, and
b. Putin supports Trump

it would be impossible to explain the actual content they put out.
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