The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Its just very difficult to make a believable case to the public that Dems can do a better job when the economy, markets, and employment are at all time highs. Healthcare on the other hand, is definitely a winning issue for the Dems. More importantly, they need a grand vision of where they are taking all of the important policies.

That depends on whether the working and middle class actually feel these gains. DOW and S+P is completely meaningless to most people and the only employment that matters to an individual is whether an individual is employed.
So its really going to come down to how much of Trump's rewards for the rich and corporations actually 'trickle down' in time for his next election.

"Employment" stats I have always had trouble with as they tend to obfuscate a lot more important details. Sheer numbers of employment are not very revealing.

For instance if 100 well-paying manufacturing and tech sector jobs go overseas but 150 minimum wage retail and service jobs are created is that really a win?
Personally I view that as a loss even though people could hype it up like 50% more jobs! Well that's not a good thing if all the new jobs are crap compared to the old jobs.

If I am now an unemployed solar engineer who used to make 75K due to Trump's tariffs, do I really care if a new McDonalds or WalMart opened up down the street to offer me 20 hours of minimum wage employment?
That depends on whether the working and middle class actually feel these gains. DOW and S+P is completely meaningless to most people and the only employment that matters to an individual is whether an individual is employed.
So its really going to come down to how much of Trump's rewards for the rich and corporations actually 'trickle down' in time for his next election.

"Employment" stats I have always had trouble with as they tend to obfuscate a lot more important details. Sheer numbers of employment are not very revealing.

For instance if 100 well-paying manufacturing and tech sector jobs go overseas but 150 minimum wage retail and service jobs are created is that really a win?
Personally I view that as a loss even though people could hype it up like 50% more jobs! Well that's not a good thing if all the new jobs are crap compared to the old jobs.

If I am now an unemployed solar engineer who used to make 75K due to Trump's tariffs, do I really care if a new McDonalds or WalMart opened up down the street to offer me 20 hours of minimum wage employment?

True and having the lowest unemployment in decades suggests the Dems would be wise of orient their efforts elsewhere. If the Dems focus on health care - a big winning issue for them, along with gun policy, and a bit of economy and Trump then they will do well.

Everyone and their mama raping them on trade?

(I know the connection to the economy isn't clear to Trump...)
Oh I thought you meant people complain about that domestically. It’s obvious that the trade rhetoric is a part of his nationalist America first campaign. So I can see how, in their eyes, the complainig is justified. “He’s making our economy great and he’s making the world fear us again”
Also, has anyone come across Trump supporters who get off on the idea that the world is starting to fear the US again? How are you going to be the champion of democracy and freedom around the world but everyone fears you? Low key imperialist mentality if you ask me.
Oh I thought you meant people complain about that domestically. It’s obvious that the trade rhetoric is a part of his nationalist America first campaign. So I can see how, in their eyes, the complainig is justified. “He’s making our economy great and he’s making the world fear us again”
Yeah but don't the trade complaints originate on their supposedly terrible effects on the US economy? (Stealing all the factory jobs etc.)
Yeah but don't the trade complaints originate on their supposedly terrible effects on the US economy? (Stealing all the factory jobs etc.)
Depends on who you ask. My interactions with fellow conservatives of the nonintellectual type just like having a US leader tough talk his way over others, like we’re the dominant nation and you better recognize it.

To many, it’s as simple as: are the economic numbers good? Yes Is Trump touting America First around the world? Yes. That’s all they’ll need to feel satisfied on this account.
Do love how all the feckers have came out the woodwork, but any actual 'challenge' is ignored or 'whatabout fecking Obama'

I think while Trumps done well to meet with Kim and get this ball moving. Moon is the one that should be getting the Peace Prize if anyone is deserving of it in this fiasco.
How the Feck can you give it to someone bragging about their fecking Nukes and threatening fireand fury?
Before some bellend decides to bring it up, Obama shouldn't of got his.

Again, I'm glad Trump has gone through with this. but it does not MAKE up for feckups, limited action and assistance regarding Puerto Rico was criminal, appointing an EPA head that doesn't believe in climate change? Lemme guess you feckers don't believe in it eithier?
Endorsing a fecking Paedophile. He is a BULLY and I know his supporters love that about him but it just shows, cultlike morons

The negatives far outway the positives, it's like comparing Americas military might with the fecking Faroe Islands. So if you think we'll bow down and say 'Trumps Amazing' You can fecking do one

-Fox News not being corrupt had to be the highlight though, they're far and away the worst.
True and having the lowest unemployment in decades suggests the Dems would be wise of orient their efforts elsewhere. If the Dems focus on health care - a big winning issue for them, along with gun policy, and a bit of economy and Trump then they will do well.


i think the Tariffs being handed out are definately something the Dems could use to battle the Trumps. They are havng a direct effect on the pockets of many in the USA. Picking a fight with Canada and Mexico and Europe on trade is only going to destroy alot of idustries even in deap trump land. That can be a good in for them
Also, has anyone come across Trump supporters who get off on the idea that the world is starting to fear the US again? How are you going to be the champion of democracy and freedom around the world but everyone fears you? Low key imperialist mentality if you ask me.

Could argue that's been the US approach for a long time, right enough. Promote democracy at home but meddle in the affairs of other countries without ever actually taking them directly as imperialist countries would have done.
Abortion is an abhorrent crime and has absolutely nothing to do with women's rights. This is such a nonsense argument. It is about the protection of human life and your only argument against abortion would be that an unborn baby is not developed enough to be worth protecting. Again nonsense in my opinion but at least it's a point you could defend.

yeh i never got how its some sort of womens rights issue. very odd argument.
i think the Tariffs being handed out are definately something the Dems could use to battle the Trumps. They are havng a direct effect on the pockets of many in the USA. Picking a fight with Canada and Mexico and Europe on trade is only going to destroy alot of idustries even in deap trump land. That can be a good in for them

Absolutely, the tariffs with Canada are definitely a big losing issue for him, especially in Trump states. If the Dems are smart they will pounce all over this before the mid terms.

Absolutely, the tariffs with Canada are definitely a big losing issue for him, especially in Trump states. If the Dems are smart they will pounce all over this before the mid terms.


Nevada and Switzerland :lol: Natural allies.
Absolutely, the tariffs with Canada are definitely a big losing issue for him, especially in Trump states. If the Dems are smart they will pounce all over this before the mid terms.


wow didnt even realise that it was that bad
Talking to each other is obviously a good thing but seeing the images and videos of the summit is just a bizzarre experience. With Dennis Rodman the icing on the cake.
Where are they complaining about the economy?
The Trade deficit. The funny thing is that Canada who they are doubling down on has a trade deficit with America rather than the other way around.
Then they go on about 270% on dairy while they ban 7 different snacks produced in Canada.
I don’t think he was thought to be the definite future PM like 1/2 years before he did. Many thought the BJP wouldn’t even let him get the nomination.

Seriously what the feck are you talking about? He was long rumored to be the candidate due to his work in Gujrat. He was a clear and runway favorite for winning the PM elections..
Insufferable as Trump is, I have no time for these Hollywood people either. I mean Robert De Niro walking in front of an audience that absolutely hates Trump anyway shouting "feck Trump" and getting a standing ovation? What a hero! Give me a break. The left still hasn't realised how Trump got into office and is doing everything they can to hand him another victory 2020.
'I to cann spel potaytoo. HI iq'
Insufferable as Trump is, I have no time for these Hollywood people either. I mean Robert De Niro walking in front of an audience that absolutely hates Trump anyway shouting "feck Trump" and getting a standing ovation? What a hero! Give me a break. The left still hasn't realised how Trump got into office and is doing everything they can to hand him another victory 2020.

De Niro is God. feck Trump
Insufferable as Trump is, I have no time for these Hollywood people either. I mean Robert De Niro walking in front of an audience that absolutely hates Trump anyway shouting "feck Trump" and getting a standing ovation? What a hero! Give me a break. The left still hasn't realised how Trump got into office and is doing everything they can to hand him another victory 2020.

Indeed. By coming across as wealthy, coastal elites, all they do is push people towards Trump
Not even sure SK will be happy about this - they want peace, but this doesn't really guarantee that NK will scale down anytime soon, and if anything points to a cosying of relations between the US and NK which would've been unimaginable just months ago.
Hold on. Let's not dilute the moment that it really is due to politics. I'm sure people who have lived in threat of war will be more than happy with peace progress. Like with any international negotiation, all this signifies is thawing of relations and nobody expects any denuking deadlines to be set anytime soon.
Insufferable as Trump is, I have no time for these Hollywood people either. I mean Robert De Niro walking in front of an audience that absolutely hates Trump anyway shouting "feck Trump" and getting a standing ovation? What a hero! Give me a break. The left still hasn't realised how Trump got into office and is doing everything they can to hand him another victory 2020.
I agree. Enough with the De Niros and Kathy Griffens of the world! They are not helping in any way... probably the opposite.
Indeed. By coming across as wealthy, coastal elites, all they do is push people towards Trump

I mean what you're saying isn't wrong, because yes that happens, but it makes zero frigging sense that people are driven away from 'wealthy coastal elites' and towards Donald bloody Trump.
I mean what you're saying isn't wrong, because yes that happens, but it makes zero frigging sense that people are driven away from 'wealthy coastal elites' and towards Donald bloody Trump.
Yea, this people’s champ thing people seem to paint him as is ridiculous.
He’s a senior white billionaire who builds towers with his name on it.

Not exactly your average workin class Joe.
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