The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It sure does, also this attitude is one of many reasons that Hillary lost the Presidential election. Instead of trying to understand why someone disagrees with you, it's far easier to label them stupid, poorly educated, deplorable or even irredeemable. You also alienate people who might have been open to hearing you out.
As the CE's resident right-wing snowflake, what are your thoughts on Trump?
It sure does, also this attitude is one of many reasons that Hillary lost the Presidential election. Instead of trying to understand why someone disagrees with you, it's far easier to label them stupid, poorly educated, deplorable or even irredeemable. You also alienate people who might have been open to hearing you out.
If it looks like a duck. Swims like a duck and quacks like a duck.
As the CE's resident right-wing snowflake, what are your thoughts on Trump?

How nice to be asked. Right Wing Snowflake is completely fair by the way, I get at least as hysterical as those ghastly editorials in the Guardian.

Honestly I'm struggling to find something Trump has done that I disagree with; I am pro-life, pro second amendment, terrified of radical Islam, in favour of less government intervention, want significantly lower taxes (especially corp taxes) and want less bureaucracy altogether.

I could do some pearl-clutching over his history with women and his crass remarks, but honestly, if someone recorded everything I said it would sound pretty damning! I also think he has given me more laughs than anyone in politics, perhaps even any stand-up comedian!

Genuinely don't care if there's anything in this whole Russia collusion story, probably trust Putin as much as Hillary - cut from the same cloth. Suspect there's nothing there beyond normal communication a pres-elect would have with most major nations.
How nice to be asked. Right Wing Snowflake is completely fair by the way, I get at least as hysterical as those ghastly editorials in the Guardian.

Honestly I'm struggling to find something Trump has done that I disagree with; I am pro-life, pro second amendment, terrified of radical Islam, in favour of less government intervention, want significantly lower taxes (especially corp taxes) and want less bureaucracy altogether.

I could do some pearl-clutching over his history with women and his crass remarks, but honestly, if someone recorded everything I said it would sound pretty damning! I also think he has given me more laughs than anyone in politics, perhaps even any stand-up comedian!

Genuinely don't care if there's anything in this whole Russia collusion story, probably trust Putin as much as Hillary - cut from the same cloth. Suspect there's nothing there beyond normal communication a pres-elect would have with most major nations.

Now this is terrifying.
How nice to be asked. Right Wing Snowflake is completely fair by the way, I get at least as hysterical as those ghastly editorials in the Guardian.

Honestly I'm struggling to find something Trump has done that I disagree with; I am pro-life, pro second amendment, terrified of radical Islam, in favour of less government intervention, want significantly lower taxes (especially corp taxes) and want less bureaucracy altogether.

I could do some pearl-clutching over his history with women and his crass remarks, but honestly, if someone recorded everything I said it would sound pretty damning! I also think he has given me more laughs than anyone in politics, perhaps even any stand-up comedian!

Genuinely don't care if there's anything in this whole Russia collusion story, probably trust Putin as much as Hillary - cut from the same cloth. Suspect there's nothing there beyond normal communication a pres-elect would have with most major nations.
Fair enough, at least my assumptions have some basis now.
How nice to be asked. Right Wing Snowflake is completely fair by the way, I get at least as hysterical as those ghastly editorials in the Guardian.

Honestly I'm struggling to find something Trump has done that I disagree with; I am pro-life, pro second amendment, terrified of radical Islam, in favour of less government intervention, want significantly lower taxes (especially corp taxes) and want less bureaucracy altogether.

I could do some pearl-clutching over his history with women and his crass remarks, but honestly, if someone recorded everything I said it would sound pretty damning! I also think he has given me more laughs than anyone in politics, perhaps even any stand-up comedian!

Genuinely don't care if there's anything in this whole Russia collusion story, probably trust Putin as much as Hillary - cut from the same cloth. Suspect there's nothing there beyond normal communication a pres-elect would have with most major nations.

How nice to be asked. Right Wing Snowflake is completely fair by the way, I get at least as hysterical as those ghastly editorials in the Guardian.

Honestly I'm struggling to find something Trump has done that I disagree with; I am pro-life, pro second amendment, terrified of radical Islam, in favour of less government intervention, want significantly lower taxes (especially corp taxes) and want less bureaucracy altogether.

I could do some pearl-clutching over his history with women and his crass remarks, but honestly, if someone recorded everything I said it would sound pretty damning! I also think he has given me more laughs than anyone in politics, perhaps even any stand-up comedian!

Genuinely don't care if there's anything in this whole Russia collusion story, probably trust Putin as much as Hillary - cut from the same cloth. Suspect there's nothing there beyond normal communication a pres-elect would have with most major nations.
What about his lack of a stance against racism?
All I hear from the left is racist this, racist that. They've cried wolf so much I have stopped taking it seriously. They think it's racist that he calls Liz Warren Pocahontas ffs.


And... called her "pocahontas" in front of some Native Americans he's meant to be honouring, under a portrait of Andrew Jackson?
Crazy how someone named after a Brussel Sprout could have formed such a dynasty in the first place!
All I hear from the left is racist this, racist that. They've cried wolf so much I have stopped taking it seriously. They think it's racist that he calls Liz Warren Pocahontas ffs.

And the anger over 'Pocahontas' mainly came from him using the word in front of a couple of native Americans. He also thought it was acceptable to give them an award underneath a picture of Andrew Jackson. But at least I know where you stand on it.
Living in Belgium, I think that's misguided!

You must be joking right?

We had 3-4 terrorist related incidents in 25 years. Want to count the amount in the States? Including White Supremacy related incidents of course? Or general gun related violence?
I am more concerned by certain entities pretending they are fair and impartial when really they are a glorified propaganda arm. At least Fox and Breitbart admit they are coming at things from a conservative standpoint, CNN and the NY Times claim to be impartial!

Would that be same NYT that ran a story normalising a nazi?

Wait a minute by the way - you'd rather restrict media to one viewpoint (the president's) than have media that potentially pretend not to be biased?

And the anger over 'Pocahontas' mainly came from him using the word in front of a couple of native Americans. He also thought it was acceptable to give them an award underneath a picture of Andrew Jackson. But at least I know where you stand on it.

I am not going to delve into whether he is a racist or not, the same people making that argument call Trump antisemitic when his daughter is married to a Jewish fellow and he has been more supportive of Israel that Obama ever was! It's always been the go-to attack from the left to label anyone they don't like as fascist, racist, sexist or whatever, they've cried wolf too many times.

On the free press, I am fine with Trump criticising NYT and CNN, but I wouldn't want him to shut them down. I don't think is doing that though is he? All I have seen is (justifiable) criticism of their biased coverage, especially from entities that pretend to be impartial.
I am more concerned by certain entities pretending they are fair and impartial when really they are a glorified propaganda arm. At least Fox and Breitbart admit they are coming at things from a conservative standpoint, CNN and the NY Times claim to be impartial!

Are you having a laugh? Fox News literally used to have the tag-line "fair and balanced". And if Breitbart is considered conservative these days, positioning themselves as they do slightly to the right of Genghis Khan... Christ.

Honestly I'm struggling to find something Trump has done that I disagree with

This is the least surprising thing anyone has ever written on RedCafe.
Are you having a laugh? Fox News literally used to have the tag-line "fair and balanced".

This is the least surprising thing anyone has ever written on RedCafe.

Used, is the key word in that sentence niMic. Everybody and their dog knows Fox are coming at things from a conservative viewpoint. Whereas most people still think CNN and the NYT are balanced.
That nasty bully Dershowitz making a fool of himself again in his defence of Trump. Dershowitz has often approached those who disagree in a vicious and often hateful manner but I wonder why he's turning into the yard dog for this president....
Used, is the key word in that sentence niMic. Everybody and their dog knows Fox are coming at things from a conservative viewpoint. Whereas most people still think CNN and the NYT are balanced.

They dropped the tagline, but I don't think they dropped the pretensions of being fair and balanced. CNN and NYT were plenty critical of Obama, whereas Fox went from somewhat dismissive and critical of Trump to immediate lapdogs as soon as he won the GOP nomination.

And honestly, it's pretty rich of you to complain about the left's rhetoric towards the right when your man in the White House is perennial Twitter bully Donald Trump. No single person has done more to foul up the political process as far as language goes than that orange baby.
How nice to be asked. Right Wing Snowflake is completely fair by the way, I get at least as hysterical as those ghastly editorials in the Guardian.

Honestly I'm struggling to find something Trump has done that I disagree with; I am pro-life, pro second amendment, terrified of radical Islam, in favour of less government intervention, want significantly lower taxes (especially corp taxes) and want less bureaucracy altogether.

I could do some pearl-clutching over his history with women and his crass remarks, but honestly, if someone recorded everything I said it would sound pretty damning! I also think he has given me more laughs than anyone in politics, perhaps even any stand-up comedian!

Genuinely don't care if there's anything in this whole Russia collusion story, probably trust Putin as much as Hillary - cut from the same cloth. Suspect there's nothing there beyond normal communication a pres-elect would have with most major nations.

Well. I. Am. Shocked, that these are the views of a Trump supporter.
I am not going to delve into whether he is a racist or not, the same people making that argument call Trump antisemitic when his daughter is married to a Jewish fellow and he has been more supportive of Israel that Obama ever was! It's always been the go-to attack from the left to label anyone they don't like as fascist, racist, sexist or whatever, they've cried wolf too many times.

On the free press, I am fine with Trump criticising NYT and CNN, but I wouldn't want him to shut them down. I don't think is doing that though is he? All I have seen is (justifiable) criticism of their biased coverage, especially from entities that pretend to be impartial.
And the go to attack from the Trump supporters whenever racism is brought up is just to claim the left label everything they don't like racist. I've provided examples of times Trump has failed to condemn racism. Hundreds of people carrying nazi flags in Charlottesville a few months back don't tell me that's just the left crying wolf. That actually happened and an innocent life was lost because of it. It isn't just left wing propaganda this stuff is going on right now. And I didn't label Trump an outright racist in my posts, did I? I just said he has a lack of a stance on it and doesn't give a shit if minorities are abused in the streets.
It's a sad state of affairs, isn't it? Happy about the bad stuff, just wilfully ignorant of the worse.

Happy that he's ruining the lives of everybody else, except him and his beliefs.
Doesn't care if he's colluding with a foreign dictator or if he's a serial sexual assaulter.

Just keep lowering those taxes! Even though, probability suggests that the poster wouldn't benefit from Trump's tax plan either, but hey ho.
Can't be long before evra is complaining about being hounded out of this thread with all these facts being thrown at him.
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