The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What the Donald Trump administration are doing here is attacking the idea that every sovereign nation or nations has the right for self determination. The American extremist far right party that is the current day Grand old Party are showing their true colours here. They say they love freedom, but only when it is convenient for them as they will try to force their will or idea´s upon others if they chose not to conform with their opinions. Europe has to stand united and utterly reject being forced to do anything by this administration. EU can hurt the American businesses as a retaliation if needed as a counter move and i hope that will be the case as EU must be willing to stand up for all states sovereign ability to make their own decisions. Democratic freedom and State freedom are more important than a short term economic hit in this matter.
What the Donald Trump administration are doing here is attacking the idea that every sovereign nation or nations has the right for self determination. The American extremist far right party that is the current day Grand old Party are showing their true colours here. They say they love freedom, but only when it is convenient for them as they will try to force their will or idea´s upon others if they chose not to conform with their opinions. Europe has to stand united and utterly reject being forced to do anything by this administration. EU can hurt the American businesses as a retaliation if needed as a counter move and i hope that will be the case as EU must be willing to stand up for all states sovereign ability to make their own decisions. Democratic freedom and State freedom are more important than a short term economic hit in this matter.

The eu should do that. Trump is temporary integrity is permanent
That tally seems to be steadily rising and just the last days' events.. Reportedly up to 60 now since the mass protesting over this embassy began late March.
That tally seems to be steadily rising and just the last days' events.. Reportedly up to 60 now since the mass protesting over this embassy began late March.

They're not protesting over the embassy.
His ratings are climbing. Gallup poll has him at his highest yet.

Fox is winning. These people don't want it is decent, true or right.

Such depressing times .
His ratings are climbing. Gallup poll has him at his highest yet.

Fox is winning. These people don't want it is decent, true or right.

Such depressing times .
If November doesn't bring a blue wave after everything that has happened I will officially lose faith in the myth of the USA. Anyone that believes in civilized discussion, factual information, clean environment and the health and financial being of their family and friends but still votes republican has serious issues that should be called out and put down in the most humiliating way. Bernie supporters need to sort themselves out also and do their fecking civic duty, they are the biggest assholes in this debacle.
If November doesn't bring a blue wave after everything that has happened I will officially lose faith in the myth of the USA. Anyone that believes in civilized discussion, factual information, clean environment and the health and financial being of their family and friends but still votes republican has serious issues that should be called out and put down in the most humiliating way. Bernie supporters need to sort themselves out also and do their fecking civic duty, they are the biggest assholes in this debacle.
He's either trying to implement his campaign promises or has succeeded in carrying a few out. The American economy is doing very well while he can point to the Democrats stalling on Trumps picks (300 nominations I think?) As to why he needs 4 more years to fully realise his vision. Then Korea comes in from left fecking field...
Its a disaster waiting to happen, we need something to come from this Russian investigation that isn't leaked soundbites or it starts to look like a fishing process to his supporters.
Trump fatigue will help the cnut. Background noise to voters who knew what he was like when they voted him in.
Find something to impeach him with already otherwise he's nailed on for another term IMO.
Trump isn't the danger, it's the competent politician that comes behind him that will analyse his success and bring it together in an "acceptable" package that's the concern.
He's either trying to implement his campaign promises or has succeeded in carrying a few out. The American economy is doing very well while he can point to the Democrats stalling on Trumps picks (300 nominations I think?) As to why he needs 4 more years to fully realise his vision.
Its a disaster waiting to happen, we need something to come from this Russian investigation that isn't leaked soundbites or it starts to look like a fishing process to his supporters.
Trump fatigue will help the cnut. Background noise to voters who knew what he was like when they voted him in.
Find something to impeach him with already otherwise he's nailed on for another term IMO.
Trump isn't the danger, it's the competent politician that comes behind him that will analyse his success and bring it together in an "acceptable" package that's the concern.
You are right, the GOP are dumb and greedy enough to allow any evil cnut to high jack the party. This party have sold out the country and is awash with corrupt Russian money so if someone comes along that looks and talks like Richard Spencer but is palatable to 33% of the electorate we are all fecked.
The Dems have some serious talent on the rise but will never get that fire blazing if old farts like Pelosi and Schumer keep putting it out. The party needs to move forward with an aggressive and progressive agenda and seasoned politicians like Pelosi need to take a back seat. We do need them old heads there to get shit done but politics in this country has moved to a point where older Dems are not equipped for the fight.
As regards the economy, it's been ticking for a long time and to campaign on the message that everything is in the dumps and unemployment is 40% only to turn around 12 months later and call it a roaring success is bullshit only dumb republicans believe. This administration has done nothing for 80% of us except roll back regulations that improve our financial, health and environmental well being and give us a tax cut that is just enough to pay for my samsclub membership for two years.
As regards the nominations, I do believe that he hasn't nominated anyone for most of them positions and the ones he has cant even get security clearance or pass background checks.
He's the only person on my ignore list... he is just full of racist bile and totally unwilling to engage in discussion and simply tries to drag people down to his level... my advise is ignore... he genuinely isn't worth your time

I'm on his ignore list for 'totally unwilling to engage in discussion'.
If November doesn't bring a blue wave after everything that has happened I will officially lose faith in the myth of the USA. Anyone that believes in civilized discussion, factual information, clean environment and the health and financial being of their family and friends but still votes republican has serious issues that should be called out and put down in the most humiliating way. Bernie supporters need to sort themselves out also and do their fecking civic duty, they are the biggest assholes in this debacle.

If November doesn't bring a blue wave after everything that has happened I will officially lose faith in the myth of the USA. Anyone that believes in civilized discussion, factual information, clean environment and the health and financial being of their family and friends but still votes republican has serious issues that should be called out and put down in the most humiliating way. Bernie supporters need to sort themselves out also and do their fecking civic duty, they are the biggest assholes in this debacle.

That will win them over.

If November doesn't bring a blue wave after everything that has happened I will officially lose faith in the myth of the USA. Anyone that believes in civilized discussion, factual information, clean environment and the health and financial being of their family and friends but still votes republican has serious issues that should be called out and put down in the most humiliating way. Bernie supporters need to sort themselves out also and do their fecking civic duty, they are the biggest assholes in this debacle.

They think their civic duty is to not allow moderate Dems to make progress. A zero sum game. Its the same with the right wing nutjobs on the other side as well.
He just cares about himself. Think it's pretty clear.
In a masochistic moment I went to read the Fox news comments on the Palestinian deaths. My hope for humanity is gone. The general sentiment is good on Israel and wishing the US a. Had a wall and b. Enforced it the same way. Seasoned with islamaphobia and hate.

So disgusted.
In a masochistic moment I went to read the Fox news comments on the Palestinian deaths. My hope for humanity is gone. The general sentiment is good on Israel and wishing the US a. Had a wall and b. Enforced it the same way. Seasoned with islamaphobia and hate.

So disgusted.
And the funny thing is that most of them are right-wing extremists so they shouldn't like Israel too much :rolleyes:
In a masochistic moment I went to read the Fox news comments on the Palestinian deaths. My hope for humanity is gone. The general sentiment is good on Israel and wishing the US a. Had a wall and b. Enforced it the same way. Seasoned with islamaphobia and hate.

So disgusted.
Gotta keep them muslins from south merica outta merica.

I shouldn't expect joined up thinking from the same people who respond with “hillary’s emails” to everything, though.
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