The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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A technical definition can be something completely different than a normative inference. War is a loaded term that infers something other than what is taking place. This isn't even a skirmish.

That's just your own narrow technical definition of war. There is a wider definition as given by a well respected source. Again are you denying that there is hostility between sections of the black and white community in America?
That's just your own narrow technical definition of war. There is a wider definition as given by a well respected source. Again are you denying that there is hostility between sections of the black and white community in America?

Tension is the word you're looking for. And its always been here among very small, compartmentalized subsections of American society. We're not lobbing cruise missiles against one another.
That's an entirely uncalled for edit, frankly. I have no idea how you think you can justify claiming that.

You stated you find the suggestion of a race war "offensive"? I stated that there is one and gave a universally accepted definition of war as my basis for that statement. You are arguing with that definition.
Tension is the word you're looking for. And its always been here among very small, compartmentalized subsections of American society. We're not lobbing cruise missiles against one another.

You don't have to be. That's my point. war isn't just about weapons is it?
That's generally what the word implies. Only people who want to inflate the drama of something that isn't would resort to calling it a war.

Was there a race war in the 60s Raoul or was that just a lot of tension?

What are your views on class war?
You stated you find the suggestion of a race war "offensive"? I stated that there is one and gave a universally accepted definition of war as my basis for that statement. You are arguing with that definition.
Quite clearly not, given we've been arguing this nonsense for a while now.

Honestly, I find it very harsh to suggest I am trying to spin something here. But, again, I can't contribute better than Simon already has so I have no desire to try and fight a corner I'm wavering away from.
Quite clearly not, given we've been arguing this nonsense for a while now.

Honestly, I find it very harsh to suggest I am trying to spin something here. But, again, I can't contribute better than Simon already has so I have no desire to try and fight a corner I'm wavering away from.

Well if you're not accepting that the authority of The Oxford Dictionary regarding word definition we're not going to get anywhere really are we?

Where do you go for definition of words and their meaning?
Was there a race war in the 60s Raoul or was that just a lot of tension?

What are your views on class war?

There was definitely a lot of racial tension in the 60s. I don't look back at it as a war, probably because I spent 7 recent years in actual warzones and can't take seriously the term being applied to domestic social strife. Now if the types of scenes we saw in Charlottesville didn't just happen for a couple of hours on one given day and took place over the course of a year with the same intensity as they did during that one day - then yes of course, I think most reasonable people would have no problem saying there's a race war going on.
There was definitely a lot of racial tension in the 60s. I don't look back at it as a war, probably because I spent 7 recent years in actual warzones and can't take seriously the term being applied to domestic social strife. Now if the types of scenes we saw in Charlottesville didn't just happen for a couple of hours on one given day and took place over the course of a year with the same intensity as they did during that one day - then yes of course, I think most reasonable people would have no problem saying there's a race war going on.

Wow. Think I'll leave it at that.
Any other leader in the world would be on their way out after those comments. Trump’s fecking bulletproof.

Also revealing how many of his voters are racist too now given their reaction.
Merriam Webster:

a : a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism
b : a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end
  • a class war
  • a war against disease
Whats the context?

The context is intensity.

Two people who dislike each other, fighting over say, the last donut, isn't a war. It's a fight.

Two people provoking each other, isn't a war, it's an argument or a dispute.

War is something that is reserved for conflicts between people or things where the intensity is such that no other word adequetly conveys the level of intensity, and violence with intent to harm and or kill is pretty much required. It also has to be systemic to the entire group, not a couple of outliers.

What pisses me off more than anything, is when people use words, that have a very strong, defined meaning for anything. Lots of things get called wars, but it is hyperbole. A war of words, isn't actually a war. Two teams going to "war" are not actually going to war, unless one side pulls out a fecking AK47 and tries to mow the other side down.
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Jesse Watters on Fox

Says it with a smirk too. Prick.

So its ok to offend the majority of the people as long as the small minority of them finds it amusing if not, somewhat acceptable. A sexual predator is ok because he is who he is. What happened to wrong being just plain wrong?
"there's so many more offensive things that are happening"

Like that time Obama wore a tan suit, amirite?!
The context is intensity.

Two people who dislike each other, fighting over say, the last donut, isn't a war. It's a fight.

Two people provoking each other, isn't a war, it's an argument or a dispute.

War is something that is reserved for conflicts between people or things where the intensity is such that no other word adequetly conveys the level of intensity, and violence with intent to harm and or kill is pretty much required. It also has to be systemic to the entire group, not a couple of outliers.

What pisses me off more than anything, is when people use words, that have a very strong, defined meaning for anything. Lots of things get called wars, but it is hyperbole. A war of words, isn't actually a war. Two teams going to "war" are not actually going to war, unless one side pulls out a fecking AK47 and tries to mow the other side down.

Lots of words mean many things and do not have one strong, defined meaning.

Is the "war on drugs" not an actual war? Or the "war on disease" Or, as broached earlier, the race wars of the 60s? It seems to me you have set the one strong defined meaning of the word "war" to mean what you want it too and understand ie military, weapons etc etc That is not, according to any accepted authority on language, the single, strong, defined meaning.

This isn't a fight about donuts either. It's about human rights and the colour of people's skin. About whether they're going to get deported by a president who thinks brown people come from shitholes.
What pisses me off more than anything, is when people use words, that have a very strong, defined meaning for anything. Lots of things get called wars, but it is hyperbole. A war of words, isn't actually a war. Two teams going to "war" are not actually going to war, unless one side pulls out a fecking AK47 and tries to mow the other side down.

so what pisses you off is basically you disagree with pretty much every dictionary definition of what war means... basically your angry that you don't understand the generally accepted usage of the word and you think everybody else is wrong?

Your at war with the word war...

absolutely no good will come from that
Definition of war in English:


NOUNplural wars
mass noun
  • 1A state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country.

    ‘Japan declared war on Germany’

    ‘the two countries were at war for the next eight years’
    count noun ‘I fought in two wars’
    1. 1.1 A state of competition or hostility between different people or groups.
      ‘she was at war with her parents’

      count noun ‘a price war among tour operators’
      • ‘The battle for control of Novar, the industrial conglomerate, has all the makings of a highly charged hostile bid war.’
      • ‘In short, marketing is war where competition is the enemy and the customer is the ground to be won.’
      • ‘It renders competition between countries into something like war by other means.’
      • ‘Have they any place in a world struggling to move away from war and confrontation into a new sort of globalism and co-operation?’
      • ‘Though originating in resource competition, the war is now heavily overlaid by race.’
      • ‘Through us they wage viral war competing for space in the human experience.’
      • ‘Everyday we are engaged in a low intensity social war as we struggle to maintain our humanity and dignity.’
      • ‘She craved a contest with the miners, and was fully prepared for war.’
      • ‘Mr McQuaid says while the inflation battle has been won, we may have lost the competitiveness war.’
      • ‘These shouldn't be seen through a prism of diplomatic standards and as metaphors for hostility and war.’
      • ‘For many a Leo-Aries, life is seen as war, and competition can be everything.’
      • ‘Today, every human being battles against the odds and faces the war of competition.’
      • ‘One such bridging concept is struggle, which incorporates notions of both competition and war.’
      • ‘Like most brewers with exposure to emerging markets, the bidding war for Bavaria has been hotly contested.’
      • ‘Our brains are a combination of the two, which are perpetually at war within our skull.’
    2. 1.2 A sustained campaign against an undesirable situation or activity.
      ‘the authorities are waging war against smuggling’

      count noun ‘a war on drugs’
      • ‘The war on slums was a campaign in the real war.’
      • ‘Parliament was asked to vote for war on the assurance weapons of mass destruction existed.’
      • ‘Her mission will be to wage war on junk food and promote the ‘five portions a day’ message.’
      • ‘The events in Kashmir lay bare the hypocrisy of the U.S. war on terrorism.’
      • ‘Critics say the bill is just the latest assault on the ongoing war on our country's middle class.’
      • ‘Have we done enough to support President Putin in his own war on terror?’
      • ‘Other participants see the education battle as merely the front of the Party's war on tradition.’
      • ‘The war on terrorism had something to do with this increase, but it doesn't account for all of it.’
      • ‘The war on terror is harming some of the world's poorest people, and - guess what?’
      • ‘Sutton's police chief has pledged to make the borough the safest in London by waging war on career criminals and drug traders.’
      • ‘Is it your sense that it's going to get worse before it gets better, this whole war on terrorism?’
      • ‘The cost of carrying such project would be infinitesimally smaller that the cost of present war on terrorism.’
      • ‘This war on terror has in many ways brought out the finest qualities of the American people.’
      • ‘The war on litter louts was stepped up this week as Bradford Council submitted a bid to help keep the city's streets free of chewing gum.’
      • ‘None of this is to say that we should not be involved in this war on terror.’
      • ‘Police have unveiled a new weapon in their war on bogus officials who prey on vulnerable pensioners - paper napkins.’
      • ‘The last council became bigoted against cars and squandered vast amounts of council tax payer's money waging war on them.’
      • ‘Police have announced a new battleground for their war on anti-social behaviour in the borough.’
      • ‘It continues unabated despite the national security interest in this war on terror.’
      • ‘Manchester's war on binge drinking has been held up as a model for other cities as a new report reveals the true cost of alcohol abuse.’
The snowflake cnut cancelled his visit & came out with a shithole excuse :lol:

I really hope Harry invites Obama to his wedding & ignores the childish oompa loompa. The reaction will be hilarious.
"Even though MILLIONS want to come out and cheer me across every town and city in the country of Londonengland I won't be visiting because the cost of Barr's Irn Bru has gone up by 18p in the last ten years. Until the scotch get their act together and REPEAL their OUTDATED plastic bag tax that's putting small businesses out of business and doing NOTHING to help the environment then I have no choice but to BOYCOTT SteveJ's twitter page. SAD!"

The thought that Trump is frightened of coming to see us over here is a pretty good feeling :cool:
"Even though MILLIONS want to come out and cheer me across every town and city in the country of Londonengland I won't be visiting because the cost of Barr's Irn Bru has gone up by 18p in the last ten years. Until the scotch get their act together and REPEAL their OUTDATED plastic bag tax that's putting small businesses out of business and doing NOTHING to help the environment then I have no choice but to BOYCOTT SteveJ's twitter page. SAD!"

I reckon he thinks Birmingham is in London, and he won't enter a no-go zone.
She grabbed my attention when she talked about "smacking the right people and hugging the right people" about Trumps speech at the UN. This lady is the closest I've seen to Rumsfeld in a while, coherent and intelligent, yet so hawkish it amounts to being evil.
She is a horrendous human being.
I don't know why people are shocked at this whole "shithole" thing really. I mean come on, we all knew this is the kind of person he is. We all knew "Make America Great Again" meant "Make America White Again" (after 8 years of blackness). We all knew how he felt about immigrants...nothing new here. He's basically continuing along the path of convincing the average uneducated white man that people from brown countries coming into America is the root cause of their problems, quality of life and overall shitty well-being. They believe it cause he's saying what they've been wanting to say but he has the highest microphone. At the end of the day he knows his base doesn't care about him picking their pockets and committing treason. He knows his base doesn't care about him making it harder for brown people to vote. He knows his base doesn't care if he calls their countries shitholes. As long as he makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside about being an American and hating black and brown people...he's gonna continue saying these things until he's out of office.
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