The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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An article about the guy who wrote The Art of the Deal:

New Yorker said:
At one point, Howard Kaminsky, who ran Random House then, wrapped a thick Russian novel in a dummy cover that featured a photograph of Trump looking like a conquering hero; at the top was Trump’s name, in large gold block lettering. Kaminsky recalls that Trump was pleased by the mockup, but had one suggestion: “Please make my name much bigger.” After securing the half-million-dollar advance, Trump signed a contract.

Around this time, Schwartz, who was one of the leading young magazine writers of the day, stopped by Trump’s office, in Trump Tower. Schwartz had written about Trump before. In 1985, he’d published a piece in New York called “A Different Kind of Donald Trump Story,” which portrayed him not as a brilliant mogul but as a ham-fisted thug who had unsuccessfully tried to evict rent-controlled and rent-stabilized tenants from a building that he had bought on Central Park South. Trump’s efforts—which included a plan to house homeless people in the building in order to harass the tenants—became what Schwartz described as a “fugue of failure, a farce of fumbling and bumbling.” An accompanying cover portrait depicted Trump as unshaven, unpleasant-looking, and shiny with sweat. Yet, to Schwartz’s amazement, Trump loved the article. He hung the cover on a wall of his office, and sent a fan note to Schwartz, on his gold-embossed personal stationery. “Everybody seems to have read it,” Trump enthused in the note, which Schwartz has kept.

“I was shocked,” Schwartz told me. “Trump didn’t fit any model of human being I’d ever met. He was obsessed with publicity, and he didn’t care what you wrote.” He went on, “Trump only takes two positions. Either you’re a scummy loser, liar, whatever, or you’re the greatest. I became the greatest. He wanted to be seen as a tough guy, and he loved being on the cover.”
Is he trying to roll back every single thing Obama did just for the hell of it? Feck the environment, the mega wealthy heads of BP are losing a bit of money so we’ll risk another disaster like Deepwater Horizon to suit them.

Sure what’s another polluted sea, 11 lives and thousands of dead animals in comparison to the safety regulations costing these guys an extra few million quid to add to their billions :mad:
Is he trying to roll back every single thing Obama did just for the hell of it? Feck the environment, the mega wealthy heads of BP are losing a bit of money so we’ll risk another disaster like Deepwater Horizon to suit them.

Sure what’s another polluted sea, 11 lives and thousands of dead animals in comparison to the safety regulations costing these guys an extra few million quid to add to their billions :mad:

Hm. Interestingly, this is one of the environmental issues that is dear to GOP voters - the fishermen and others in the area (Louisiana?) has their lives messed up by the spill and were very angry with BP.
Is he trying to roll back every single thing Obama did just for the hell of it? Feck the environment, the mega wealthy heads of BP are losing a bit of money so we’ll risk another disaster like Deepwater Horizon to suit them.

Sure what’s another polluted sea, 11 lives and thousands of dead animals in comparison to the safety regulations costing these guys an extra few million quid to add to their billions :mad:

He's exactly doing that. He's a narcissist that got called out and can't stand it. Pathetic little man.
He uses social media because he's too lazy to do anything of substance. He's the Pot Noodle of politics.
He uses social media because he's too lazy to do anything of substance. He's the Pot Noodle of politics.
Pretty much. A lot of people(mostly in the media)seem to treat Trump as a normal politician, so when he does something they look for the underlining message or how Trump is trying to change the ''national debate'' into his favour but the actual reality is that he's a 70 year old white man who watches fox news while choking on fast food. The reason he uses twitter is because it's the only app on his phone and like most people in their 70's he has no idea how to set up a e-mail account.

The biggest reason why Trump could so easily connect with that republican base(The far right authoritarian small business man), is that he is one of them.
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