The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Apologies for the C&P formatting:
Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon said that to his knowledge,
President Donald Trump has never lied to the American people.

Bannon was responding to ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl after
he played video of Trump on the campaign trail in August 2016 telling supporters, "I will never
lie to you. I will never tell you something I do not believe... I will always tell you the truth."

"You famously kept a white board of presidential promises to keep track of," Karl said,
referring to Bannon's practice when he was at the White House. "That's a promise that
[Trump] obviously broke. He has not always told the truth."

Bannon replied, "I don't know that ... From what I see ... he has [told the truth.] This is
another thing to demonize him."

Karl pressed, "The president has never lied?"

"Not to my knowledge, no," Bannon said.

Karl cited Trump's false claim Friday that this week's Justice Department Inspector General
report on the FBI's handling of the Clinton email investigation "totally exonerated" the
president of any collusion or obstruction in the Russia investigation. The report makes no
such conclusion.

"He says things that are not true all the time," Karl said.

"I don't believe that," Bannon said. "I think he speaks in a particular vernacular that connects
to people in this country."

Some news outlets have made a practice of tracking statements by Trump that are false or

On Friday, the president gave an impromptu press conference that was "packed with
falsehoods," ABC News reported.

The false claims at the press conference included Trump's repeated assertions that his
administration's new policy of separating migrant parents and children who try to cross the
U.S. border illegally is due to a law passed by Democrats. There is no law requiring the
separation of families trying to cross the border illegally.
I honestly believe the appropriate course of action from Merkel backed up by the EU is to demand an public apology from from Donald Trump for making up vile shit about Germany and Europe. If he refuses to give one then all American diplomats should be expelled from EU countries as a result and consequence until he gives one. He can not be allowed to get away with those vile lies without consequences.
So basically it's the man child not getting his wall so i'll punish the mothers/ fathers of migrants. Even his own party would wish he'd give up on his stupid wall.
I mean, we all knew it was likely to be the case, but...

Crime has fallen off dramatically in Germany, with the country's internal ministry reporting last month that criminal offences in Germany totaled 5.76 million in 2017, the lowest number since 1992, leading to the lowest crime rate for the country in more than 30 years.
So unfair that the DHS is telling ppl to go to ports of entry but then when people try they are blocked off from doing so. Its a big scam
Notice the way the stupid feck keeps hammering home the idea that Democrats are in charge of laws, despite the GOP holding all 3 branches right now? His base really are dumb enough to believe that shit.
He really is a populist crank.

I am waiting on the Tweet where he blames Cancer on Democrats and says Obama did nothing to stop it spreading. absolute Ball bag.
Reading his tweets seriously pisses me off. I even place mean remarks under them, but he never responds dammit.

It’s just so insane that the president can act like this without any repurcussions.
Again I have no problem with the idiot tweeting a lie about Germany, but how is there simply no recourse for that lie?

It's amazing
Again I have no problem with the idiot tweeting a lie about Germany, but how is there simply no recourse for that lie?

It's amazing

European leaders should take a stand against this clown.

If USA wants to morally implode they can do that all alone.
Run for the boarders

It’s probably been explained before, or more likely it can’t, but don’t the GOP control all three branches? So how exactly are the Democrats at fault for this apparent crime wave?
It’s probably been explained before, or more likely it can’t, but don’t the GOP control all three branches? So how exactly are the Democrats at fault for this apparent crime wave?

Its obviously not the Dems fault. He is using the kids as leverage to get the Dems to capitulate on his policies (the wall, immigration etc).
They already are by way of staying in the Iran deal, reciprocal trade tariffs etc.

It’s not enough imo. Talking like that about your friends is not acceptable at all. If this goes on he will literally ruin years of friendship and cooperation.

I am from Norway btw and my country has historically been very supportive of USA. Now it seems we live in two totally different society’s. It’s a very dangerous road ahead.
Its obviously not the Dems fault. He is using the kids as leverage to get the Dems to capitulate on his policies (the wall, immigration etc).

Ah, I see. But since he controls all three branches, does he really need the Dems for anything? He started the wall without them, no?
It’s not enough imo. Talking like that about your friends is not acceptable at all. If this goes on he will literally ruin years of friendship and cooperation.

I am from Norway btw and my country has historically been very supportive of USA. Now it seems we live in two totally different society’s. It’s a very dangerous road ahead.

Its not the US, its Trump alone who is doing this. Bear in mind that only 25% or so of eligible US voters voted for him. He will be gone at some point soon at which point normal business will resume.
No wonder this cnut has ended up in court his entire life. He really is a stain on our species. We are closing in on point were innocent lives are lost with the justification being Donald trump's feeble mind and incoherent ramblings. The USA should suffer for this inexcusable mistake.
Its not the US, its Trump alone who is doing this. Bear in mind that only 25% or so of eligible US voters voted for him. He will be gone at some point soon at which point normal business will resume.

But it's not just Trump. Even in usually respectable outlets like the New York Times we get people like Ross Douthat producing stuff like this : where someone evidently ignorant of the European Union 'explains' to an even less informed audience why Europe will fail. Trump is by far the worst (liar) and most obvious person with an agenda, but he is far from the only one.
No wonder this cnut has ended up in court his entire life. He really is a stain on our species. We are closing in on point were innocent lives are lost with the justification being Donald trump's feeble mind and incoherent ramblings. The USA should suffer for this inexcusable mistake.
Thing is, electing him is one thing. I can imagine being fed up with the status quo and Hillary was a shite candidate too, but the real inexcusable thing here is the fact that he still has so much support whilst bein, well, this: a bullying, Lying, obstructing, manchild. How is no one in government just standing up and saying enough of this fecking farce. Get the feck out of the white house you geriatric cum stain.
In a way perhaps we needed an American President to finally cut the strings. It’s not like the previous ones haven’t just treated the European nations like vassal states anyway. At least now the contempt is openly on the table.

It’s long overdue for Europe to start taking control of its own defense again and acting in our own interests. If Brexit hadn’t just fecked the situation royally, we’d be perfectly placed for a new European emergence on the world stage. I hope the 27 do so without us.
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