The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Ah, I see. But since he controls all three branches, does he really need the Dems for anything? He started the wall without them, no?
1) He doesn't control the 3 branches, just the Executive. The Legislative branch (Congress) is GOP-controlled, but they don't necessarily have to just do what he says and some of the GOP senators have not fallen in line with him on everything. If they did, then yes, there's much more they already could have jammed through without Democratic support. Him complaining about the Democrats is intentionally intended to mislead people from the fact that there is some resistance within the GOP to his policies. Unfortunately, because it's the GOP, the resistance is often because they don't feel his policies are "conservative" enough. The only thing they've all been on the same page for is the tax cuts for the rich. Finally, the Judicial branch has more traditionally conservative judges on the Supreme Court but they shouldn't really be thought of as controlled by the GOP.

2) He didn't start the wall. He has taken credit for previously approved repair work to existing fencing because he's desperate to point to something as his doing. Right now, the Trump "wins" are just the not-all-that-popular tax cuts. He's also taking credit for the low unemployment numbers and high stock market levels too but it's debatable how much is specifically his doing. The rest - the Muslim travel ban, the immigrant baby cages, the animosity to black athletes, the NRA buttkissing, the Hollywood and media attacks - are all good from an "owning the libs" cultural grievance perspective and he's using that to take focus off the lack of results and the Russia investigation.
Its not the US, its Trump alone who is doing this. Bear in mind that only 25% or so of eligible US voters voted for him. He will be gone at some point soon at which point normal business will resume.

One thing is the way Trump behaves, another thing is his party acting like this is normal behaviour. The Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. I literally feel sick when these guys talk about GOD etc etc and turn a blind eye towards all of Trumps shenanigans. They are the very definition of hypocrisy.
So basically it's the man child not getting his wall so i'll punish the mothers/ fathers of migrants. Even his own party would wish he'd give up on his stupid wall.

He could simply be using the child prison camps as a bargaining chip to get the wall.
Its not the US, its Trump alone who is doing this. Bear in mind that only 25% or so of eligible US voters voted for him. He will be gone at some point soon at which point normal business will resume.

Sorry mate but it's guilt by association and worse still, because it looks like nobody is doing anything about it. The Republicans seem happy to stand by while he literally distances himself from the USA's closest allies. Worse still again he often makes up outright lies about them, slags them publically, starts unnecessary trade wars and pulls out of important deals that puts the rest of the world in danger.

His supporters love this shit because it's what they have always wanted as they genuinely think they are the centre of the Universe. The rest of us however absolutely despise that ignorance and arrogance of certain sections of the US population. The fact the Dems appear spineless and powerless to stop him and the fact the Republicans appear complicit has just made the vast majority of the rest of the world (And many leaders and governments) despair. It's a combination of disbelief, pure comedy and absolute disgust but one thing is clear and that is nobody sees the USA as important anymore. You can see a changing trend where everyone else is happy to accept all this and just look elsewhere for trade deals, alliances and partnerships. Trump is isolating himself, his party and the rest of you are having no choice but to go along with him in whatever direction he takes you.

Trump wants to isolate the USA and play the victim and the rest of the world is happy to let you do it. Honestly, anti US sentiment is rife and higher than I have ever known in my lifetime. It's going to take a lot to turn things back around and if he got elected again I fear it could be almost irreversible.
1) He doesn't control the 3 branches, just the Executive. The Legislative branch (Congress) is GOP-controlled, but they don't necessarily have to just do what he says and some of the GOP senators have not fallen in line with him on everything. If they did, then yes, there's much more they already could have jammed through without Democratic support. Him complaining about the Democrats is intentionally intended to mislead people from the fact that there is some resistance within the GOP to his policies. Unfortunately, because it's the GOP, the resistance is often because they don't feel his policies are "conservative" enough. The only thing they've all been on the same page for is the tax cuts for the rich. Finally, the Judicial branch has more traditionally conservative judges on the Supreme Court but they shouldn't really be thought of as controlled by the GOP.

2) He didn't start the wall. He has taken credit for previously approved repair work to existing fencing because he's desperate to point to something as his doing. Right now, the Trump "wins" are just the not-all-that-popular tax cuts. He's also taking credit for the low unemployment numbers and high stock market levels too but it's debatable how much is specifically his doing. The rest - the Muslim travel ban, the immigrant baby cages, the animosity to black athletes, the NRA buttkissing, the Hollywood and media attacks - are all good from an "owning the libs" cultural grievance perspective and he's using that to take focus off the lack of results and the Russia investigation.

So, essentially it's more a case of his own people not falling in to line when he can't get something done.
Sorry mate but it's guilt by association and worse still, because it looks like nobody is doing anything about it. The Republicans seem happy to stand by while he literally distances himself from the USA's closest allies. Worse still again he often makes up outright lies about them, slags them publically, starts unnecessary trade wars and pulls out of important deals that puts the rest of the world in danger.

His supporters love this shit because it's what they have always wanted as they genuinely think they are the centre of the Universe. The rest of us however absolutely despise that ignorance and arrogance of certain sections of the US population. The fact the Dems appear spineless and powerless to stop him and the fact the Republicans appear complicit has just made the vast majority of the rest of the world (And many leaders and governments) despair. It's a combination of disbelief, pure comedy and absolute disgust but one thing is clear and that is nobody sees the USA as important anymore. You can see a changing trend where everyone else is happy to accept all this and just look elsewhere for trade deals, alliances and partnerships. Trump is isolating himself, his party and the rest of you are having no choice but to go along with him in whatever direction he takes you.

Trump wants to isolate the USA and play the victim and the rest of the world is happy to let you do it. Honestly, anti US sentiment is rife and higher than I have ever known in my lifetime. It's going to take a lot to turn things back around and if he got elected again I fear it could be almost irreversible.

I think people are unusually spun up over things they see on social media which is causing a bit of an anxiety contagion. People hated Dubya over Iraq as well and that was quickly forgotten when Obama rode into town and Europeans began buying Hope posters and t-shirts. At the end of the day Trump is all about himself and once he's gone normal business will be resumed.
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So, essentially it's more a case of his own people not falling in to line when he can't get something done.
With him it's a little harder to assign credit or blame for those things, since he does basically nothing when it comes to actually structuring deals. His approach is that the GOP Congress should get done what he wants and that he'll sign whatever else they come to agreement on. But he doesn't seem particularly interested in being The Great Dealmaker he claims to be. He'll leave that to his Cabinet and certain allies to drive. Rather, he just wants credit when things go well and none of the blame when it doesn't.
I think people are unusually spun up over things they see on social media which is causing a bit of an anxiety contagion. People hated Dubya over Iraq as well and that was quickly forgotten when Obama rode into town and European began buying Hope posters and t-shirts. At the end of the day Trump is all about himself and once he's gone normal business will be resumed.

I agree about GW but he never insulted world leaders publically, never started ridiculous trade wars for no reason and based on lies. He never outright lied about his closest allies and never alienated himself and his country like Trump has.

Trump ticks all the boxes. Bully. Conman. Sexist misogynistic pig. Sexual predator. Cheat. Liar. Bully. Pervert. Racist xenophobe. Thick as feck. Out for himself and completely dangerous.

Anyone with any intelligence and moral compass despises Trump and the disdain he has shown for everything the majority of the rest of the world holds dear. I honestly think you are over estimating not only your importance on the world stage but also you are undererstimating how everyone else is moving on without you.

Don't worry, we are fecked here too but Europe, China, Japan and Canada are definitely happy to forge ahead without the US.
I think people are unusually spun up over things they see on social media which is causing a bit of an anxiety contagion. People hated Dubya over Iraq as well and that was quickly forgotten when Obama rode into town and Europeans began buying Hope posters and t-shirts. At the end of the day Trump is all about himself and once he's gone normal business will be resumed.

The mistake you're making is thinking we forgot about Bush. We didn’t, we just gave the US a pass because it seemed like you corrected your glaring error. Now we see that it wasn’t just a flash in the pan, it was genuinely how a good half of America see the world. Now the question becomes whether we’re ok watching potentially every other US President acting like this, with the other half trying to rein in the damage.
The mistake you're making is thinking we forgot about Bush. We didn’t, we just gave the US a pass because it seemed like you corrected your glaring error. Now we see that it wasn’t just a flash in the pan, it was genuinely how a good half of America see the world. Now the question becomes whether we’re ok watching potentially every other US President acting like this, with the other half trying to rein in the damage.

Who is "we" ?
I think most people who peel back the onion one layer will see that its actually Trump v America and by logical progression Trump v ROTW

Ok, let’s see how many rotw people here agree with your interpretation. I’m quite willing to admit I’m wrong if there’s a rush of support for that.
I think most people who peel back the onion one layer will see that its actually Trump v America and by logical progression Trump v ROTW

It's not though is it? It's the Republican party as well and nearly half the country. As I said, guilt by association and they are all complicit. They certainly don't oppose Trump or publically defend your country's longest and closest allies when he attacks them.
It's not though is it? It's the Republican party as well and nearly half the country. As I said, guilt by association and they are all complicit. They certainly don't oppose Trump or publically defend your country's longest and closest allies when he attacks them.

I don't think you can even say its half the country. Only about 55% of eligible voters voted and Trump got something like 44% of that. So in essence, you are looking at about 25% of the country, which is an overwhelming minority of American citizens who support him. Therefore its hard to conclude that this is either indicative of long term American policy or short term support amongst a majority of Americans.
So we should just assume you are right? Random polls may not be accurate, but it can provide a useful snapshot.

You don't have to assume anyone is right. You do however have to back up your claims with cogent arguments rather than clutching at random polls among people who may not be particularly spun up on the issues.

Naive to think this - there is a significant number of people around the world who, though they might find aspects of Trump's character distasteful in many ways, support his basic agenda and what he represents.
Naive to think this - there is a significant number of people around the world who, though they might find aspects of Trump's character distasteful in many ways, support his basic agenda and what he represents.
Depends what you count as significant. I'd be surprised if there was a total of 100 million of the other 6.7 billion who support his agenda and what he represents (although I don't even think he represents anything other than stupidity, ignorance and greed).
Trump now directly linking Mueller to Comey and even calling them friends does seem to imply something big will drop soon. Charges against Cohen?

It looks like he’s already flipped.
Pretty sure if you ran Twitter analytics on Trump you could identify his menstrual cycle

The idea that we need it at some point doesn't even seem that far fetched but do we need it now and why?? This to me just reeks of Trump 's desperate desire to get his name cemented in American history as the guy that came up with it.

Maybe we should wait for the aliens to come out first and allow them to tell us whether they re trying to take our oil.
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