The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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As is I don't think there's anything wrong with pulling out of the iran deal if all the other signatories pull out as well. The government is on shaky ground with a bad economy in Iran and the public not liking money being spent in Syria. Increased sanctions might well put them over the top and force a regime change. However it looks like Europe and Russia, china might still stay and do business with them so it won't break the camel's back.

The other issue however is doing it ahead of Korea talks. What incentive does Kim jong have to give up his weapons when he sees what happened to the dictator in libya for banking on the US and now US walking back it's promises and reimposing economic sanctions on Iran?
Yes, nothing wrong with breaking treaties and deals on a whim. Good example this moron president is setting for everyone else.
Another thing, Kim will never trust anything Trump signs. By withdrawing Trump has set a very high bar for what a good deal is.
The funny thing is getting a deal with North Korea will be much tougher cause NK already have nuclear weapons. No chance he gives them up.
To be fair, the argument of people like Pompeo and the other policy hawks, is not that Iran isn't complying. It's that it was a terrible deal in the first place because it doesn't cover ballistic missiles and the deal was only temporary, for 25 years.
That said, it is a perfectly good deal. My personal opinion is that you can't stop a country developing a nuclear arsenal and it's always better to delay that process for as long as possible.

Is it not for 15 years? And yes, it was a good which has now been completely undone under a silly pretext. I mean, in 2031 we might give one feck what Iran do.
I wonder what North Korea thing about this? The man just cannot be trusted.

I'm not sure. I doubt Kim will trust anything Trump will say. Not that he has a choice.
To be fair, the argument of people like Pompeo and the other policy hawks, is not that Iran isn't complying. It's that it was a terrible deal in the first place because it doesn't cover ballistic missiles and the deal was only temporary, for 25 years.

I don't see what business it is of the US/EU whether Iran has non-nuclear ballistic missiles.
I think a deal with Russia could be mutually beneficial right now. New ME access for Russia outside Syria, and protection from the US for Iran.

Might be a bit of an explanation there... Putin has Trump push Iran into his hands. I’m sure Assad would be happy to act as channel.
fecking idiot. He has got absolutely no evidence that the nuclear program is ongoing yet he pulls out of the deal. This is going to have far reaching consequences. Shouldnt they have a vote on a big decision like this?
I would argue why would Trump pull out of the deal if he didn't have legitimate reason to think Iran were not a peacekeeping nation? I also don't see an issue with trusting information given by Netanyahu.

It seems Trump got it right with North Korea too.

I don't wish to get into an argument with anyone but I think Trump deserves a bit more respect and credit than he is given.
Trump had a completely uninformed position on a piece of foreign policy he'd never seen while being a citizen. Upon becoming President and not only having access to all info but also being lobbied by the leaders of all of his major allies, he stands firm with his initial gut reaction.

It's hardly surprising. He's a moral vacuum and hopefully he'll live long enough to see how history judges him.
Trump had a completely uninformed position on a piece of foreign policy he'd never seen while being a citizen. Upon becoming President and not only having access to all info but also being lobbied by the leaders of all of his major allies, he stands firm with his initial gut reaction.

It's hardly surprising. He's a moral vacuum and hopefully he'll live long enough to see how history judges him.

Obama's name is on that agreement. That's all the motivation he needed.
I would argue why would Trump pull out of the deal if he didn't have legitimate reason to think Iran were not a peacekeeping nation? I also don't see an issue with trusting information given by Netanyahu.

It seems Trump got it right with North Korea too.

I don't wish to get into an argument with anyone but I think Trump deserves a bit more respect and credit than he is given.

You lost me right there.
I would argue why would Trump pull out of the deal if he didn't have legitimate reason to think Iran were not a peacekeeping nation? I also don't see an issue with trusting information given by Netanyahu.

It seems Trump got it right with North Korea too.

I don't wish to get into an argument with anyone but I think Trump deserves a bit more respect and credit than he is given.
It's not about what he thinks.
I would argue why would Trump pull out of the deal if he didn't have legitimate reason to think Iran were not a peacekeeping nation? I also don't see an issue with trusting information given by Netanyahu.

It seems Trump got it right with North Korea too.

I don't wish to get into an argument with anyone but I think Trump deserves a bit more respect and credit than he is given.

Trusting info from Netanyahu on Iran is like using testimony of the Kop end to make a decision on Suarez abusing Evra.
I would argue why would Trump pull out of the deal if he didn't have legitimate reason to think Iran were not a peacekeeping nation? I also don't see an issue with trusting information given by Netanyahu.

It seems Trump got it right with North Korea too.

I don't wish to get into an argument with anyone but I think Trump deserves a bit more respect and credit than he is given.
I would argue why would Trump pull out of the deal if he didn't have legitimate reason to think Iran were not a peacekeeping nation? I also don't see an issue with trusting information given by Netanyahu.

It seems Trump got it right with North Korea too.

I don't wish to get into an argument with anyone but I think Trump deserves a bit more respect and credit than he is given.
You are naive if you're trusting info from Netanyahu on issues with regards to Iran.
The EU/UN (US intelligence) and IAEA have said Iran are complying.
Trump already decided to pull out before he became president.
Might be a bit of an explanation there... Putin has Trump push Iran into his hands. I’m sure Assad would be happy to act as channel.

I don't think so, since opposition to the Iran deal (and working towards war) has been a unanimous GOP position for years.
The simplest explanation will be Trump following on from his worldview built by Fox.
Like I say I don't wish to argue with anyone but I just personally feel as though there will be intelligence and reasoning behind this decision.
Even Israeli intelligence is against the decision.
I genuinely believe Netanyahu is a risk to the peace and security of Israel.
Can think am a wum if you want but not everyone in the world is of the same opinion as you. Presumably those who voted Tory or for Trump.
I don't think so, since opposition to the Iran deal (and working towards war) has been a unanimous GOP position for years.
The simplest explanation will be Trump following on from his worldview built by Fox.

But let's give the guy a peace prize!
I think the only reason he wants out is because it's an actual deal and he wants to show that he can negotiate a better one based on the tenets of his bible, The Art of The Deal.
No way. This just creates more problems for Russia. Seeing as they're allies.

Could also be a way for Russia to make ground in the Middle East. Russia get to take up a few strategic positions in Iran in return for protection and trade which provides some relief from the incoming sanctions.
Could also be a way for Russia to make ground in the Middle East. Russia get to take up a few strategic positions in Iran in return for protection and trade which provides some relief from the incoming sanctions.

Yeah, was wondering the same. Although considering the size of Iran, Putin may be biting off more than he can chew if he gets involved in yet another ME conflict.
It didn't have to be trump. This was the most winnable election ever and the Obama / Clinton of the democratic party squandered it by not embracing the people on the ground, by alienating supporters with neoliberal policies and by nominating a candidate with record unfavorable and campaigning on a personality contest. Its cliche to say it but Bernie would have won. Even Biden would have won. But the democratic party apparatus is disconnected with regular people in this country that they couldn't see the forest for the trees.

It really wasn't the most winnable election.

All the people that swept Trump to victory, had 8 years of "HES NOT EVEN AMERICAN", "HES A COMMUNISTS MUSLIM", "HES BLACK", brewing. Republicans sweeping to power off the back of 2008, was a classic reactionary movement. It was a peoples movement every bit as big and as powerful as the movement that swept Obama to the oval office. You just don't like it, and you shouldn't, no rational human should. However, you can't deny that Obama winning, having 8 years, infuriated a larger part of this country.

If anything, that is the takeaway that you should have. That there is a MASSIVE backwards looking conservative bloc in this country, that racism, bigotry, and a failure of the education system is empowering.
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