The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Tax cut (yeah i know for a select few) - Check
Jaroozum - Check
Muslim Ban (at the third attempt) - Check
Appointed a right wing nut job to the supreme court - Check
Obamacare Repeal - tried
Build a wall - I think they are assessing prototypes at the moment

Im not a fan of him and I disagree with many of his policies - But I have to admit he does seem to be keeping or at least trying to keep to the majority of his promices

Trump "promised" he wouldn't let this happen. They are some of the most selfish, heartless, greedy and nasty feckers on the planet.

They barely had the votes for tax cuts, and that's something they can at least pretend helps poor people. The chances of getting welfare slashed just before the midterms has to be vanishingly small.

:lol: What a fecking idiot. I'm just going to try to laugh at him now because otherwise he just makes me want to cry. I mean, just yesterday everyone is laughing about his slurring but kind of missing the part where he's moving the US Embassy in Israel and provoking much rioting and flag burning and US hate filled sentiment, putting the entire region in danger of more violence and possibly war, and also putting yet another massive target on the USA.... But hey, he's not doing any harm really, we should all just wait until he actually does something.................................................................


That's what he wants so he can justify his travel bans, border walls and Islamophobia back home of his base. This decision has nothing to do with Jerusalem it's more about sowing the seeds of discourse so he can eventually justify bullshit in the future. Mark my words, Israel is gonna be buying up a whole bunch of weapons within the next 12 to 18 months. It's all about the money with him, just follow it and you'd see.
Tax cut (yeah i know for a select few) - Check
Jaroozum - Check
Muslim Ban (at the third attempt) - Check
Appointed a right wing nut job to the supreme court - Check
Obamacare Repeal - tried
Build a wall - I think they are assessing prototypes at the moment

Im not a fan of him and I disagree with many of his policies - But I have to admit he does seem to be keeping or at least trying to keep to the majority of his promices

They are stupid promises.
@berbatrick on your post above about Heritage and taxes... an active liberal social media personality I occasionally interact with posted something about 6,000 lobbyists were involved in the current tax bill. I can't confirm if that number is true but does shed light on why the GOP is so hellbent on passage.
Tax cut (yeah i know for a select few) - Check
Jaroozum - Check
Muslim Ban (at the third attempt) - Check
Appointed a right wing nut job to the supreme court - Check
Obamacare Repeal - tried
Build a wall - I think they are assessing prototypes at the moment

Im not a fan of him and I disagree with many of his policies - But I have to admit he does seem to be keeping or at least trying to keep to the majority of his promices

And that is why I think he will get a 2nd term
That's what he wants so he can justify his travel bans, border walls and Islamophobia back home of his base. This decision has nothing to do with Jerusalem it's more about sowing the seeds of discourse so he can eventually justify bullshit in the future. Mark my words, Israel is gonna be buying up a whole bunch of weapons within the next 12 to 18 months. It's all about the money with him

I don't deny that at all. He's been literally poking the bear for months and months now. You can tell his agenda simply by how quick he is to continuously slam Muslims after any terror attack by a person with brown skin or a non English sounding name, yet he stays quiet after an attack that killed and injured more people than any skirmish in the Iraq war. It's also clear how he continuously tries to incite trouble with his proposed plans and statements. Quite how he can continuously get away with it is still a shock to me. I honestly believed more people would have the power to at least reign him in a little, if not stop him, and I'm saddened that so few actually come out and stand up against him publically. It is very depressing and he's only getting worse as time goes on.

The fact people still defend him or think he's doing nothing wrong is even more depressing, but I just pity people who think like that. A difference of opinion is fine, but you would have to be completely deluded and morally bankrupt to think Trump is a good man and doing a good job. It must be hard work constantly having to defend bullshit and evil with more bullshit and excuses.
Oh and here's a message from your President regarding the latest book released by everyone's favourite State sponsored news network.


Yup, but he's been breaking the laws on a daily basis. He's broken so many now and especially considering conflicts of interest regarding his businesses and promoting things from Fox. But his supporters still care more about Hillary and her emails. Benghazi more than Niger and Obama more than Putin. They are beyond help and the longer this goes on, the more the US slips beneath the waves. It will be alongside the Titanic soon enough.
VA cuts program for homeless vets after touting Trump's commitment

Four days after Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin held a big Washington event to tout the Trump administration’s promise to house all homeless vets, the agency did an about-face, telling advocates it was pulling resources from a major housing program.

The VA said it was essentially ending a special $460 million program that has dramatically reduced homelessness among chronically sick and vulnerable veterans. Instead, the money would go to local VA hospitals that can use it as they like, as long as they show evidence of dealing with homelessness.

Anger exploded on a Dec. 1 call that was arranged by Shulkin’s Advisory Committee on Homeless Veterans to explain the move. Advocates for veterans, state officials and even officials from HUD, which co-sponsors the program, attacked the decision, according to five people who were on the call.

"I don’t understand why you are pulling the rug out," Elisha Harig-Blaine, a National League of Cities housing official who was on the call, said in an interview afterward. "You're putting at risk the lives of men and women who've served this country."

“The VA is taking its foot off the pedal,” said Leon Winston, an executive at Swords to Plowshares, which helps homeless vets in San Francisco, where he said the VA decision is already having an impact. HUD recently put up 100 housing vouchers for veterans in the program, but the local VA hospital said it could only provide support for 50.
President Carter will respond to this no doubt. Peace in the Middle East is what he's devoted most of his public life to but Trump has completely undermined any foreseeable chance of peace

President Donald Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and ordering the Department of State to start preparations to move the U.S. embassy there damages the credibility of the U.S. as an effective mediator and undermines hope for a two-state solution. Since 1967, the international community has been unanimous in rejecting such a shift and in considering East Jerusalem part of the occupied Palestinian territory.

“This fundamental shift in decades-old U.S. policy exacerbates tensions throughout the Arab and Muslim world, but we hope that protests can remain nonviolent,” said former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. “Any change to the status of the city without the consent of the Palestinians jeopardizes any prospect for peace. East Jerusalem is a linchpin of Palestinian aspirations for a state of their own.”

Remember Pearl Harbour! But forget the veterans...
Four days after Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin held a big Washington event to tout the Trump administration’s promise to house all homeless vets, the agency did an about-face, telling advocates it was pulling resources from a major housing program.
Judging the past actions on behalf of morally superiors xians in this country, the store would probably suffer some vandalism.
Very true but would they have these people in congress looking to implement freedom of religion fighting for their freedom of religion. Imagine what Scientology would get up to with a law like this on the books.
Trump needs to get things of his chest .Other people may see a therapist ,Trump does a rally
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