The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Of course, Trump is just going to war with Bezos. Everyone knows he is one of the man he hates more, as many of the so-called "fake media". If he would be serious about it he wouldn't have given the companies such a big tax break.

The problem still remains though.

Ugh, everything is just one big fecking joke to him isn't it? One giant competition, no regard or clue about the seriousness and danger of his mindless hyperbole and bullshit. Damn he's a moron.

:lol: Some of the replies are genius. The picture is sickening though. Ugh.

I went down the rabbit hole (again) through that caption twitter thing and found a link to a bunch of photos of the Obama couple. What a difference between those and the photos of the Trump couple!
Melania: I know she must have married for money but it's a hell of a price she's paying now.
I went down the rabbit hole (again) through that caption twitter thing and found a link to a bunch of photos of the Obama couple. What a difference between those and the photos of the Trump couple!
Melania: I know she must have married for money but it's a hell of a price she's paying now.

I think she's miserable as hell. All reports are saying she is often alone and isolated, travels to and from Air Force One on her own and is staying in Miami on her own for a week too.

More to the point though, Trump Tweets shit about everyone and goes off golfing on his own etc. When was the last time he Tweeted something nice about his kids? Especially his youngest? And when has he been seen out with his family on a day out or at the park or playing with his son? I feel for the young lad to be honest, especially as it would be nigh on impossible to keep him away from all the negative stories about his dad, be it online, papers, tv or at school.

Obama always spoke so highly of his wife and kids and was always photographed out or on holiday with them all, yet Republicans think he was the devil and Trump is the second coming of the Messiah, when really he's a very naughty boy!

Follow the thread.

This is the person who Trump phoned to congratulate on her ratings. It's despicable and this should have destryed her career, I'm actually struggling to understand how it didn't. Also some of the replies justifying it or comparing it to Sinead O'Conner tearing up a picture of the Pope in protest against the Catholic Churches defence of child abuse. Wow. It makes her support of Trump understandable now though.

Follow the thread.

This is the person who Trump phoned to congratulate on her ratings. It's despicable and this should have destryed her career, I'm actually struggling to understand how it didn't. Also some of the replies justifying it or comparing it to Sinead O'Conner tearing up a picture of the Pope in protest against the Catholic Churches defence of child abuse. Wow. It makes her support of Trump understandable now though.

Definitely an interesting photo shoot there.

It was for a Jewish satire magazine, and Barr is ethnically Jewish.

Follow the thread.

This is the person who Trump phoned to congratulate on her ratings. It's despicable and this should have destryed her career, I'm actually struggling to understand how it didn't. Also some of the replies justifying it or comparing it to Sinead O'Conner tearing up a picture of the Pope in protest against the Catholic Churches defence of child abuse. Wow. It makes her support of Trump understandable now though.

The US president addressed a rally in Ohio after the rebooted sitcom drew in around 18.2 million viewers this week, telling the crowd: "Look at Roseanne! I called her yesterday! Look at her ratings!

"I got a call from Mark Burnett, he did The Apprentice, he's a great guy. He said, 'Donald, I called just to say hello, and to tell you: did you see Roseanne's ratings?' I said, 'Mark, how big were they?'

"They were unbelievable! Over 18 million people! And it was about us! They haven't figured it out! The fake news hasn't quite figured it out yet… But they will, and when they do, they'll become much less fake."

Regardless of context, Barr's 'satire' is disgusting.
Going back to that Infrastructure speech.

2:24 p.m. — Trump falsely claims, “We got rid of the bump stocks. The bump stocks now are under very strict control.” His administration’s proposed ban on the firearm device has not been finalized; it will be accepting public comments on the proposal until June 27. Then he falsely claims, “Nobody reported it. It doesn’t get reported.”

2:38 p.m. — Trump advocates a war crime, saying the U.S. should have seized Iraqi oil for itself: “And you know what we have for it (the war)? Nothing. Remember I used to say keep the oil? ... We never kept the oil. If we kept the oil we would’ve been OK. If we kept the oil we wouldn’t have ISIS … They kept the oil, we didn’t keep the oil. Stupid! Stupid!”

2:49 p.m. — Trump complains about an unnamed road in an unnamed state, which he says has been made too curvy. “Not good if you’re not feeling so good behind the wheel.”

2:51 p.m. — Trump says, “America built the Empire State Building in one year. Think of it, one year. It’s actually like nine months, can you believe that?” It was 13 months.
Saw this on a friend's FB post and he also added -- "Now KOMO-4 is airing a straightfaced plea for “you, the viewer” to report to them if you see “biased fake news” on their newscast."
"We can make it, baby! You and me!"
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