The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Disappointing, but 1) the ruling of the court few months ago hinted to this possibility, 2) it's still pending an appeal from what I understand, 3) a ruling is a ruling, sometimes goes with you and sometimes goes against you. 7-2 is a very clear decision.
It all depends what your definition of shit is. Conservatvies would obviously jab back with a litany of things Dem Presidents have been involved with.
With most off it being talking points and conspiracies devoid of any factual evidence apart from the opinion of an AM radio host. I've had many an animated argument about administrations over the years and I agree when the evidence is there but most of the time it's a load of shite or false equivalency like the ACA rollout and the provision in the Bush Medicare bill that forbids the US government from negotiating the price with Pharma. All nice people but priorities and grasp of the facts are just not there with them.
They way you put it, it appears that USSR were otherwise equal in GDP and the only difference was the ability to borrow? Couldn't be further from the truth.

That isn't what I said at all. I said we borrowed and spent on a scale they couldn't match, though they tried.
Trump slashes size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase national monuments in Utah
President signs two proclamations slashing protections for Utah monuments, representing a triumph for fossil fuel industries, ranchers and Republicans

Raúl Grijalva, ranking Democrat on the House natural resources committee, added: “This order to destroy our national monuments is as legally sound as the Muslim ban. Mr Trump seems to take a perverse joy in ignoring federal law and dismissing the wishes of Native American tribes, conservation leaders and millions of everyday Americans.

“Presidents don’t have the power to wipe existing monuments off the map and Republicans know it. This is an unpopular president making unpopular decisions without proper legal authority on behalf of ideological extremists and the oil and gas industry. This is the damage that results when we leave Republicans in charge.”
Actually, it is, it's a thing from the 80's where you basically intentionally spilled bleach on jeans to ruin them, cause it was the fashion at the time. The process was called "acid washing".

Still, he doesn't know wtf he is talking about!
"Acid Washing" has got sweet FA to do with tie dying or part bleaching denim. It is in connection to the erasing of certain details on cheques - or as the Americans spell it, Checks. Conmen, fraudsters would use a light acid type solution to erase amounts, part of amounts, payee details etc or even all of the details to leave themselves with a genuine cheque which they could then use to fraudulently make out in the amount they want, to the payee they want etc etc. Personally I would have thought that this definition was more apt.
"Acid Washing" has got sweet FA to do with tie dying or part bleaching denim. It is in connection to the erasing of certain details on cheques - or as the Americans spell it, Checks. Conmen, fraudsters would use a light acid type solution to erase amounts, part of amounts, payee details etc or even all of the details to leave themselves with a genuine cheque which they could then use to fraudulently make out in the amount they want, to the payee they want etc etc. Personally I would have thought that this definition was more apt.

Acid washing is just using acid to wash something. That's it. Jeans. Pools. Ink. Stains. Anything.
Reading a Trump story in a Danish online newspaper, it just struck me how basically everyone who defend him have terrible punctuation and grammar and those disagreeing with him are mostly well spoken. I know this may make me sound a little like an elitist liberal snowflake, but it often looks the same when reading comments on his tweets. It's anyones guess, but my best bet is that those who can't spell for shit generally make less money than those who can, so why they of all people would defend a billionaire who literally takes from the poor and gives to the rich is beyond me. And yes, I'm repeating myself now, but it's just so incredibly stupid.

  • Overall trust and confidence in the media has increased since President Trump took office to the highest levels observed since the 2001 terrorist attacks, though the president’s war of words on the press appear to have exacerbated partisan divisions in attitudes toward the press.
  • While Democrats with high political knowledge say they have the most faith in the press, Republicans with high political knowledge are the most distrustful of the media — more so than Republicans with low political knowledge.
  • Almost half of Americans — 44 percent — indicate that they believe the news media fabricates stories about President Trump more than once in awhile
  • 31 percent agree with a claim that President Trump made that the media are an “enemy of the people” :(
  • One in four Americans surveyed (25 percent) endorses draconian limitations on press freedom (allowing the government to block news stories it sees as biased or inaccurate). :eek:
  • A large majority of respondents (69 percent) believe that the media “tend to favor one side,” yet the same percentage believe that news organizations “keep political leaders from doing things that shouldn’t be done.” :wenger:
Reading a Trump story in a Danish online newspaper, it just struck me how basically everyone who defend him have terrible punctuation and grammar and those disagreeing with him are mostly well spoken. I know this may make me sound a little like an elitist liberal snowflake, but it often looks the same when reading comments on his tweets. It's anyones guess, but my best bet is that those who can't spell for shit generally make less money than those who can, so why they of all people would defend a billionaire who literally takes from the poor and gives to the rich is beyond me. And yes, I'm repeating myself now, but it's just so incredibly stupid.

It's already well established at least in the UK that you're more likely to be left leaning if you are well educated when looking at political leanings of those with degrees vs those without. It's easy for those who lack education to fall for lies and bullshit rhetoric because they haven't developed the critical thinking skills or an evidence based approach which is hammered into you at university - or they come from backgrounds where they're not prospering and are more likely to accept claims that everything is going to suddenly be amazing and better for you. Now obviously there are left leaning people who are just as bad, and clearly not all right leaning people are idiots. But the more highly educated you are the more likely you are to recognise bullshit rhetoric like blaming Muslims for all the problems, bringing back coal, the repeated attempts to misdirect and the flat out lies that they seem to take on face value. Of course, some people are right leaning because they genuinely believe in the policies, but those people aren't the ones in question here.
One in four Americans surveyed (25 percent) endorses draconian limitations on press freedom (allowing the government to block news stories it sees as biased or inaccurate). :eek:

At any given time you can basically guarantee that 25% of people anywhere will support pretty much any vile, fascist policy you can think of. This one shouldn't be a surprise.
Just take the guns that's what Draco would have done.
It's already well established at least in the UK that you're more likely to be left leaning if you are well educated when looking at political leanings of those with degrees vs those without. It's easy for those who lack education to fall for lies and bullshit rhetoric because they haven't developed the critical thinking skills or an evidence based approach which is hammered into you at university - or they come from backgrounds where they're not prospering and are more likely to accept claims that everything is going to suddenly be amazing and better for you. Now obviously there are left leaning people who are just as bad, and clearly not all right leaning people are idiots. But the more highly educated you are the more likely you are to recognise bullshit rhetoric like blaming Muslims for all the problems, bringing back coal, the repeated attempts to misdirect and the flat out lies that they seem to take on face value. Of course, some people are right leaning because they genuinely believe in the policies, but those people aren't the ones in question here.

Yeah, I guess I'm not really surprised. It's just that, I don't know, and I've mentioned it before, but when I see a news cast with a man who suffers from black lung and is only alive because of Obamacare say that he'll vote Trump, despite one of Trumps biggest promises being to repeal Obamacare, then.. Now with this tax reform, the man won't be able to pay for his medicine as it'll cost way too much, and he'll suffer and probably die. Because he voted a man into office who promised to do exactly that. I'm just dumbfounded, really.

I never really cared much about American politics, but this election sure has made me take interest and despair. Particularly on behalf of the millions of poor Americans who didn't vote for him and will now lose their health insurance.
So, is anyone actually worried that even if Trump is found guilty of collusion, obstruction of justice, or any other wrong doing, the GOP will not impeach him? His staunch support base will be adamant that this is just a witch hunt or paid media or fake news or what not. I genuinely think that no proof will be able to shift Trump's base to admit that their supreme leader has done anything wrong. Can the GOP risk losing his base?
So, is anyone actually worried that even if Trump is found guilty of collusion, obstruction of justice, or any other wrong doing, the GOP will not impeach him? His staunch support base will be adamant that this is just a witch hunt or paid media or fake news or what not. I genuinely think that no proof will be able to shift Trump's base to admit that their supreme leader has done anything wrong. Can the GOP risk losing his base?
I was just talking about this at lunch.
It seems like they've more or less lost everyone besides his staunch supporters so I can't see how they can afford to lose them as well. Slow but inevitable demise for the GOP?
So, is anyone actually worried that even if Trump is found guilty of collusion, obstruction of justice, or any other wrong doing, the GOP will not impeach him? His staunch support base will be adamant that this is just a witch hunt or paid media or fake news or what not. I genuinely think that no proof will be able to shift Trump's base to admit that their supreme leader has done anything wrong. Can the GOP risk losing his base?
The GOP might not impeach him, but that might not matter if they lose control of both the House and the Senate next year. We seem to be in the middle of an (Unsurprising) Blue Wave, and the very credible allegations against Trump may further increase the probability of Democratic control of Congress next year.
I was just talking about this at lunch.
It seems like they've more or less lost everyone besides his staunch supporters so I can't see how they can afford to lose them as well. Slow but inevitable demise for the GOP?
But if Trump completes his full term, he will again run in 2020 no doubt. Do they risk sticking it out for so long? We could hope they do the right thing, but this is the GOP we are talking about.

The GOP might not impeach him, but that might not matter if they lose control of both the House and the Senate next year. We seem to be in the middle of an (Unsurprising) Blue Wave, and the very credible allegations against Trump may further increase the probability of Democratic control of Congress next year.
That would be ideal. But, there are more democratic seats up for re-election and that means they have to win all those plus republican seats. I won't be too confident of Democrats regaining control of the House or Senate.
Reading a Trump story in a Danish online newspaper, it just struck me how basically everyone who defend him have terrible punctuation and grammar and those disagreeing with him are mostly well spoken. I know this may make me sound a little like an elitist liberal snowflake, but it often looks the same when reading comments on his tweets. It's anyones guess, but my best bet is that those who can't spell for shit generally make less money than those who can, so why they of all people would defend a billionaire who literally takes from the poor and gives to the rich is beyond me. And yes, I'm repeating myself now, but it's just so incredibly stupid.

It sure does, also this attitude is one of many reasons that Hillary lost the Presidential election. Instead of trying to understand why someone disagrees with you, it's far easier to label them stupid, poorly educated, deplorable or even irredeemable. You also alienate people who might have been open to hearing you out.
People warned me about the bible belt, and I did not believe it. Then, one morning I was driving from Dallas to Houston and I could not find a single music station on the radio. It was all Jesus, Lord, Jesus, sins. I presume now the Orange Jesus features as well.
Trump slashes size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase national monuments in Utah
President signs two proclamations slashing protections for Utah monuments, representing a triumph for fossil fuel industries, ranchers and Republicans
Reducing the size of national parks to allow mining, letting coal mines dump their tailings in fresh wated, eliminating net neutrality, reinstating harsh mandatory minimum sentences...finally a President that is listening to the needs of the American people!
It sure does, also this attitude is one of many reasons that Hillary lost the Presidential election. Instead of trying to understand why someone disagrees with you, it's far easier to label them stupid, poorly educated, deplorable or even irredeemable. You also alienate people who might have been open to hearing you out.

The whole "this is why Trump won" thing is such bollocks. Talk about snowflakes, voting against their best interest because someone said mean things. In any case, if it had any merits at all to begin with, which is didn't, it's completely invalidated by the fact that the tone from the American right towards the left has been at least as divisive for a few decades.

That said, the "they have worse grammar and spelling" thing is silly and completely besides the point.
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It sure does, also this attitude is one of many reasons that Hillary lost the Presidential election. Instead of trying to understand why someone disagrees with you, it's far easier to label them stupid, poorly educated, deplorable or even irredeemable. You also alienate people who might have been open to hearing you out.

Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you or anyone else. I’m not American so I must admit I haven’t spent much time educating myself on why on earth anyone would vote for a reality tv character with no political experience and whose primary election promises were to build a wall and repeal and replace a system that guaranteed health insurance for millions. But help me out, then. Why did low -and middle income famiies vote for Trump instead of Clinton? I genuinely don’t understand it.

And I agree with you about Clinton, btw. She seemed arrogant, lacked general likeability and her “deplorables” comment was downright dumb. The dems have an important task in finding a strong opponent to Trump with the right message in 2020.
People warned me about the bible belt, and I did not believe it. Then, one morning I was driving from Dallas to Houston and I could not find a single music station on the radio. It was all Jesus, Lord, Jesus, sins. I presume now the Orange Jesus features as well.

Try Indianapolis to Springfield MO. Radio, pro-choice billboards, signs to a church every 50 miles...
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