Red Dreams
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Rudy will not be in Trump's cabinet.
Rudy will not be in Trump's cabinet.
Interesting interview.
The notion that once the US no longer has any involvement in anything, all would be at peace and well, is Disneyworld levels of naive.
that is not the point though.
I have a concern. Our Dirty Tricks Brigade finish her.
If she is talking about classified info then I'd imagine she will be in trouble.
If she is talking about illegal acts, she would not be in trouble legally. But as we know Americans Can be murdered by their own agencies.
EDIT: When I said 'finish' I meant killed.
Yes she would. Discussing classified info is punishable by a lengthy prison sentence. Not saying she did, but if she did she would be toast.
what is your defination of classified info?
She would not have brought this up if it had Congressional oversight.
The US is funding the very terrorists which we are officially conducting campaigns against in Iraq. This must be a concern if true.
She has introduced the Stop Arming Terrorists Act on Dec 8th.
The American people should have oversight through Congress about what any agency does from taxpayer funding.
Her defending generals is her opinion. Obama has appointed generals too. In any case all these appointments will go through the Senate gauntlet.
This is pointless posturing. She's a congresswoman, on the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees too! Exactly the bodies that control the kitty. Just apparently most of her colleagues on the committee don't seem to agree with her that they are funding the wrong people (and I'm not making a claim on how close to AQ the groups funded are or aren't, but clearly her colleagues seem to believe they are worth funding).
Plus, its ridiculous to hear from someone on the Foreign Affairs committee that the US somehow has complete discretion of what Saudi Arabia does. Newsflash: the world is more complex than 'US says, they do'.
Information that is classified. You have to have a security clearance in order to have access to it, which typically involves being 'read on' to access it and a legal clearance to safeguard it under penalty of prison sentence if you don't.
She strikes me as a complete lightweight - an ambitious millennial Congresswoman who is willing to do whatever it takes to get into the spotlight to advance her political ambitions. Whether that's butting heads with Wasserman-Schulz, meeting with Drumpf, appearing on the Wolf Blitzer show three times a week, or pretending she's some sort of foreign policy expert because she did a tour in Iraq.
I'm certain she is wise enough to know this.
She has done 2 tours of duty in Iraq and is a major in the Hawaii National guard. She certainly is entitled to voice her opinion about the appointment of generals.
Btw NewsflashWe are a Democracy...or at least we claim to be. There is such a thing as accountability and oversight. There is nothing complex in that.
I'm certain she is wise enough to know this.
She has done 2 tours of duty in Iraq and is a major in the Hawaii National guard. She certainly is entitled to voice her opinion about the appointment of generals.
Btw NewsflashWe are a Democracy...or at least we claim to be. There is such a thing as accountability and oversight. There is nothing complex in that.
A 'lightweight' that went against a corrupt Wassermen-Schultz.
Meeting with the President-Elect for the betterment of Americans is courageous.
There are separate organizations for accountability and oversight that deal with such issues. That doesn't mean individuals have the right to break the law.
Do you seriously think she has broken the law?
The Dems acused the GOP of not wanting to work with Obama. I see nothing wrong with a Democrat wanting to work with a Republican President so long as she has not compromised her prinicpals.
Whilst Gabbard's grandstanding, the security services are saying this
I've no clue. It just seems like an odd accusation for a random politician to make when she is the only one doing it at the moment.
If she has manufactured this, she needs to be punished with the full force of the law. But if she is right about the CIA being used without Congressional oversight as she has said And her introduction of The Stop Arming Terrorist Act needs to be taken seriously.
That something seems odd is unimportant. Most politicians play the game. It is those who have courage that go against the system. As an American I do not want to see American troops sent to war against any group, while at the same time we are funding their compatriots.
Even if she didn't manufacture it but still gave away some sort of privileged info to promote her new bill (which probably has a snowballs chance of passing in a GOP congress BTW), she should still be held accountable. Her career aggrandizement isn't more important than following the law.
One thing that's really pissing me off in all this is that Europe's got a good chance to use Trumps incompetence to become the biggest world player but has instead chosen a path of infighting and instability. Useless bastards.
Read the entire series....
Read the entire series....
At the risk of elevating Bill Maher, 'right wing coup' seems quite apt.Wtf... Especially the part about McConnell
His first mistake was believing the CIA works for the American People.