The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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David Frum has an interesting insight. He said that the GOP had a Faustian deal with Trump in order to pass the Tax Bill. Once Trump's signature is on the Bill, they will not be so supportive or neutered towards him.

So you sell your healthy kidney to get rid of the cancer? Way to go 'Murica.
David Frum has an interesting insight. He said that the GOP had a Faustian deal with Trump in order to pass the Tax Bill. Once Trump's signature is on the Bill, they will not be so supportive or neutered towards him.

That could be, although Trump would be stupid to not sign his own bill that he ran on and promised his base, just to stick it to rebelious GOP congress members. But I do hope that Frum is right.
That could be, although Trump would be stupid to not sign his own bill that he ran on and promised his base, just to stick it to rebelious GOP congress members. But I do hope that Frum is right.

Both sides are like desperate criminals or like teenagers -- doing the most frantic of acts not worrying about the immediate consequences. When the details of the Tax Bill comes out....
Congratulations to @FoxNews for convincing me that Jesus was white, and that George Washington is alive.

I agree, and that’s the problem that we’re having. There is not enough rise in real income for at least half of the country, which causes 1) more inequality, 2) standard of living are not rising as they should.

That's just part of it (and I mentioned that in my second post here).

There is one more point that concerns me about the tax bill that passed the Senate yesterday: if we slide into a recession in a year or two, then it will be harder to cut taxes again to stimulate the economy. That will really tie the hands of policy makers when we get there.
This book argues, I think pretty convincingly, that inequality is a problem per se.

Edit: this book: 'The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better'

Yeah that one exactly. Feckin hell :D

I've just finished reading that articling from Vox on normalising impeachment. Is there any other "respected" democracy on earth where there isn't a system for at least questioning the fitness of the leader of the country through a vote of no confidence? Impeachment is a hurdle too high.
Tasty. Putin "a real leader".

I've got no doubt they're just one of a number of nationalist groups throughout Europe who have been supported by Russia, not only financially but through their botnet promoting them and guiding their narratives.
Will take a day off.
My first protest. :drool:

26th is a Monday. And 27th obviously valentine's day (edit: duh that's the excuse I use with the wife when I forget) Record long weekend holiday requests in Britain incoming. :)

Feb? Nah not great golf weather

But on a serious note probably land at a us airbase then helicopter straight to the new 9 elms embassy site and the nature of that site is that it will be relatively easy to keep protesters at bay... possibly a friendly crowd in the garden for pr shots but I know people involved in the build and the site is locked down like a military base so I doubt protesters will get too close (and obvs the BBC etc will be fake news if they show them anyway)
Feb? Nah not great golf weather

But on a serious note probably land at a us airbase then helicopter straight to the new 9 elms embassy site and the nature of that site is that it will be relatively easy to keep protesters at bay... possibly a friendly crowd in the garden for pr shots but I know people involved in the build and the site is locked down like a military base so I doubt protesters will get too close (and obvs the BBC etc will be fake news if they show them anyway)

It doesn't matter where he is, protests will be organised all over the country. He doesn't mean he's literally going to come face to face with protesters. There will be huge numbers turning out to protest him in London and other major cities will all organise good sized protests too. It's going to be an absolute embarrassment for him.
It doesn't matter where he is, protests will be organised all over the country. He doesn't mean he's literally going to come face to face with protesters. There will be huge numbers turning out to protest him in London and other major cities will all organise good sized protests too. It's going to be an absolute embarrassment for him.
Meh a million of us marched against joining Bush in Iraq and it made fek all difference
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