Obama said the press was obsessed with Wikileaks.
I thought the press was obsessed with Trump.
A lot of finger pointing going on. He should just shut up and finish planning his massive retaliation against Putin.
KellyAnne's transformation into a fact-free propagandist is nearly complete....
Such a fcukin mess, you got the president, the CIA, the FBI etc. Claiming a Russian hack occurred. Then you have WikiLeaks, RT (Yea lol), pretty much any Repub, etc. denying a Russian hack...
I can understand if a person just admits not knowing who to believe (which is where I am). You got be in the know, exceptional at cutting through the BS, partisan as fcuk, gullible, or plain stubborn to claim you 100% sure wtf is going on.
Josephine Goebbels is my nickname for her.
In a way I'm sure this is the sort of chaos Putin intended. A lot of questions about the election and democratic institutions. In this instance one has to stick with facts and the truth that are supported by institutions.
what do you think Obama will do?
what do you think Obama should do?
I think it could be multi-pronged :
1. Sanctions (which Trump will be under immense pressure to not reverse)
2. Publicizing limited specifics of Putin's involvement to embarrass him.
3. Leaking information to the press about Putin's corruption and embezzlement of Russian state funds over the past 15 years
4. Nationwide power outage in Russia for 48 hours.
Trump just said "we're going to build safe zones in Syria, and the Gulf states will pay for them".
I think it could be multi-pronged :
1. Sanctions (which Trump will be under immense pressure to not reverse)
2. Publicizing limited specifics of Putin's involvement to embarrass him.
3. Leaking information to the press about Putin's corruption and embezzlement of Russian state funds over the past 15 years
4. Nationwide power outage in Russia for 48 hours.
Trump just said "we're going to build safe zones in Syria, and the Gulf states will pay for them".
Anonymous have just released a message the Moron Elect and claim the have absolute proof that Russia was involved in the hacking scandals.
So now, Anonymous, FBI and CIA v WikiLeaks. The sub plots in this election are just insane. This is just going to run and run and who knows where it will end?
I think it could be multi-pronged :
1. Sanctions (which Trump will be under immense pressure to not reverse)
2. Publicizing limited specifics of Putin's involvement to embarrass him.
3. Leaking information to the press about Putin's corruption and embezzlement of Russian state funds over the past 15 years
4. Nationwide power outage in Russia for 48 hours.
In his columns for Arutz Sheva, Friedman writes with full reactionary fervor. President Obama, in his view, is guilty of “blatant anti-Semitism.” Obama’s sin, Friedman charges, is his failure to denounce terror and anti-Semitic propaganda in Palestinian circles. Which is the embodiment of fake news. Obama might (reasonably) yearn for the Israeli liberalism of an earlier time and have a distaste for the country’s movement toward religious nationalism, but to call him anti-Semitic is vile.
Friedman has described J Street, the liberal Zionist lobbying group, as comparable to the “Kapos during the Nazi regime.” The reference is to the prisoners forced to work as functionaries in the concentration camps.
“Finally, are J Street supporters really as bad as kapos? The answer, actually, is no,” Friedman wrote in Arutz Sheva. “They are far worse than kapos—Jews who turned in their fellow Jews in the Nazi death camps. The kapos faced extraordinary cruelty and who knows what any of us would have done under those circumstances to save a loved one? But J Street? They are just smug advocates of Israel’s destruction delivered from the comfort of their secure American sofas—it’s hard to imagine anyone worse.”
Asked about this piece of wisdom recently at the Saban Conference, in Washington, Friedman doubled down. “They’re not Jewish,” Friedman said of J Street, “and they’re not pro-Israel.”
They’re not Jewish. This is a calumny of the most disgusting order. But hardly a new one. Netanyahu, in the hope of solidifying his conservative and religious base, was once overheard whispering in the ear of the Sephardic leader and rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, “The left has forgotten what it is to be Jewish.”
And a war crime I'd say as the inevitable consequence would be death to numerous civilians most probably the old and youngThere are existing sanctions I understand. Trump wants to remove them
Of course we can impose more for a month....
I like 2 and 3
4. ?In winter?? I suppose we can access their grids.
That would tantamount to war.
4. Nationwide power outage in Russia for 48 hours.
Actually, the majority of their grids are very archaic. So, in the same way they build electronics with micro vacuum tubes to counter the imperialistic EMP , they are protected by obsolete technology.Yeah, do that in Russia during Siberian winter.
Or actually, you could do it if you simultanously agree on a 48hr power outage in the US for every election the US has meddled in, should leave you with lights out for about the best part of two years.
They are Russians, they all have ancient furnaces which they pile full of Siberian birch logs.
I'm not exactly sure where to put this but how is it not being spoken about more? This wouldn't look at all out of place at home?
North Carolina Republicans’ Legislative Coup Is an Attack on Democracy
Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly staged a shocking legislative coup on Wednesday night, calling a second special session and proposing a raft of measures designed to strip power from the newly progressive state Supreme Court and governorship. This last-minute power grab marks an alarming departure from basic democratic norms—a blatant attempt to overturn the results of an election by curtailing judicial independence and restructuring the government to seize authority lawfully delegated to the incoming Democratic governor.
The trouble in North Carolina began when Republican Gov. Pat McCrory lost his re-election bid, likely because of his support for the anti-LGBTQ law known as HB2. At the same time that voters replaced McCrory with Democrat Roy Cooper, they ousted a conservative state Supreme Court justice in favor of a progressive. That tilted the balance of power on the court to a 4–3 liberal majority, ending an era in which the court’s conservatives could rubber stamp the legislature’s voter suppression and gerrymandering.
Because of this gerrymandering, Republicans retained a supermajority in the state legislature, even while losing the governorship and Supreme Court. (A federal court ordered the legislature to redraw its maps and hold new elections, but those won’t occur until 2017.) Rumors floated around the capital that Republican legislators would either throw out the results of the gubernatorial election and reinstall McCrory by citing baseless allegations of election fraud or add two seats to the Supreme Court and let McCrory fill them, restoring Republican control. McCrory eventually conceded defeat when a partial recount could not close his 10,000 vote deficit. But concerns over court-packing grew when McCrory called a special legislative session, ostensibly to pass a disaster relief package.
That session did, indeed, result in a disaster relief bill. However, as it drew to a close on Wednesday, Republican leaders called another special session—with the explicit aim of curbing the authority of both Cooper and the court. They promptly put forth a series of dramatic alterations to the government’s structure, including proposals to:
These proposals are not merely designed to negate the will of the voters in this election. They are also intended to maintain Republican-sponsored voter suppression, thereby preventing Democrats from ever regaining control of the North Carolina government. North Carolina Republicans have long strived to prevent black citizens from voting; after the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in 2013, they requested data on voting preferences by race, then passed an omnibus voter suppression act that, as one federal appeals court put it, seemed to “target African Americans with almost surgical precision.”
- Overhaul county election boards to prevent Democratic control. Current law states that each county election board must be made up of three members, two of which should come from the governor’s party. The new proposal would give each election board four members—two Democrats and two Republicans—to prevent Democrats from taking control of the boards.
- Overhaul the State Board of Elections by merging it with the State Ethics Commission and increasing its size. Right now, the law states that the election board must have five members, with three from the governor’s party. The new law would give it eight members—four Democrats and four Republicans—to forestall a Democratic advantage when Cooper takes office.
- Allow a Democrat to chair the State Board of Elections in odd-numbered years—when there are typically no elections—and allow a Republican to chair the board in even-numbered years—when state and federal elections are normally held.
- Make Supreme Court elections partisan and introduce party primaries. Republicans believe they lost the 2016 Supreme Court election because the candidates lacked a partisan identification.
- Completely change the appeals process in order to limit the state Supreme Court’s authority. When Republicans took power, they provided citizens with the right to appeal constitutional challenges from superior court directly to the state Supreme Court. The new measure would remove this right, requiring constitutional challenges to be heard by all 15 judges of the court of appeals—which is dominated by Republicans—before reaching the state Supreme Court.
- Allow McCrory to pick the Industrial Commission chairman, who will serve for the next four years. Under current law, Cooper should have the opportunity to fill this position.
- Reduce the number of state employees who serve at the pleasure of the governor. When McCrory took office, Republicans increased this number from 500 to 1,500. They now propose reducing it to 300.
- Remove Cooper’s ability to appoint trustees to run campuses in the University of North Carolina system—and transfer that power to the state legislature.
- Require Senate confirmation of Cooper’s Cabinet appointments. McCrory’s appointments did not require Senate approval.
- Confirm McCrory’s closest ally, state budget director Andrew Heath, to a superior court judgeship.
- Abolish car-emissions testing in many counties; eliminate some state environmental reports; and remove scientists from certain state boards tasked with protecting public health, replacing them with industry representatives.
Although that court invalidated the law, Republican-controlled county election boards implemented much of it anyway, curtailing early voting and slashing the number of precincts in majority-black counties. These election boards also allowed Republicans to disenfranchise black Democrats—without their knowledge—in violation of federal law. With Cooper’s victory, Democrats were poised to take control of these election boards, thereby restoring voting rights throughout the state. The new measures will deny Democrats this right. They will also significantly delay challenges to the legality of voter suppression methods, drawing out the process for years before the state Supreme Court can hear these cases.
What’s happening in North Carolina is not politics as usual. It is an extraordinarily disturbing legislative coup, a flagrant effort to maintain one-party rule by rejecting democratic norms and revoking the will of the voters. It is the kind of thing we might expect to see in Venezuela, not a U.S. state. It should terrify every American citizen who believes in the rule of law. This is so much more than a partisan power grab. This is an attack on democracy itself.
Genuinely wtf? Am I missing something here?
I'm not exactly sure where to put this but how is it not being spoken about more? This wouldn't look at all out of place at home?
North Carolina Republicans’ Legislative Coup Is an Attack on Democracy
Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly staged a shocking legislative coup on Wednesday night, calling a second special session and proposing a raft of measures designed to strip power from the newly progressive state Supreme Court and governorship. This last-minute power grab marks an alarming departure from basic democratic norms—a blatant attempt to overturn the results of an election by curtailing judicial independence and restructuring the government to seize authority lawfully delegated to the incoming Democratic governor.
The trouble in North Carolina began when Republican Gov. Pat McCrory lost his re-election bid, likely because of his support for the anti-LGBTQ law known as HB2. At the same time that voters replaced McCrory with Democrat Roy Cooper, they ousted a conservative state Supreme Court justice in favor of a progressive. That tilted the balance of power on the court to a 4–3 liberal majority, ending an era in which the court’s conservatives could rubber stamp the legislature’s voter suppression and gerrymandering.
Because of this gerrymandering, Republicans retained a supermajority in the state legislature, even while losing the governorship and Supreme Court. (A federal court ordered the legislature to redraw its maps and hold new elections, but those won’t occur until 2017.) Rumors floated around the capital that Republican legislators would either throw out the results of the gubernatorial election and reinstall McCrory by citing baseless allegations of election fraud or add two seats to the Supreme Court and let McCrory fill them, restoring Republican control. McCrory eventually conceded defeat when a partial recount could not close his 10,000 vote deficit. But concerns over court-packing grew when McCrory called a special legislative session, ostensibly to pass a disaster relief package.
That session did, indeed, result in a disaster relief bill. However, as it drew to a close on Wednesday, Republican leaders called another special session—with the explicit aim of curbing the authority of both Cooper and the court. They promptly put forth a series of dramatic alterations to the government’s structure, including proposals to:
These proposals are not merely designed to negate the will of the voters in this election. They are also intended to maintain Republican-sponsored voter suppression, thereby preventing Democrats from ever regaining control of the North Carolina government. North Carolina Republicans have long strived to prevent black citizens from voting; after the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in 2013, they requested data on voting preferences by race, then passed an omnibus voter suppression act that, as one federal appeals court put it, seemed to “target African Americans with almost surgical precision.”
- Overhaul county election boards to prevent Democratic control. Current law states that each county election board must be made up of three members, two of which should come from the governor’s party. The new proposal would give each election board four members—two Democrats and two Republicans—to prevent Democrats from taking control of the boards.
- Overhaul the State Board of Elections by merging it with the State Ethics Commission and increasing its size. Right now, the law states that the election board must have five members, with three from the governor’s party. The new law would give it eight members—four Democrats and four Republicans—to forestall a Democratic advantage when Cooper takes office.
- Allow a Democrat to chair the State Board of Elections in odd-numbered years—when there are typically no elections—and allow a Republican to chair the board in even-numbered years—when state and federal elections are normally held.
- Make Supreme Court elections partisan and introduce party primaries. Republicans believe they lost the 2016 Supreme Court election because the candidates lacked a partisan identification.
- Completely change the appeals process in order to limit the state Supreme Court’s authority. When Republicans took power, they provided citizens with the right to appeal constitutional challenges from superior court directly to the state Supreme Court. The new measure would remove this right, requiring constitutional challenges to be heard by all 15 judges of the court of appeals—which is dominated by Republicans—before reaching the state Supreme Court.
- Allow McCrory to pick the Industrial Commission chairman, who will serve for the next four years. Under current law, Cooper should have the opportunity to fill this position.
- Reduce the number of state employees who serve at the pleasure of the governor. When McCrory took office, Republicans increased this number from 500 to 1,500. They now propose reducing it to 300.
- Remove Cooper’s ability to appoint trustees to run campuses in the University of North Carolina system—and transfer that power to the state legislature.
- Require Senate confirmation of Cooper’s Cabinet appointments. McCrory’s appointments did not require Senate approval.
- Confirm McCrory’s closest ally, state budget director Andrew Heath, to a superior court judgeship.
- Abolish car-emissions testing in many counties; eliminate some state environmental reports; and remove scientists from certain state boards tasked with protecting public health, replacing them with industry representatives.
Although that court invalidated the law, Republican-controlled county election boards implemented much of it anyway, curtailing early voting and slashing the number of precincts in majority-black counties. These election boards also allowed Republicans to disenfranchise black Democrats—without their knowledge—in violation of federal law. With Cooper’s victory, Democrats were poised to take control of these election boards, thereby restoring voting rights throughout the state. The new measures will deny Democrats this right. They will also significantly delay challenges to the legality of voter suppression methods, drawing out the process for years before the state Supreme Court can hear these cases.
What’s happening in North Carolina is not politics as usual. It is an extraordinarily disturbing legislative coup, a flagrant effort to maintain one-party rule by rejecting democratic norms and revoking the will of the voters. It is the kind of thing we might expect to see in Venezuela, not a U.S. state. It should terrify every American citizen who believes in the rule of law. This is so much more than a partisan power grab. This is an attack on democracy itself.
Genuinely wtf? Am I missing something here?
Get yourself a good diesel generator.
It's all good fun, but what you're talking here is state terrorism, pure and simple, you need to have a word with yourself. You're out of line, and not for the first time.
I have a big problem with US foreign policies but under no circumstances would I even consider putting the lives and welfare of millions of Americans at risk just to get back at their government.