The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Stormy Daniels has a book coming out too, which promises full disclosure of her relationship with Trumpy Pumpy.

big Fcuking deal. why is this even a story. what in today's society makes a story about a man and a woman having a relationship outside marriage newsworthy.

it's shite like this that makes people stand with Trump.

Here's another beauty. Feck the fact it's Dworkin, it's the CNN report I'm posting it for. It will take years to fully comprehend the corruption and damage this administration will have caused the USA and the rest of the world.
big Fcuking deal. why is this even a story. what in today's society makes a story about a man and a woman having a relationship outside marriage newsworthy.

it's shite like this that makes people stand with Trump.
Not sure if serious sooooo real quick:

1. The President of the United States enjoys unwavering support from fundamental Christians, who may be interested to learn he cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star. Then again, I have little faith in that changing their opinions of him.

2. He told reporters, when questioned, that he had never heard of Stormy Daniels on camera, and knew nothing about her. That's the President of the United States, who either forgot something a few years ago (because he has so many affairs who can really remember) or willingly, happily lied to the press. And is now caught in that lie.

Reminder, Bill Clinton had impeachment articles drawn up against him because of less than that.

That's why people care.
Not sure if serious sooooo real quick:

1. The President of the United States enjoys unwavering support from fundamental Christians, who may be interested to learn he cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star. Then again, I have little faith in that changing their opinions of him.

2. He told reporters, when questioned, that he had never heard of Stormy Daniels on camera, and knew nothing about her. That's the President of the United States, who either forgot something a few years ago (because he has so many affairs who can really remember) or willingly, happily lied to the press. And is now caught in that lie.

Reminder, Bill Clinton had impeachment articles drawn up against him because of less than that.

That's why people care.

Not quite, Clinton lied under oath and was impeached for perjury,
Something that people tend to underestimate when they refer to the 70s and 80s employment environment is technology. Technology created two relatively big issues that required and still requires a massive shift in education, first it increased efficiency you generally need less labour to produce as much, there is a shit toward more capital than labour because it's often more cost efficient particularly in developed countries. The second issue is that entry level jobs now requires more skills, more technical knowledge partially due to the advancement in technology but also due to regulations and organizational theories. We can't really go back in time, we need to look forward and adapt collectively.
Agreed but it has happened in the US way more than anywhere else. And the sad thing is that people feel like we are powerless to do anything about it. That's the lie propagated by the benefactors (the 1 percent) of it who have gotten massively richer because no sensible laws were put in place (at least in the US) to protect workers from it.

Not really, the same thing happened in all countries that are at an equivalent stage of development. That observation should tell you something.
Because you had Reagan, the godfather of neoliberalism along with Thatcher. The problem is that the left has done nothing about it, but has totally embraced it. Then you wonder why Trump won.

That's a simplification, it was going to happen anyway simply because labour costs a lot more in developed countrie which means that industries with small margins due to relatively small added value. The issue is that they accelerated it while not creating a solid framework for the new structure mainly because it would have required investment that weren't in line with the small state ideology. At least that's my view.
As if his handling of the crisis during it wasnt bad enough, he's rather unnecessarily making it million times worth to paint himself a grotesque picture.
At this point, I’m not even shocked anymore. He’s a cnut. He doesn’t care about reality. He tells outrageous lies & his followers believe him. It’s insane.
He's such a disgusting human being.. and it's beyond tragic that his behaviour is accepted and defended by so many people around him. Makes me sick to my stomach.
That really must be his worst yet, I mean it's essentially Sandyhook denialism on a grander scale.
Wow I think that's the worst so far. Expect dozens of GOP house members not to have seen it later.

What kind of human beings can still support him?!
He's such a disgusting human being.. and it's beyond tragic that his behaviour is accepted and defended by so many people around him. Makes me sick to my stomach.
That really must be his worst yet, I mean it's essentially Sandyhook denialism on a grander scale.
My thoughts too on both counts. It's something he should get rinsed from by literally everybody.
6 more years people.
Something big is coming. This is designed distraction.
I really don't think so. He is impulsive and this is just him trying to defend himself for some of the bad press he's received over Puerto Rico in the past week.
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