The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It's not. Most of Trump support is from the middle to upper classes.

I was talking about the type of people and not social class isolated. What you highlighted shows i specifically said type of people. You can be wealthy and still behave and think like a group that is often more prevalent in lower social class cultures.
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more specifically, older middle to upper class - the older and richer an american the more likely they are to vote for trump

there is a minor phemon of lower classes who work in specific industries - coal, steel and manufacturing workers who vote trump but these are a minority of americas lower class and the part of his base which has seen the biggest drop in his favourability polling
Yep I think I'm right in the saying these voters are the ones who helped him across the line to winning the election.

I was talking about the type of people and not social class isolated. What you highlighted shows i specifically said type of people. You can be wealthy and still behave and think like a group that is often more prevalent in lower social class cultures.
what ? This just sounds like a bigoted view against poor people.
the lowest socio-economic groups in america overwhelmingly vote democratic, the majority of this group is people in large cities and have service jobs

Again i was not talking about income but the type of behaviour and personality specifically.
Yep I think I'm right in the saying these voters are the ones who helped him across the line to winning the election.
Yep. No doubt highlighted by the number crunching at their think tanks. One thing they did was use big data to their advantage, shaped their message and it worked. Trump don't give a feck about them. Just used them to get across the finishing line.
Yep I think I'm right in the saying these voters are the ones who helped him across the line to winning the election.

what ? This just sounds like a bigoted view against poor people.

This is nonsense as i never mentioned income but more the type of behaviour that is often produced in a certain part of Denmark. In Denmark that type of people that likes how Donald Trump behaves tent to be from working class to lower middle class. This culture is more spread out in socio-economic classes in America and thus can be found more spread out as it is a country with far more social and cultural problems. How many social and economic problems a country have will have a massive impact on what type of behaviour and culture that develops. People that are angry about things in general will often behave and talk very differently compared to those that are happy with how things are.
Donald Trump going after Bernie will be a bad move from him as 26% of the Republican voters likes him, and Donald Trump badly needs them in 2020 as without them he is toast. Bernie is not like the typical crooked elitist establishment politician that is easy to smear without a backlash. Donald Trump picking a fight with Bernie will only help Bernie in the long run.
You mean Sanders? What is happening?

Edit: got it. "The president of the poor people" :lol:
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Person A Youre a liar.

Person B No Im not, and heres the proof Im not.

Person A Who cares what proof you have?

In your mind, person A is right. To everyone else, person A is a douchebag.

The bad faith charade Trump's been ginning up is that Warren reckons on she's a Native American when she isn't, not that she once farted in a Tepee. In light of that who the hell's going to give a ha'penny damn that Warren can now legitimately claim she's between 1/64th and 1/1024th Cherokee? They'll just find that laughable and virtually nobody who supported him cared that this wasn't disingenuous bullshit to begin with. Oh no, once again rates a Trump statement a '4 upside down Pinocchio PANTS ON FIRE' Whopper - whatever shall he do? The miserable truth is that it doesn't matter. He'll carry on calling her Pocahontas, we'll all remain of the belief he's an unhinged loon and everyone that lapped it up to begin with will lap it up to end with too.
This is nonsense as i never mentioned income but more the type of behaviour that is often produced in a certain part of Denmark. In Denmark that type of people that likes how Donald Trump behaves tent to be from working class to lower middle class. This culture is more spread out in socio-economic classes in America and thus can be found more spread out as it is a country with far more social and cultural problems. How many social and economic problems a country have will have a massive impact on what type of behaviour and culture that develops. People that are angry about things in general will often behave and talk very differently compared to those that are happy with how things are.
People who act like twats seems to like Trump and in Denmark most of the twats tend to be from the working to lower middle class, is that what your saying ?
People who act like twats seems to like Trump and in Denmark most of the twats tend to be from the working to lower middle class, is that what your saying ?

Donald Trump is generally despised in Denmark but there are always those that like people like him and those in Denmark tent to vote Dansk Folkeparti ( Danish Folk Party ) because they share Donald Trumps extremely negative views about muslims, immigrants and refugees from the Middle East. Dansk Folkepartis voter group is mostly lower middle class and working class voters. They do not make up the most of those voting groups but they do stem from these two voter groups mainly. This is not slagging off working class and poor people but merely mentioning what statistics shows.
Donald Trump is generally despised in Denmark but there are always those that like people like him and those in Denmark tent to vote Dansk Folkeparti ( Danish Folk Party ) because they share Donald Trumps extremely negative views about muslims, immigrants and Migrants from the Middle East. Dansk Folkepartis voter group is mostly lower middle class and working class voters. They do not make up the most of those voting groups but they do stem from these two voter groups mainly. This is not slagging off working class and poor people but merely mentioning what statistics shows.
This isn’t unique to Denmark unfortunately. The working classes have been an easy target for the far right parties in Western democracies, convincing them that their plights and woes are underlied by immigration.
that's another minor phenomenon, disenfranchised people getting recruited into hardline anti-immigrant parties, usually hovering around single digit or fractions of a percentage with peeks during political instability. idk about denmark specifically but the voters tend to be pensioners with their most vocal minority being young, often hairless, natives who make for dramatic and worrying footage at protests
Oh dear.

Just because you changed your argument later, doesnt mean it wasnt your original point. The mental gymnastics youre putting yourself through must be very taxing. Lets walk through it removing trump and warren.

Person A Youre a liar.

Person B No Im not, and heres the proof Im not.

Person A Who cares what proof you have?

In your mind, person A is right. To everyone else, person A is a douchebag.

You asked "who actually gives a feck about Warren's DNA test? Are there actually people fist-pumping out there right now to discover that there's a strong possibility some really, really distant relative of hers had some native blood, just because they think it makes Trump look foolish?". So, no its about fist bumping. Its about being accused of lying, and defending oneself. Its not rocket science. Trump said who cares, well its pretty clear since he asked the question that he does. He brought it up, and neither he nor you get to pretend it didnt happen just because he got it wrong. What he should have done was apologise and move on. Instead hes double down on being a prick. But hey, its worked for him so far.

I'm not sure how my argument changed, or what you think my original point was. By saying Trump is right in regards to his "who cares?" comment, I was making the point that Warren's response is not going to make any difference to anyone that matters in how they view Trump. Nobody important cares that Trump got it wrong, or that he's the one who actually made an issue out of it, that's not how he's evaluated. Everybody who already despises him will have got their day's moment of outrage mixed with satisfaction before moving on to the next thing, while his supporters will just see the entire episode as evidence of Warren's dishonesty and further evidence of their hero's don't-give-a-feck approach to his rivals, which they love. For those who actually matter, i.e. anyone still unsure about Trump, it's a non-issue - if they've watched Trump engaging in these petty disputes for years now and been proven wrong countless times, and are still on the fence about him, then it's clear they have other priorities than worrying about Warren's heritage. They don't care about it. All Warren's response does is engage Trump in an area where he's most happy; as you say, "it's worked for him so far."
The bad faith charade Trump's been ginning up is that Warren reckons on she's a Native American when she isn't, not that she once farted in a Tepee. In light of that who the hell's going to give a ha'penny damn that Warren can now legitimately claim she's between 1/64th and 1/1024th Cherokee? They'll just find that laughable and virtually nobody who supported him cared that this wasn't disingenuous bullshit to begin with. Oh no, once again rates a Trump statement a '4 upside down Pinocchio PANTS ON FIRE' Whopper - whatever shall he do? The miserable truth is that it doesn't matter. He'll carry on calling her Pocahontas, we'll all remain of the belief he's an unhinged loon and everyone that lapped it up to begin with will lap it up to end with too.

While all of that may be true, the question I was answering was "why she didnt just ignore it?". The answer being, that she needed to say something or he could then follow that up with "and she refused to show proof...". Whether or not she is, no one really cares. But she had to say something, or it would have grown. At least by saying something she can limit it to stupid name calling and not give ammo for an attack on her character later on if she decides to run. If she waited, it would by "why didnt she give proof back then?". If she ignores it, "why isnt she giving us proof? Whats she hiding?". At least this way, its "who cares?".

Its all stupid school yard shit.
I'm not sure how my argument changed, or what you think my original point was. By saying Trump is right in regards to his "who cares?" comment, I was making the point that Warren's response is not going to make any difference to anyone that matters in how they view Trump. Nobody important cares that Trump got it wrong, or that he's the one who actually made an issue out of it, that's not how he's evaluated. Everybody who already despises him will have got their day's moment of outrage mixed with satisfaction before moving on to the next thing, while his supporters will just see the entire episode as evidence of Warren's dishonesty and further evidence of their hero's don't-give-a-feck approach to his rivals, which they love. For those who actually matter, i.e. anyone still unsure about Trump, it's a non-issue - if they've watched Trump engaging in these petty disputes for years now and been proven wrong countless times, and are still on the fence about him, then it's clear they have other priorities than worrying about Warren's heritage. They don't care about it. All Warren's response does is engage Trump in an area where he's most happy; as you say, "it's worked for him so far."

The point of replying had nothing to do with anyone else. It was about limiting future attacks. Say nothing, and youll be attacked for it. Say something later, youll be attacked for it. Say something now, well, who cares? If she plans to run, then she needs to get out in front of his bullshit and future bullshit. The people might not care, but they'll happy use the media sound bites later on when it suits their needs. You think FOX news isnt going to run with "warren refuses DNA test, whats she hiding?" or fox and friends setting aside a little message saying how she should be ashamed of herself blah blah blah. Its all propaganda, all of it.
Donald Trump is generally despised in Denmark but there are always those that like people like him and those in Denmark tent to vote Dansk Folkeparti ( Danish Folk Party ) because they share Donald Trumps extremely negative views about muslims, immigrants and refugees from the Middle East. Dansk Folkepartis voter group is mostly lower middle class and working class voters. They do not make up the most of those voting groups but they do stem from these two voter groups mainly. This is not slagging off working class and poor people but merely mentioning what statistics shows.
Oh so people with racists xenophobic and bigoted views like Trump and in Denmark this is mostly the lower middle class and working class vote. Still doesn't really apply to the USA though.
While all of that may be true, the question I was answering was "why she didnt just ignore it?". The answer being, that she needed to say something or he could then follow that up with "and she refused to show proof...". Whether or not she is, no one really cares. But she had to say something, or it would have grown. At least by saying something she can limit it to stupid name calling and not give ammo for an attack on her character later on if she decides to run. If she waited, it would by "why didnt she give proof back then?". If she ignores it, "why isnt she giving us proof? Whats she hiding?". At least this way, its "who cares?".

Its all stupid school yard shit.

Trump's accusation wasn't that that she's lying about being 1/1024th Cherokee, it's that she's claimed she's Native American. She's just another in a long line of Democrats that ends up feeling the need to genuflect to a never ending Republican cavalcade of nonsense. This crap deserves no respect, she's not ahead of it, she's feeding it:

that's another minor phenomenon, disenfranchised people getting recruited into hardline anti-immigrant parties, usually hovering around single digit or fractions of a percentage with peeks during political instability. idk about denmark specifically but the voters tend to be pensioners with their most vocal minority being young, often hairless, natives who make for dramatic and worrying footage at protests
The whole uneducated masses thing gives a lot of people a really easy get out for the political events they've caused. It's like when the Guardian does one of it's god awful videos about people in the north and they always either interview a 198 year old who hates Labour because Corbyn won't blow up Iran or a ''working class'' lad who also owns his own business.

Erm... I'm fecking lost for words on this one. He has absolutely no self awareness whatsoever and is clearly clueless to anything and everything but his own bubble.

I..... nope..... this one has it all. Hypocrisy, racism, insults, naivety, ignorance...
Trump's accusation wasn't that that she's lying about being 1/1024th Cherokee, it's that she's claimed she's Native American.
he claimed that she lied about her families heritage to get into standford or whatever sociopath factory she went to, the implication being that she got in at the expense of smarter, whiter people
Erm... I'm fecking lost for words on this one. He has absolutely no self awareness whatsoever and is clearly clueless to anything and everything but his own bubble.

I..... nope..... this one has it all. Hypocrisy, racism, insults, naivety, ignorance...
and somehow it's not even the most racist thing he's done to native americans, the photo op next painting of andrew jackson takes the most racist thing to native americans prize imo
he claimed that she lied about her families heritage to get into standford or whatever sociopath factory she went to, the implication being that she got in at the expense of smarter, whiter people

That's the flimsy minutae, but it's not the picture imbibed. That picture is now gonna be, quite literally: "Pocahontas actually turns out to be 1/1024th Cherokee - what a fecking fraud".

Like I can sit and hope that all the racist crap that's going to inevitably flow from this moves the needle, but I ain't going to hold my breath.
The point of replying had nothing to do with anyone else. It was about limiting future attacks. Say nothing, and youll be attacked for it. Say something later, youll be attacked for it. Say something now, well, who cares? If she plans to run, then she needs to get out in front of his bullshit and future bullshit. The people might not care, but they'll happy use the media sound bites later on when it suits their needs. You think FOX news isnt going to run with "warren refuses DNA test, whats she hiding?" or fox and friends setting aside a little message saying how she should be ashamed of herself blah blah blah. Its all propaganda, all of it.

I don't think there's anything Warren could have done to stop Trump using it. However ignoring it would have implied to everyone outside the Trump cult that it's the non-issue that it is, and there are more important things at stake. Best route to go down IMO. All she's done here is hand Trump another minor victory, as his supporters will perceive her as having being triggered (and they live for those moments), and the Cherokee statement actually gives Trump something conclusive to throw at her. As he is now doing.
and somehow it's not even the most racist thing he's done to native americans, the photo op next painting of andrew jackson takes the most racist thing to native americans prize imo

Oh definitely, but he just can't help himself, even worse. He truly doesn't give a shit.

That's the flimsy minutae, but it's not the picture imbibed. The picture is now gonna be, quite literally: "Pocahontas actually turns out to be 1/1024th Cherokee - what a fecking fraud".
well yes, but it's important to keep note of the minutiae anyway because there are darker more important insinuations, the minutiae is what really speaks to the base - they might like that trump uses racial slurs but the real heroin to the vein is the further implication that he will end the affirmative action that lets minorities get an education
Oh definitely, but he just can't help himself, even worse. He truly doesn't give a shit.

Trump needs a foil to distract from himself, his policies, and investigations, so he will use this for a few days to gin up some base support before the mid terms. In the long run, he won't be able to squeeze much more juice out of this lemon than he already has.
Oh so people with racists xenophobic and bigoted views like Trump and in Denmark this is mostly the lower middle class and working class vote. Still doesn't really apply to the USA though.

Please reread it again carefully as i did not make a exact social group comparison between Denmark and USA. I did how mention a certain type of behaviour or culture that exist in the lowest social group in Denmark, and how that same type culture is more wide spread in U.S.A across the socio-economic groups there.
well yes, but it's important to keep note of the minutiae anyway because there are darker more important insinuations, the minutiae is what really speaks to the base - they might like that trump uses racial slurs but the real heroin to the vein is the further implication that he will end the affirmative action that lets minorities get an education

I get you, and you're right, but to all intents and purposes Warren's "amazing con" is that she claimed she was Pocahontas when she wasn't, not whatever actually happened.
If he makes it to 2020 and either Bernie or Elizabeth are nominated. Calling them crazy Bernie and Pocahontas will wear very thin amongst his voters who had voted Obama before.They would want to hear more about details of his policies.
Trump needs a foil to distract from himself, his policies, and investigations, so he will use this for a few days to gin up some base support before the mid terms. In the long run, he won't be able to squeeze much more juice out of this lemon than he already has.

Obviously. This is all perfectly timed to distract from the Saudi Arabia issues regarding the death of a journalist and Trumps weakness and comments about weapon sales and the continuing issues in Yemen. Dozens more children killed again yesterday and one of the biggest humanitarian crisis on the planet.

I just wish the press would concentrate on that as much as they do other shit, but they keep getting side tracked as as Grinner said, they keep wanting to get muddy with the pig. 3 years now and they still haven't learned a thing it seems.
Please reread it again carefully as i did not make a exact social group comparison between Denmark and USA. I did how mention a certain type of behaviour or culture that exist in the lowest social group in Denmark, and how that same type culture is more wide spread in U.S.A across the socio-economic groups there.

And ? It has no use when talking about how to defeat Trump or win over his voters.
Ultimately he knows he is going to get impeached by the house if as predicted by many, the Dems retake control next month, so he is throwing as much crap at the wall to gin up GOP enthusiasm in a last minute attempt to not lose the House. It worked a couple of weeks ago with Kavanaugh, but that has now faded so he is on to the next thing.
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And ? It has no use when talking about how to defeat Trump or win over his voters.

If you do not know the characteristics of the person or groups of people you are dealing with then you won´t be able to win them over effectively ( or just in enough numbers ) as you need detailed information to target groups of people successfully. This is why Intel gathering of target groups is essential for politicians today as can be seen by what the Trump campaign did. If you do not know who you are targeting, then you are aiming blindly and far less chance that you will end up successful.

It has everything to do with how to beat Trump and take voters from him.
If he makes it to 2020 and either Bernie or Elizabeth are nominated. Calling them crazy Bernie and Pocahontas will wear very thin amongst his voters who had voted Obama before.They would want to hear more about details of his policies.

You'd hope so, but the Republican party's developed a neverending production line for bullshit sausages of which the Pocahontas Chipotle is only the current top seller. If you want a changeup they've got swiftboat sizzlers, long form Benghazi burgers and comet pizzas too - not to mention tan suits and EMAILZ.

They manufacture outrage on an industrial scale as easily as a healthy man draws breath.
Ultimately he knows he is going to get impeached by the house if as predicted by many, the Dems retake control next month, so he is throwing as much crap at the wall to gin up GOP enthusiasm in a last minute attempt to not lose the House. It worked a couple of weeks ago with Kavanaugh, but that has now faded so he is on to the next thing.

But so what? And what for? He can still continue to be President unless it is for treason or bribery, and we all know his supporters will just see it all as a massive witch hunt and not believe any findings. The Dems can start as many investigations as they like but he will still have enough support to fight back.

The only hope I hold out is Mueller and Trump actually being arrested for serious crimes after evidence is produced, and enough of it to absolutely show how corrupt he is. I do believe for this to happen though that scores of arrests will need to be made and that must include Democrats too. We all know the corruption isn't isolated to just the Republicans, yes it may be far worse, but it's not all one sided and the results and evidence of that must be presented to help placate what could arise if and when Trump is exposed and charged.

I've seen hundreds of people saying they are willing to fight and that this is what the 2nd amendment is for. They fully believe it's to bear arms in defence of Trump if the corrupt Dems bring him down. Yes much may be hyperbole, but I have seen more than enough to think many are actually serious. I certainly don't think it can be taken lightly or ignored anyway.
I do not think Warren comes out of this very well. 8 generations prior, the most likely ancestor is something like 200 years ago, and 1/256? I would be really surprised if the average American doesn't have more than this.

"Best" case scenario, 6 generations prior is still 1/64 (not 1/32 as reported). I dont see many contexts (including medical) where this would be considered having "native american ancestry" in practical terms. Though technically correct, it's as dumb as me saying I have African ancestry, with all members of my family until at least 4 generations prior being white. The average (white) Portuguese has something like 2 to 3% admixture with African haplotypes so, around 1/32.
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