The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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i find it amusing that the Republicans talk about coming together while still running racists ads.
And Bernie being blamed for the Republican congressmen being shot.
Bernie did not advocate Hate like the Republicans led by Trump.
The Republicans' reaction to anything adverse is as scripted as Keeping Up with the Kretins. How can the mass of the public not see this?
The Republicans' reaction to anything adverse is as scripted as Keeping Up with the Kretins. How can the mass of the public not see this?

I fear we have somehow overestimated the lowest common denominator.
The Republicans' reaction to anything adverse is as scripted as Keeping Up with the Kretins. How can the mass of the public not see this?

Many people do not bother to read up on issues.

They watch TV that feeds into their own perceptions or prejudices.

And for ratings these networks (Fox??) pump up the volume.

they entertain conspiracy theories.

Heck Trump believes this too.

This shooter went into far Right areas...he must have thought the world..His world was ending.

"Going In"
i find it amusing that the Republicans talk about coming together while still running racists ads.
And Bernie being blamed for the Republican congressmen being shot.
Bernie did not advocate Hate like the Republicans led by Trump.
The GOP should just kick Trump out, but they need him in the end.

Utterly shameless. He is a clear and present danger to society and the Republicans are complicit in everything he does.

Does it really surprise anyone tho? It's in character and pretty much consistent with what we've seen over the last few years. From him and his party...
Does it really surprise anyone tho? It's in character and pretty much consistent with what we've seen over the last few years. From him and his party...

For me personally, it's totally unsurprising, yet hugely disappointing and majorly depressing. I had hoped at least a few Republicans would have souls or morals or a conscience.
It's a metaphor for his presidency. The umbrella is the American people. Albeit a more useful version of them.
On Morning Joe this morning, Joe Scarborough admitted the liberals were right all along about the Dog whistles from the Republican party.

Who knows. After Trump there may be hope for a new GOP after all.

Also another Republican mentioned RFK's speech after Dr. King was assassinated. How it helped prevent riots in Indianapolis. He compared that with what trump is doing.

We can live in hope.
Czechoslovakia ramped up spying on Trump in late 1980s, seeking US intel
Aided by Ivana Trump’s father, intelligence service with KGB ties targeted high-level government information, files show
Secret memos written by the KGB chief, Vladimir Kryuchkov, in the mid-1980s reveal that he berated his officers for their failure to cultivate top-level Americans. Kryuchkov circulated a confidential personality questionnaire to KGB heads of station abroad, setting out the qualities wanted from a potential asset.

According to instructions leaked to British intelligence by the KGB defector Oleg Gordievsky, they included corruption, vanity, narcissism, marital infidelity and poor analytical skills. The KGB should focus on personalities who were upwardly mobile in business and politics, especially Americans, the document said.

Utterly shameless. He is a clear and present danger to society and the Republicans are complicit in everything he does.

In his own warped mind this all makes perfect sense. The news says mean stuff about him, and since hes fantastic and everyone loves him, it leads people to to commit murder in his name to defend his honor. If only CNN and those other liberal rags could lick his arse like Fox and his cretinous followers do, everything would be fine and he could just go about with his business to destroy the planet, play golf and spew his nonsensical bile on twitter

So according to this official report by the White House, the living standard in the US is at least 15% higher than those in the Scandinavian countries. And to a certain degree, even poor Americans have a better living standard than the average citizen in Denmark, Finland or Sweden. All these magnificent calculations have of course forgotten to take in to account things like health care and education, but nevermind that.

So according to this official report by the White House, the living standard in the US is at least 15% higher than those in the Scandinavian countries. And to a certain degree, even poor Americans have a better living standard than the average citizen in Denmark, Finland or Sweden. All these magnificent calculations have of course forgotten to take in to account things like health care and education, but nevermind that.
Living standards...what about debt ?
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