The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I hear ya, but in both situations they voted against their own interests so....
Many of those that voted for Trump voted for Obama. They thought at long last change was coming ,instead they got more of the same. Then the DNC chose an awful candidate ,who just reminded them of a continuation of elitism and offered nothing new .
Trump, however, saw himself as a Twitter wordsmith.
"It's a good thing," Trump said when Twitter expanded its character count to 280, "but it's a bit of a shame because I was the Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters."


More like the Ernest P. Worrell of Twitter.
Many of those that voted for Trump voted for Obama. They thought at long last change was coming ,instead they got more of the same. Then the DNC chose an awful candidate ,who just reminded them of a continuation of elitism and offered nothing new .
Yeah. I guess I'm not in a position where I feel like my best option is to vote for somebody to potentially make my situation better, but more than likely make it much worse based on historical evidence and my own conclusions.
Interesting. So she's doing it to feck with people basically and fall for a trap. And then they do exactly that.

Hope she's ignored.

With that said. I still don't buy it. She's risking a shit show of backlash just so she can troll libs.... Nah sorry I don't buy that. Either way ignore

Maybe she's fecking with the Nazis. Half Mexican part Jew doing WP signs.
I'm sure they did. You had conspiratorial twitter users thinking she was an alt-right figure (this is a Jewish woman whose grandparents narrowly escaped the holocaust).
In this day and age it's means nothing what your ethnic or cultural background is, you just have to look at the number of Russian Jewish immigrants in Israel who hold Nazi beliefs.

Everything is illogical and upside down now.
Maybe she's hinting about Kavagnaugh.

Deplorables losing their shit over Nike featuring Colin Kaepernick.
I love it.

My FB post after seeing endless loops of "patriot" outrage today.

Where was the collective patriot outrage at disrespecting the flag/troops/country when right-wing icon and conservative media darling Sarah Palin draped herself in a flag and later signed a flag for a fan?

You know blatant violations of 4 USC 8. Last I checked, Colin hasn't violated any law.

But dog forbid a black man dare protest in peace and actually put his money and physical self within causes he supports. And actually contribute those donations before being called out for not doing so after pledging such (now what orange person could that be?).
Interesting. So she's doing it to feck with people basically and fall for a trap. And then they do exactly that.

Hope she's ignored.

With that said. I still don't buy it. She's risking a shit show of backlash just so she can troll libs.... Nah sorry I don't buy that. Either way ignore

When you look at the full video its interesting. She gets a text, looks down and then immediately puts her hand in that position in an unnatural and awkward motion that looks intentional. Considering she works closely with Stephen Miller I personally don't think the gesture looks natural and unintentional.

For someone like Mattis to even comment on something on a book like that - let alone through Donnie s personal Twitter account seems exactly like the small and butt hurt thing Trump would do - not the general. I really hope the Dems and moderates have their act together to sweep the floor with these clowns because I'm done with Washington being the biggest joke in global politics.
Order to kill Assad? That seems ubelievable even for him.

Totally believable imo. He has the power to do it and doesn't care about the consequences.

Don't forget he's asked his people to fire Mueller a couple of times and they have refused, which led him to back down. Mattis ignoring him here would therefore be completely believable.
For someone like Mattis to even comment on something on a book like that - let alone through Donnie s personal Twitter account seems exactly like the small and butt hurt thing Trump would do - not the general. I really hope the Dems and moderates have their act together to sweep the floor with these clowns because I'm done with Washington being the biggest joke in global politics.

You think Trump will stay silent/still if the Dems even sweep? Trump will just change his tack and weaponise both the bully pulpit/WH but also the various Depts and blame them for everything from the sun being too bright to the sun setting too early.

The next two years post-Mid terms will be far worse for those who are willing to pay attention even if the Dems sweep. Unfortunately, these first 20 months is only the prelude.
Totally believable imo. He has the power to do it and doesn't care about the consequences.

Don't forget he's asked his people to fire Mueller a couple of times and they have refused, which led him to back down. Mattis ignoring him here would therefore be completely believable.
Yeah, but doing this would not make Vlad happy . The exact opposite actually.
There's no incentive for her to do so, especially if it upstages Kavannaugh's hearing. There's no rational motive there.

Do I think that Zina Bash might intentionally throw up a subtle controversial subtle hand sign to "troll the libs"? I absolutely believe she would.

She is most certainly trolling since the origin of the whole okay sign = white power symbol is the troll den called 4chan.
I'm wondering how bad the meltdown was considering he's got everyone releasing statements :lol:


There’s also something mildly amusing about a WH chief of staff using the phrase «totally BS» in an official statement.
This book sounds like it will cause some controversy for a good week or two and than disappear the same way all other "OH MY GAWD TRUMP IS CRAZY" books that have come out during is presidency.
This book sounds like it will cause some controversy for a good week or two and than disappear the same way all other "OH MY GAWD TRUMP IS CRAZY" books that have come out during is presidency.
It will disappear because Drump will upstage it by yet another act of insanity.
This book sounds like it will cause some controversy for a good week or two and than disappear the same way all other "OH MY GAWD TRUMP IS CRAZY" books that have come out during is presidency.

Probably, but Woodward has a complete different credibility compared to the last author.
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