The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Some of his buddies must stand to make a lot of dosh from nuke building is all. Follow the money.
Good luck selling the likes of India, Pakistan & Israel on nonproliferation with statements like those. Infact sooner than later you won't have a leg to stand against North Korea for their nuclear testing.
Icahn as regulation advisor is simply insane. I mean, most everything so far is insane. But an investor advising on regulation? Can I get that gig? I'd be able to retire in 4 years...
What does "come to its senses regarding nukes" mean? Him wanting to add more nukes sounds like the exact opposite of that.
Is this really that moronic in the grand scheme of moronic things he's done and said?

The timing of the tweet suggests he's responding to Putin's calls for Russian upgrades and improvements to its arsenal.

Is this not MAD in action?

EDIT: Adding a blanket of 'I think' to my entire statement.

MAD is already validated by the 450 ICBMs, 110 bombers, and 14 SSBNs with 24 SLBMs apiece (so 336 warheads total).

The Ohio-class by itself still pretty much puts the US at a position of advantage, having first-strike capability. You can't let it all rot, but you can't say you need more to keep MAD in place.
EDIT: Adding a blanket of 'I think' to my entire statement.

MAD is already validated by the 450 ICBMs, 110 bombers, and 14 SSBNs with 24 SLBMs apiece (so 336 warheads total).

The Ohio-class by itself still pretty much puts the US at a position of advantage, having first-strike capability. You can't let it all rot, but you can't say you need more to keep MAD in place.

Sure but that is equally as true of Russia (in fact if anything I think their desire to upgrade is based on the US's technological superiority here) so from a US perspective why would you stand still and allow them to catch up and/or overtake you?

I'm not a huge believer in MAD and would rather both countries would come together and agree to disarm, but in this case this seems like a fairly clear cut case of responding to Russia.

The usual caveats apply to Trump: its stupid to do it on twitter and he writes like a two year old etc... But I think for once the actual content is not as terrible as usual.
What does "come to its senses regarding nukes" mean? Him wanting to add more nukes sounds like the exact opposite of that.

It means nothing. He hasn't a fecking clue about anything but blusters and bullshits all day long. Reminds me of his threat to stop all muslims flying until "we figure out what's going on" :wenger: A quote that, word for word, remains on his website for posterity.
Both Russia and the US want to increase their nuclear capability. It seems someone has already common sense on this planet. Pure idiocy.
It means nothing. He hasn't a fecking clue about anything but blusters and bullshits all day long. Reminds me of his threat to stop all muslims flying until "we figure out what's going on" :wenger: A quote that, word for word, remains on his website for posterity.

Rest assured nothing he says has any value. Whether its making America great again, banning Muslims, giving Jobs to Carrier, etc. Whether its good or bad, his words mean nothing and yet everyone fixates on them as if they do.

We're fecking doomed with this man-child in charge..

If only this were a satirical twitter account. Because two thirds of his tweets seem like satire - with the missing third being too stupid to be considered satire.
Weird thing about that tweet is it doesn't read like one of his own.
Weird thing about that tweet is it doesn't read like one of his own.
Agreed. The lack of punctuation is the only sign that it might be him.

Not beyond him to actually get some help from someone to make him sound more precedential though. That was on purpose

Bwaaaaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! He's trolling the world and thinks everyone is stupid.


Nah, it's actually an unpresidented case of truth: "we will always be trying" means to never make it.

We're fecking doomed with this man-child in charge..

So according to "the international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons" the USA is at 6970 nuclear warheads whereas Russia has 7300.

If it ever comes to the point again where Nukes are going to be we really need even more than 7000 American nukes and 7000 Russian nukes to be fired before realising we should stop rather quickly? How many nukes are you realistically supposed to use according to Donald?
Makes a change from him trying to be DLT.
Vladimir says it's a splendid idea.

"We need to strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces, especially with missile complexes that can reliably penetrate any existing and prospective missile defence systems," the Kremlin strongman said.
Vladimir says it's a splendid idea.

"We need to strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces, especially with missile complexes that can reliably penetrate any existing and prospective missile defence systems," the Kremlin strongman said.

You can just see the beginnings of a swinging dick contest between Trump and Putin emerging.

Trump will feel compelled to prove he's not a Putin lackey by possibly not reversing existing Sanctions. Putin will react by being a bit provocative in Ukraine and the Baltics. And so on...
So when is the best time for all of us to start fleeing to Northern Canada? :wenger: Is there a better place?
Tiny islands in the Pacific or Atlantic are too dangerous. They might actually be targeted as they can be important outposts like in WW2.

...seriously though, some scary stuff going on currently. What is happening?!
It's like a 2000 A.D. storyline.
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