The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He's partial to KFC...

He uses social media because he's too lazy to do anything of substance. He's the Pot Noodle of politics.
I know this is completely the case but my worry is that he is using exactly the same tactics as any PR company or Max Clifford twat to desensitise constituents to the wrongs he has done. First he denies but then he says that it's not a crime anyway, or that it is fake media so that when the indictments come down or even an impeachment occurs his hardcore will cause so much cilvil disobedience or the threat of it that Congress will be too afraid to do anything. It is his form of propaganda and I worry that it is working.
The recent Iran and Pakistan tweets have been right on the mark.
He's not wrong in his typically over simplified way but he does miss the bigger picture in both cases.

Yes Iran is an oppressive regime but is it any worse than Saudi Arabia who Donald will bend over backwards not to offend despite the fact they are clearly a far bigger sponsor of terrorism than Iran regardless of what he claims. Having Iran back at the negotiating table internationally was a good thing for their people so Trump relabeling them as terrorist sponsors and threatening them with the might of the US military is a retrograde step.

Pakistan does turn a blind eye to the terrorists who exploit it's porous border with Afghanistan but they also share a lot of intelligence with the US and others without publicising it and are willing to turn a blind eye to "illegal" cross border drone strikes and incursions within their country probably because they are the net benificiaries of much needed foreign aid. Cut that off and try sending a drone or seal team after a target inside Pakistan in future and Donald is risking a state of war with a nuclear armed nation that is at present an ally.

Even when he's right he gets it wrong and risks further destabilising global politics just to satisfy his core voters back home.
I smell this is all a way for him to pull out of the Iran agreeent that everyone says he shouldn't. Then he will start WWIII
In fairness it would be surprising if the cia black ops people were not providing support for the protests (after all it seems to be in strategic harmony with what us policy is) but yeah if the regime clamps down on the protests that could be the reason he uses to withdraw from the agreement
Whilst I'm not convinced it will kick off ww3 I can see it further destabilising the region and the proxy war between Saudi and Iran becoming more a full on war... no doubt Israel getting involved somehow as well.
He's not wrong in his typically over simplified way but he does miss the bigger picture in both cases.

Yes Iran is an oppressive regime but is it any worse than Saudi Arabia who Donald will bend over backwards not to offend despite the fact they are clearly a far bigger sponsor of terrorism than Iran regardless of what he claims. Having Iran back at the negotiating table internationally was a good thing for their people so Trump relabeling them as terrorist sponsors and threatening them with the might of the US military is a retrograde step.

Pakistan does turn a blind eye to the terrorists who exploit it's porous border with Afghanistan but they also share a lot of intelligence with the US and others without publicising it and are willing to turn a blind eye to "illegal" cross border drone strikes and incursions within their country probably because they are the net benificiaries of much needed foreign aid. Cut that off and try sending a drone or seal team after a target inside Pakistan in future and Donald is risking a state of war with a nuclear armed nation that is at present an ally.

Even when he's right he gets it wrong and risks further destabilising global politics just to satisfy his core voters back home.

No doubt he should be evenly applying the same sentiment to all dictatorships, but in the case of the Saudis and others, he has already found a way to deal with them through cooperation so he is obviously not going to unleash his Twitter feed on MBS and the others when they are amicably dealing with him and his administration. The Iranians are obviously going to get the blunt end of his twitter feed due to residual sentiment since the hostage crisis, Iranian Quds Force attacks on US Forces during the latter phase of the Iraq War, as well as Israeli anxieties about Iranian nukes. All of this would of course largely dissipate if Iran has itself a revolution and flips to a more NATO friendly construct.
In fairness it would be surprising if the cia black ops people were not providing support for the protests (after all it seems to be in strategic harmony with what us policy is) but yeah if the regime clamps down on the protests that could be the reason he uses to withdraw from the agreement
Whilst I'm not convinced it will kick off ww3 I can see it further destabilising the region and the proxy war between Saudi and Iran becoming more a full on war... no doubt Israel getting involved somehow as well.

You don't need the CIA when you already have an oppressive regime that routinely defocates onto its public through corruption and a lack of human rights.
China is the biggest supporter of both North Korea and Pakistan. His critical tweets follow a pattern so it wouldn't surprise me if it is being pushed through by the military arm in the white house.
Pakistan does turn a blind eye to the terrorists who exploit it's porous border with Afghanistan but they also share a lot of intelligence with the US and others without publicising it and are willing to turn a blind eye to "illegal" cross border drone strikes and incursions within their country probably because they are the net benificiaries of much needed foreign aid. Cut that off and try sending a drone or seal team after a target inside Pakistan in future and Donald is risking a state of war with a nuclear armed nation that is at present an ally.

Even when he's right he gets it wrong and risks further destabilising global politics just to satisfy his core voters back home.

He's not right though. While Pakistan may turn a blind eye to some terrorist organizations (Haqqani), almost every terrorist attack in Pakistan has been orchestrated in Afghanistan where the US has spent a trillion $ and has not succeeded at all. There are numerous reports of Indian RAW funding in Afghanistan as well - and contrary to popular belief, the USA doesn't want stability in this region at all.

The problem now is that Pakistan has controlled terrorism in the past few years, fenced its borders and has decided to move towards China (and Russia) instead of relying on US. This is irking the U.S a great deal and it will try to put pressure by one way or another.
Is there any grand political point to Trump's recent initiatives? 'Cos I suspect that all he really wants to do is (eventually) say "Look how much money I've saved America!"
He's not right though. While Pakistan may turn a blind eye to some terrorist organizations (Haqqani), almost every terrorist attack in Pakistan has been orchestrated in Afghanistan where the US has spent a trillion $ and has not succeeded at all. There are numerous reports of Indian RAW funding in Afghanistan as well - and contrary to popular belief, the USA doesn't want stability in this region at all.

The problem now is that Pakistan has controlled terrorism in the past few years, fenced its borders and has decided to move towards China (and Russia) instead of relying on US. This is irking the U.S a great deal and it will try to put pressure by one way or another.

Its complicated, but in the case of the TTP and Haqqani Network, its widely known that they have a base inside Pakistan, in areas where the government has little control, which is obviously a problem in terms of stabilizing Afghanistan. You can't rebuild a country when insurgents are hiding in Pakistan, sneaking into Afghanistan to execute their attacks then quickly scampering back across the border to hide from Afghan forces.
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Comparing Trump to the theocratic dictatorship in Iran. C'mon pal, that's weak even by your standards.
I dunno... I mean if your going to hold yourself up as the world's policeman whilst wanting to bring back torture and you know potentially having stolen an election then perhaps it better to leave it to more respected heads of states... you now like Putin and xi
I dunno... I mean if your going to hold yourself up as the world's policeman whilst wanting to bring back torture and you know potentially having stolen an election then perhaps it better to leave it to more respected heads of states... you now like Putin and xi

You're obviously confusing Trump's bluster with his actions.
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