The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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How can the production quality be so poor?
I thought about that too when watching it and came to the conclusion that most of the ones likely to watch it will benefit by not having to wait so long for it to load.
I thought about that too when watching it and came to the conclusion that most of the ones likely to watch it will benefit by not having to wait so long for it to load.

By now with what is left, small production crew; with Tillerson, McMasters. Cohn and Hope gone, they were a tad shorthanded which clearly affected the production quality.
Saw this on a friend's FB post and he also added -- "Now KOMO-4 is airing a straightfaced plea for “you, the viewer” to report to them if you see “biased fake news” on their newscast."
Jon Oliver covered this last season - it's absolutely terrifying. American's trust their local news significantly more than national/cable news - which should be fine - but this Sinclair group is basically a crazy far-right group who is now able to produce straight propaganda and insert it into local news as if it's 'real'.

It's so worrying. All I can hope is that the internet manages to counterbalance somewhat, but if I'm honest all it's going to do is tear America even further apart.
American's trust their local news significantly more than national/cable news - which should be fine - but this Sinclair group is basically a crazy far-right group who is now able to produce straight propaganda and insert it into local news as if it's 'real'.

It's so worrying. All I can hope is that the internet manages to counterbalance somewhat, but if I'm honest all it's going to do is tear America even further apart.

Local news generally doesn't touch on national and international issues in the US. Its more interested in Aunt Molly's cat being rescued from a tree by three fire trucks than politics. Many Americans are not following the Washington or international news. A lot are not that interested and they have been joined by large numbers that can't bear to watch the fiasco that is the Trump administration.

Of the Americans that do watch and follow the national news they are even Fox viewers that think all other news is fake; or CNN (plus others) watchers that think Fox is a joint venture between the SiFi and Comedy channels.

AND I wouldn't rely on the Internet to counterbalance anything. Its the most unreliable easily to manipulate media imaginable.
Careful, Don, you almost mentioned Facebook there.
Doesn't he have some kind of point with the tax issue? Or is it all garbage

If it was anyone else then yeah.

Trump, refusing to show his tax returns safe in the knowledge that he doesn't pay anywhere near enough tax, if any and having said that not doing so makes him smart during the debates/campaign hasn't got a leg to stand on.

Bezos owns WaPo and WaPo cover Trump accurately rather than favourably so his fragile little ego is having a temper tantrum and lashing out.
Doesn't he have some kind of point with the tax issue? Or is it all garbage

I haven't seen anything credible on the Amazon criticism from any of the pundits, especially since its pretty well known Trump is childlishly going after Bezos because the Wapo don't cover him favorably. Standard infantile third world dictator stuff.
Read that adultery is illegal in New York State.

Could affect his pre-nup with Melania? Imagine if she takes him to court for divorce and he has to disclose his (lack of) assets, it'd be fecking delicious.
Read that adultery is illegal in New York State.

Could affect his pre-nup with Melania? Imagine if she takes him to court for divorce and he has to disclose his (lack of) assets, it'd be fecking delicious.

That is interesting because presumably any pre-nup agreement would surely have a clause about adultery or other bad behaviours that would nullify it.
Hannity and Trump yucking it up at Mar a lago again. No doubt coordinating next week's drama

Its amazing how normalise it is to have a president fly away for the weekends on taxpayers money in addition to spending it on his own property. It's not even news anymore.
Just a question: does his wife and his son still live New York? No because i remember reading something about her not liking the White House.
Just a question: does his wife and his son still live New York? No because i remember reading something about her not liking the White House.

No they moved in to the White House last year. They were just waiting until he finished his academic school year to avoid disruption. (Well that was the reason given anyway)
What the feck is all this #thestorm stuff. Is Trump now a paedophile hunter? This must be a The Donald started thing, right?

No it was started by a Roseanne Barr Tweet and is absolutely bullshit and has no merit whatsoever. The FBI have cracked some paedophile rings but Roseanne made out Trump has single handedly stopped child abuse.
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