The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I hadn't heard that he has another court case this week.

His lawyers argument against defamation is hilariously ridiculous. :lol:

Trump's legal team is also expected to argue on Tuesday that the president's statements referring to his accusers as "liars" amounted to political speech and should therefore be protected from legal action.

"All of the statements occurred on political forums — a campaign website, on Mr. Trump’s Twitter account, in a presidential debate, and at campaign rallies — where the listeners expect to hear public debate, taken as political opinion rather than a defamatory statement," Trump's lawyers wrote in a court filing last month.
So much lying in this administration.
To me it doesn't matter if a lawyer scripted the tweets, the tweet came from Trumps hand, therefore he owns the words.
And if they want to try to play that game they'll have to show a similarly worded email or tweet with a time stamp that showed it was delivered to Trump before he sent his tweet. Even then I'm not sure the president of the US can plead ignorance..
It is not final yet, but it is in one of the bills (senate I think). Now the house and senate have to sit together and pass a compromise bill, so there is some small chance it goes away.

There is a trade-off. Public univs are required to charge tuition by law, but charge lower amounts. Pvt univs can do what they like (incuding waive tuition), but generally charge high tuition (which will now be included for calculating tax). But it won't be easy for pvt univs to waive tuition, since they currently get a lot of income that way (indirectly from the professors' grant).
My univ has sent a mail that they are "aware of the issue", but nothing concrete.

I would honestly look at European colleges, many of them have later application deadlines. Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, and Germany (maybe more) all have funded PhD programs, and many of those are mostly English-speaking inside the univs. There's also Canada but I don't know much about it.
I think the final bill must be passed before Dec 31, and the PhD decision deadline is April, so you will definitely know about the taxes before you need to decide. You can also try writing to the univs you are applying to about what they are planning. I can let you know what's happening with the univs here - I have friends in both public and pvt colleges, and colleges with and without unions.

Sadly I'm already in too deep in applications and my choice of program is not easily available in European universities. I looked into two good Canadian universities but the professors there replied that they were not taking any new students. So I don't have any alternatives. A positive from what you've mentioned is that all schools I am looking at are under public universities. Is there any chance that state regulations override provisions of the bill?
Sadly I'm already in too deep in applications and my choice of program is not easily available in European universities. I looked into two good Canadian universities but the professors there replied that they were not taking any new students. So I don't have any alternatives. A positive from what you've mentioned is that all schools I am looking at are under public universities. Is there any chance that state regulations override provisions of the bill?

Yes, I am not 100% sure but from what I understand your tuition amount will be less. But - there are some state laws that mean that it can never be free, so in fact the state regulations work against you. Maybe if you are in a blue state they might pass some other laws, but I haven't heard anything about it.

Sadly, your best bet at this point is to wait for the reconciliation process between House and Senate and see what that produces (hoping for the best since one of the versions did not have this provision).

I listened to him being interviewed on NPR. This POS used an example of someone saving 100,000 rather than spending it on booze etc. The interviewer was far too respectful and didn't push him enough on the difference between 100,000 and the actual estate tax number which I believe is something like 10,000,000?
John Dowd, President Trump's outside lawyer, outlined to me a new and highly controversial defense/theory in the Russia probe: A president cannot be guilty of obstruction of justice.

The "President cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer under [the Constitution's Article II] and has every right to express his view of any case," Dowd claims.

Dowd says he drafted this weekend's Trump tweet that many thought strengthened the case for obstruction: The tweet suggested Trump knew Flynn had lied to the FBI when he was fired, raising new questions about the later firing of FBI Director James Comey.

  • Dowd: "The tweet did not admit obstruction. That is an ignorant and arrogant assertion."
Why it matters: Trump's legal team is clearly setting the stage to say the president cannot be charged with any of the core crimes discussed in the Russia probe: collusion and obstruction. Presumably, you wouldn't preemptively make these arguments unless you felt there was a chance charges are coming.
  • One top D.C. lawyer told me that obstruction is usually an ancillary charge rather than a principal one, such as aquid pro quo between the Trump campaign and Russians.
  • But Dems will fight the Dowd theory. Bob Bauer, an NYU law professor and former White House counsel to President Obama, told me: "It is certainly possible for a president to obstruct justice. The case for immunity has its adherents, but they based their position largely on the consideration that a president subject to prosecution would be unable to perform the duties of the office, a result that they see as constitutionally intolerable."
  • Remember: The Articles of Impeachment against Nixon began by saying he "obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice."

I was off two fold. It is a little over 5,000,000.

Because of these exemptions, it is estimated that only the largest 0.2% of estates in the U.S. will pay the tax.[7]

The rest of us waste our 5,000,000 on beer!
I was off two fold. It is a little over 5,000,000.

Because of these exemptions, it is estimated that only the largest 0.2% of estates in the U.S. will pay the tax.[7]

The rest of us waste our 5,000,000 on beer!

There's a number for single person and a number for married persons.

--Preserves the estate tax, but exempts almost everybody: Unlike the House GOP bill, Senate Republicans have not proposed repealing the estate tax.

But they are proposing to double the exemption levels -- which are currently set at $5.49 million for individuals, and $10.98 million for married couples. Even at today's levels, only 0.2% of all estates ever end up being subject to the estate tax.--
We need to vote in a child molester so that we can be tough on crime. Family values! [/GOP]

Exactly, it's disgusting but strangely unsurprising any more. The irony that Trump's largest core support comes from Evangelicals and the so called religious right makes it even more insane. Hypocrisy and delusion on a grand scale. It's so incredibly sad.

I do find some of the Jar Jar Trump Tweets funny though and that one was pretty good.
Hasn't the last 50 years shown us that Republicans are shit at being President. Outside of Bush 1 who had his own problems they have left a trail of crimes, death, hate and lunacy with at least 80% of the national debt attributed to Reagan and Bush 2. Clinton also had fecked policies (DOMA, DADT and Glass/Steigal) as did Obama and Carter but I really feel that if this country persevered with Dems in the Oval Office for at least 4 terms and a sane mixture of slim majorities between the two parties in congress the republican mantra of greed and death could be eradicated.
They have sown a seed of pure hatred in their districts towards any progressive minded people. Child molesters are now more preferable to, by all accounts a gentleman, than a democrat. The tax policy that just passed has been tried and tested in Kansas and has decimated the state financially. The environmental policy they want is alive and well in Oklahoma and produces hundreds of earthquakes a year. Their carelessness towards the health of citizens by rejecting science, eliminating their right to elected representation and greed poisoned thousands of people in Flint. The governor of Maine has said on national tv that he would like to shoot and kill a reporter that criticized him. Assault and threats of assault towards journalists is becoming common to conservatives while they wallow in a so fecking obvious propaganda network and a National Enquirer level of paranoia with wild accusations. Facts, science and civil decorum has become the enemy to these people and they will totally ignore what their eyes and ears tell them in favor of the word of a liar that has proven to be such for the last 40 years.
They really and truly are the most clear and present danger to the future of the United States. If enacted, there policies would ruin more lives in a day then Islamic terrorism on these shores would in a life time. No matter what anybody says about the United States my observation has been that the values a lot like to preach are hollow with a huge amount of people and underneath lies a bubbling ocean of hatred and "I got mine so feck you". Some of the nicest people I have spoken to over here are cool as can be but talk to them long enough and you will get to an uninformed view defending Trump, neo nazis marching through towns and health and financial policies aimed to feck you over for money. I'm pretty sure we are living through the fall of an empire and like the Greeks and Romans before, idiotic greed and a lot of other shit will bring everything crashing down. Trump maybe the catalyst but this has been rising since Nixon. The US needs to deal with this properly and not let their leaders escape justice again. Nixon should have been prosecuted, the truth about Reagan should be told and Bush/ Cheney should be in fecking jail. Instead we get a hullabaloo over lying about a blow job and a colossal freak out because a black man won the White House.
Exactly, it's disgusting but strangely unsurprising any more. The irony that Trump's largest core support comes from Evangelicals and the so called religious right makes it even more insane. Hypocrisy and delusion on a grand scale. It's so incredibly sad.

I do find some of the Jar Jar Trump Tweets funny though and that one was pretty good.
Sure look at the conservative evangelical darling family the Duggars. Their eldest son was molesting the daughters and the parents said its kind of ok because the girls were asleep at the time. If Jesus came back he would be more than happy to reside in middle of the road blue state but would consider red states a hell on earth.
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