The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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To be fair ,Trump should know all about paid professionals. He as them at his rallies.
How did George Soros become the Anti-Christ of the right?

It started around 2004 when he became a contributor to Move and the likes of O'Reilly and the talk radio crowd criticized him for it (conveniently ignoring all the right wing ultra high income and hedge fund types who have been giving to conservative causes. Soros is comparably hated in places like Russia and Israel for his work promoting Democracy and freedoms there.
It started around 2004 when he became a contributor to Move and the likes of O'Reilly and the talk radio crowd criticized him for it (conveniently ignoring all the right wing ultra high income and hedge fund types who have been giving to conservative causes. Soros is comparably hated in places like Russia and Israel for his work promoting Democracy and freedoms there.
Thanks for the context. You can add Hungary and the UK to the list. You just have to admire the blatant hypocrisy of the right. I know over five right wing billionaire backers off the top of my head.
Also @Raoul do you think there's a bit of anti-semitism involved?

None whatsoever. Soros is completely secular and is viewed as a constant thorn in the side of Israel policy towards Palestine. He's interested in promoting democracy and inclusion as a response to discrimination and nationalism - primarily in Europe, but also in Russia, the US, and middle east. His work with the Roma would be a good example of the sort of thing that interests him.
You're saying there's no element of antisemitism in the ways Soros tends to be criticized?

Not that I've seen. I went to his school in Hungary and routinely went to his policy talks. The people who criticize him are criticizing him because he promotes democracy. There may be some alt-right type memes floating about but those have nothing to do with his projects.
Not that I've seen. I went to his school in Hungary and routinely went to his policy talks. The people who criticize him are criticizing him because he promotes democracy. There may be some alt-right type memes floating about but those have nothing to do with his projects.

Here's Viktor Orban referring to the threat of Soros:

"They do not fight directly, but by stealth; they are not honourable, but unprincipled; they are not national, but international; they do not believe in work, but speculate with money; they have no homeland, but feel that the whole world is theirs. They are not generous, but vengeful, and always attack the heart – especially if it is red, white and green."

Nothing antisemitic there?
More good job numbers for the Trump administration and I think we're officially at the period where he can take the majority of the credit.. The Republicans might take a beating this November but if the economy keeps doing well, he will be very difficult to beat in 2020.
Here's Viktor Orban referring to the threat of Soros:

"They do not fight directly, but by stealth; they are not honourable, but unprincipled; they are not national, but international; they do not believe in work, but speculate with money; they have no homeland, but feel that the whole world is theirs. They are not generous, but vengeful, and always attack the heart – especially if it is red, white and green."

Nothing antisemitic there?

Yeah but that's Orban spewing his nonsense in order to vilify an "other" in order to galvanize his domestic support. He knows that George's work is a threat to his nationalist right wing project and is locked in a tussle with him over CEU and his support for strengthening Hungarian democratic institutions. Soros' work would actually be closer to the critics of Israel (support for Palestine) than those attempting to gin up anti-semitic sentiment. He's very similar to Chomsky in this regard.
More good job numbers for the Trump administration and I think we're officially at the period where he can take the majority of the credit.. The Republicans might take a beating this November but if the economy keeps doing well, he will be very difficult to beat in 2020.

He must be incredibly incompetent to get such good numbers and yet remain so unpopular.
Yeah but that's Orban spewing his nonsense in order to vilify an "other" in order to galvanize his domestic support. He knows that George's work is a threat to his nationalist right wing project and is locked in a tussle with him over CEU and his support for strengthening Hungarian democratic institutions. Soros' work would actually closer to the critics of Israel (support for Palestine) than those attempting to gin up anti-sentiment. He's very similar to Chomsky in this regard.

Yes I understand the context, it doesn’t make it any less antisemitic. And it’s best to avoid using support/criticism of Israel as the measure of antisemitism, it can lead to some weird places.
Yes I understand the context, it doesn’t make it any less antisemitic. And it’s best to avoid using support/criticism of Israel as the measure of antisemitism, it can lead to some weird places.

The overarching point is that Soros' work deals with strengthening democratic institutions and a vast majority of legitimate criticism therefore comes from forces opposed to his work - US Republicans, Putin, Hungarian nationalists, Israeli hardliners etc.
The overarching point is that Soros' work deals with strengthening democratic institutions and a vast majority of legitimate criticism therefore comes from forces opposed to his work - US Republicans, Putin, Hungarian nationalists, Israeli hardliners etc.

Yes, and my point is that much of this criticism is infused with antisemitic tropes, as shown in the example above. Anyone who has completely missed this aspect of the anti-Soros hysteria - now floated publicly by your President - should be aware of what is essentially an antisemitic dogwhistle.
It started around 2004 when he became a contributor to Move and the likes of O'Reilly and the talk radio crowd criticized him for it (conveniently ignoring all the right wing ultra high income and hedge fund types who have been giving to conservative causes. Soros is comparably hated in places like Russia and Israel for his work promoting Democracy and freedoms there.

Have a look at all the Soros nonsense in the comments throughout this asshat's official page. People still believe he's a Nazi sympathizer!

Have a look at all the Soros nonsense in the comments throughout this asshat's official page. People still believe he's a Nazi sympathizer!

Yeah there are countless right wing memes about him ranging from the nazi sympathizer nonsense to portraying him as the evil emperor in Return of the Jedi. He seems to have perfected the art of winding up right wingers by donating to causes antithetical to theirs.
Soros has morphed into the boogeyman word for the right side of politics, similar to Koch for the left. Granted, there are stark differences between Soros and the two Koch brothers.
He must be incredibly incompetent to get such good numbers and yet remain so unpopular.
I don't think he's as unpopular as the polls suggest especially in the red states and the middle of the country. I'd wager that conservatives are far happier with Trump's performance 2 years in than liberals were with Obama's after the same period.
I don't think he's as unpopular as the polls suggest especially in the red states and the middle of the country. I'd wager that conservatives are far happier with Trump's performance 2 years in than liberals were with Obama's after the same period.

That may be true but it would also be because we are far more divided now than when Obama took over, in fact we are probably more divided now than we've been for about 150 years.
That may be true but it would also be because we are far more divided now than when Obama took over, in fact we are probably more divided now than we've been for about 150 years.
True. Political apathy is a big issue. Almost worth making voting a legal requirement.
I don't think he's as unpopular as the polls suggest especially in the red states and the middle of the country. I'd wager that conservatives are far happier with Trump's performance 2 years in than liberals were with Obama's after the same period.

I find it difficult to fathom how an average citizen of this country can sit back and watch this man's behavior and think he's doing a great job. The man has the IQ of a Chia pet. Then again we are talking about Bible thumping morons who follow on his every word and action. Trump was right, he could walk down the street and shoot osmebody in broad daylight and still get the love and adoration of his mentally weak followers. Ironic isn't it? The "morally" right people of this country voting in the most immoral president ever.
More Circuit judges than any admin in history, within the first two years. Flipped the Supreme Court for the next few decades. Rollback of regulation at an incredible pace, especially the EPA.
He's winning bigly.
More Circuit judges than any admin in history, within the first two years. Flipped the Supreme Court for the next few decades. Rollback of regulation at an incredible pace, especially the EPA.
He's winning bigly.
If there is one thing Republicans are excellent at its thinking in the now and immediate gains without any regard for future generations.
More Circuit judges than any admin in history, within the first two years. Flipped the Supreme Court for the next few decades. Rollback of regulation at an incredible pace, especially the EPA.
He's winning bigly.

Removed USA from Paris and Iran agreements.
Pissed off every single US ally.
Started huge trade wars with China and the EU
Refused to impose further sanctions on Russia despite Congressional vote.
Passed huge budget increase for the military and private contractors.
Passed huge tax cut benefiting himself and his rich mates, with further cuts in the pipeline.
Cut funding for countless social programmes such as help for homeless vets and meals on wheels etc
Put kids in cages
Charging the US millions for golf trips at his own properties
Allowed mass corruption and expense scandals for all his billionaire cabinet and government appointments

And on and on and on and on...

Forgotten so much it just shows how corrupt he is and has got away with....
More Circuit judges than any admin in history, within the first two years. Flipped the Supreme Court for the next few decades. Rollback of regulation at an incredible pace, especially the EPA.
He's winning bigly.
It's not been flipped, just cemented. It'll get fecked only when one of the octogenarian liberal judges are replaced.
I don't think he's as unpopular as the polls suggest especially in the red states and the middle of the country. I'd wager that conservatives are far happier with Trump's performance 2 years in than liberals were with Obama's after the same period.
Conservatives usually forgive more than liberals.
More Circuit judges than any admin in history, within the first two years. Flipped the Supreme Court for the next few decades. Rollback of regulation at an incredible pace, especially the EPA.
He's winning bigly.

That's really all McConnell. He's the one that blocked Obama on Garland and then held all the Republicans together with an assist from Dubya. But Trump's great at taking credit for the work of others
Removed USA from Paris and Iran agreements.
Pissed off every single US ally.
Started huge trade wars with China and the EU
Refused to impose further sanctions on Russia despite Congressional vote.
Passed huge budget increase for the military and private contractors.
Passed huge tax cut benefiting himself and his rich mates, with further cuts in the pipeline.
Cut funding for countless social programmes such as help for homeless vets and meals on wheels etc
Put kids in cages
Charging the US millions for golf trips at his own properties
Allowed mass corruption and expense scandals for all his billionaire cabinet and government appointments

And on and on and on and on...

Forgotten so much it just shows how corrupt he is and has got away with....
I forgot some of these. From the GOP pov, it's going swimmingly.
That's really all McConnell. He's the one that blocked Obama on Garland and then held all the Republicans together with an assist from Dubya. But Trump's great at taking credit for the work of others
Makes no difference. It's Trump's party, it's Trump's win.
I dont think getting a justice nominated is any big victory. He almost fecked it up if anything.

So long as someone is qualified then they usually get nominated. If had picked a better candidate all of this would have been avoided.
I dont think getting a justice nominated is any big victory.

Except in this case it is personally for him as Kavanagh has been exclusively picked for one reason only and that being he doesn't feel a sitting President should be investigated or prosecuted for anything and should have the power to stop any investigation to him (Or her) without consequence.

The least surprising news ever but none the less sickening. Timed to perfection too to really own and trigger the Libs on as day where many are losing their shit and professing the end of days. He really is a fecking nasty fat headed cnut.
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