The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Yeah, but its still an explanation that's a bit far from the most likely alternative realities. Because being debt financed requires accountability that lenders are willing to believe, which the USSR didn't have.

Not having access to credit is not some weird quirk, rather a feature of countries that choose to largely reject credit as a concept due to political ideology.

It also seems more relevant to me that estimates of productivity in the soviet economy show absolute stagnation from 1970-1989.

Sure, but you take a struggling system, and you remove the burden of military spending, and you still have a struggling system. You add that burden back, and it goes from a struggling system, to a system that is going to collapse because its back breaks.
I go through Detroit to Windsor and from Niagara Falls to Niagara Falls CA. The architecture is pretty similar. Just more Tim Hortons once you're on the Canadian side.
On the NY/Ontario border near Niagara Falls: they must have cleaned up the US side because years ago you could definitely see the difference; rusting factories, yards with abandoned cars in them. The Canadian side was much cleaner.
On the NY/Ontario border near Niagara Falls: they must have cleaned up the US side because years ago you could definitely see the difference; rusting factories, yards with abandoned cars in them. The Canadian side was much cleaner.

Both sides have always struck me as dingy. Buffalo is just that sort of area.
I said nothing about Bleach.
Everyone is being a pedant about a non issue to be honest. Trump used a term incorrectly as per usual.
I couldn't care less either except it is reasonably interesting that there are some people that equate `Acid Washing' with dyeing jeans and cleaning swimming pools for a couple. It's idiotic and this forum needs better. And I've no problem with being a pedant, it's required on the Caf.
I'm on my phone so I cant copy it but the first reply to Trump's latest Tweet is some girl saying her tits would make a better president. :lol:

Made better by the fact she posted a pic too. And even better that she's right. :lol:
I'm on my phone so I cant copy it but the first reply to Trump's latest Tweet is some girl saying her tits would make a better president. :lol:

Made better by the fact she posted a pic too. And even better that she's right. :lol:

Her account is pretty good to be fair, she's been blocked by Chelsea too :lol:
How nice to be asked. Right Wing Snowflake is completely fair by the way, I get at least as hysterical as those ghastly editorials in the Guardian.

Honestly I'm struggling to find something Trump has done that I disagree with; I am pro-life, pro second amendment, terrified of radical Islam, in favour of less government intervention, want significantly lower taxes (especially corp taxes) and want less bureaucracy altogether.

I could do some pearl-clutching over his history with women and his crass remarks, but honestly, if someone recorded everything I said it would sound pretty damning! I also think he has given me more laughs than anyone in politics, perhaps even any stand-up comedian!

Genuinely don't care if there's anything in this whole Russia collusion story, probably trust Putin as much as Hillary - cut from the same cloth. Suspect there's nothing there beyond normal communication a pres-elect would have with most major nations.
A Fox News viewer ladies and gentlemen. "Marvel in their care free attitude to the health of you're children and the financial well being of you're family. Facts and morals mean nothing to these strange creatures and when confronted by such they let out high pitched squealing that sounds like, Hillary. Behold, the cuckoo boy. It steals from you're parents and starves you to the point of death. It shits on you're face with no consequences then flys away to find a muc much younger mate so as to lay it's spawn in another nest to continue the cycle of greed and hate for others of their species".
:lol: does anyone in that administration not have old tweets that can bite them in the ass?!
Republicans always campaign against the shit that they have done, are in the process of doing or are planning to do in the near future. It's like a bank customer complaining to the teller that the bank is stealing from the while he is filling the bag of the armed robber who is whispering in their ear that everyone in here wants to steal his money, especially the brown people and women, who shouldn't have money in the first place.
Is it my imagination or has VP Pence been very quiet these last few months?
If I'm right I'd say it because he doesn't want to get dragged into the mess that Trump seems to be in, in case he has to replace him.
If I'm wrong, what's new?
Causes Barbie and 'Red Kushner have been much quieter too.
He's the snake to trumps Tarzan. Trump shouts loud and is an utter feckwit. Pence is the devil posing as an angel that we don't know.
He has made sure he's been the 1% to do Donald bidding. Eaten by the lion or bitten by the snake? You die either way.
Well with all the fear of Muslims being whipped up by Trump it's great to see him taking actions that will get some more people pissed off at the US.

Recognizing Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, wonderful action President Small hands Twitter Storm Bad Hair Shithead.
Well with all the fear of Muslims being whipped up by Trump it's great to see him taking actions that will get some more people pissed off at the US.

Recognizing Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, wonderful action President Small hands Twitter Storm Bad Hair Shithead.

But its like in football -- the guy who retaliates is usually the one who gets the red card and the blame.
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Yeah, but its still an explanation that's a bit far from the most likely alternative realities. Because being debt financed requires accountability that lenders are willing to believe, which the USSR didn't have.

Not having access to credit is not some weird quirk, rather a feature of countries that choose to largely reject credit as a concept due to political ideology.

It also seems more relevant to me that estimates of productivity in the soviet economy show absolute stagnation from 1970-1989.

A big problem was the heavier reliance on sheer natural resource exportation after the energy crisis instead of innovating. The old 'silver mine trap" is usually a bad thing for long term economic prospects.
It sure does, also this attitude is one of many reasons that Hillary lost the Presidential election. Instead of trying to understand why someone disagrees with you, it's far easier to label them stupid, poorly educated, deplorable or even irredeemable. You also alienate people who might have been open to hearing you out.

I am not going to delve into whether he is a racist or not, the same people making that argument call Trump antisemitic when his daughter is married to a Jewish fellow and he has been more supportive of Israel that Obama ever was! It's always been the go-to attack from the left to label anyone they don't like as fascist, racist, sexist or whatever, they've cried wolf too many times.

On the free press, I am fine with Trump criticising NYT and CNN, but I wouldn't want him to shut them down. I don't think is doing that though is he? All I have seen is (justifiable) criticism of their biased coverage, especially from entities that pretend to be impartial.

You really can't protest that it's easier for people to call you stupid than accept you're a highly intelligent person with different views but then say something as stupid as 'Trump can't be anti-semitic because his daughter is married to a Jewish guy' like that means anything whatsoever. Hitler had a Jewish doctor for feck sake who he had take care of his entire family. What next, you can't be racist if you have black friends? Stupid things like this is why people call those who have these views, stupid. This is a hallmark of the right at the moment, to take something very grave and serious and significant with many examples of it happening and then dismiss them all or downplay it with some bullshit false equivalency like 'if someone recorded things I've said, they'd be bad too so therefore the person who is supposed to be better than us, held to a higher standard than us, and holding the most important job in the world is allowed to openly brag about sexual assault' and then complain when people point out how stupid and unintelligent that is.

If I walked up to your sister or your mother and I just slipped my hand down their pants you'd probably go to jail for what you'd do to me, so don't even try to lie to the rest of us that it's okay for Trump to do it because you've said some dodgy things yourself before. What you're doing is just being a hypocrite, ignoring or down playing the things you know are serious because it means that who you want in power, is in power and you'd prefer to compromise your morals and accept a lower standard from your president or knowingly turn a blind eye to it than you would accept from me than the alternative which is to see a liberal in power. At least be a man and accept that and own it than try to skirt around it with bullshit equivalencies insulting our intelligence by thinking we don't see through them. It's okay to be a hypocrite, we all are about lots of different things. Own it and just say 'I accept his bragging of sexual assault and disgusting views on women if it means that Hillary isn't in power' if you don't want the stupidity of trying to false equivalency your way out of it to be called out for what it is.
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