The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The Democrats keep discussing meaningless bullshit.

They should better try to answer two questions:

1. Why so many middle and low class whites do not believe that the Democrats will help them.

2. Why their nomination process with super-delegates, caucuses etc is actually less democratic than what the republicans do.
GOP also have caucuses, and a lot of winner-takes-all states.
I generally agree with both points, especially the superdelegates bit. If I'm not mistaken Hillary supported getting rid of them (after the fact of course) when she met with Bernie to seek his support.
Is Stein any worse than Hillary or Trump?

She was exposed as an idiot under a fraction of the scrutiny Clinton and Trump campaigned through. Worse is a difficult concept in this comparison but President Stein would have been an entirely horrendous turn of events in its own right.
No super rich oligarch has ever been elected president of the US. The closest to that description was probably Thomas Jefferson, a rich plantation owner and member of the Virginia ruling elite. Ironically, the richest US president before Trump may have been John F Kennedy, who never worked a day in his life, and inherited his wealth from his unscrupulous father.

Well yeah if you consider commanding torpedo boats in the Navy during World War II as "never worked a day in his life." Sure, his father did get him into the Navy despite some previous disqualifications (physical), nonetheless, the man did serve during war earning a few honors for heroism along the way. Granted, serving in the Pacific holds nothing to one fighting his "own Vietnam" banging broads in the 80s NYC.
There's no such thing. He won the Medal of Honour, or Honor as they spell it. Pedantry 101

He wasn't awarded the MoH (btw, it kinda bugs me when people say "won" the MoH - no one wins that).

He was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal which is for heroic actions in a non-combat situation. He also received a Purple Heart for injuries suffered during war.
He wasn't awarded the MoH (btw, it kinda bugs me when people say "won" the MoH - no one wins that).

He was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal which is for heroic actions in a non-combat situation. He also received a Purple Heart for injuries suffered during war.

:lol: I know, I was winding Will up. I didn't know if he was awarded either tbh, was just being pedantic about the name of the medal and having some fun with him over it.
:lol: I know, I was winding Will up. I didn't know if he was awarded either tbh, was just being pedantic about the name of the medal and having some fun with him over it.

Yeah, his nonsense about serving the country during war was hilarious. I'd pay to watch Will tell off a British SAS troop or American SOF operator that serving during war is not work.
Yeah, his nonsense about serving the country during war was hilarious. I'd pay to watch Will tell off a British SAS troop or American SOF operator that serving during war is not work.

I'd be right there with you, I will bring the popcorn, that would be great viewing.
Well yeah if you consider commanding torpedo boats in the Navy during World War II as "never worked a day in his life." Sure, his father did get him into the Navy despite some previous disqualifications (physical), nonetheless, the man did serve during war earning a few honors for heroism along the way. Granted, serving in the Pacific holds nothing to one fighting his "own Vietnam" banging broads in the 80s NYC.

Poor trumpster couldn't go because he had some nasty bone spurs which barely allowed him to play basketball. The GOP love their draft dodgers recently.
Let's get ready to rumble.....

Check his Twitter feed, he's getting death threats and some serious shit. He's been planning on dropping these tapes for months, and planned to do so before the election but needed a crew member to verify and back him up. This shit goes pretty deep. Also, he's mentioning taxes and Russia 2013 and implying other stuff too. Feck knows, but this could be big(league)
He should just release everything. The narrative will quickly change from him to the substance of what's on the tapes.
He should just release everything. The narrative will quickly change from him to the substance of what's on the tapes.

I think he is going to. He's also going to release the voicemails from the moron elects team threatening him.

Also, crowdfunding his legal bills has already started.
I think he is going to. He's also going to release the voicemails from the moron elects team threatening him.

Also, crowdfunding his legal bills has already started.

The likes of George Soros and Mark Cuban would pay all the bills in a heartbeat, along with small contributions from millions of average people, so no problem there.
The likes of George Soros and Mark Cuban would pay all the bills in a heartbeat, along with small contributions from millions of average people, so no problem there.

Apparently Cuban has seen the tapes too. It's a wonder as to why he didn't get copies and release them himself. I'm still wondering what Arnold was alluding to with Russia and 2013 taxes in his tweets. Whatever it is has the morons team worried.
Apparently Cuban has seen the tapes too. It's a wonder as to why he didn't get copies and release them himself. I'm still wondering what Arnold was alluding to with Russia and 2013 taxes in his tweets. Whatever it is has the morons team worried.

Yep. Finally Rick Wilson and his vauted opo dump will be vindicated, albeit two months too fecking late.

I'd like to see some media like the NYT, Washington Post etc pick up on this to verify that its more than just a Twitter thing launched from Arnold's page.
Yep. Finally Rick Wilson and his vauted opo dump will be vindicated, albeit two months too fecking late.

I'd like to see some media like the NYT, Washington Post etc pick up on this to verify that its more than just a Twitter thing launched from Arnold's page.

Yup, you and me both. It definitely needs to be picked up by some mainstream media outlets. I'd say reputable, but in this day and age there isn't such a thing. Well, there are to those of us that actually think and use our brains, but there are too many around who don't and too many who just flat out don't believe anything written in the press or shown on any news channel.
Oh my.
If he does have them and they're as described, for which I am fairly skeptical, should release just before inauguration to really feck it up.
Video should have been leaked before the election :mad:

Though if it awakens more people to realise what a horrible racist Trump is, then thats some positive news.
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