The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He's a bit of a joke and he says all sorts of stupid things, but he isn't actually doing much, is he? I mean all the material hurricane response is not really down to him, there's all the crap about healthcare and he isn't going to fix it, but that is a very tough nut to crack, all the stuff about N Korea is just noise I think and surely he would be reined back by Tillerson et al if he actually did have a thought to do anything stupid. He might cut taxes a bit. He won't take on gun control unfortunately. They might as well just let him go and play golf and ignore his insane ramblings like everyone else is starting to.

Yes, he's doing lots of very bad things. He's signing executive orders which could throw millions off their healthcare coverage, his new EPA is dismantling essential environmental and health protections, the hurricane response is completely down to him, oh and those NK tweets could propel us into war. Unless his sabotage of the Iranian nuclear deal leads to a war there instead.

He's not just talking shite, he's doing incredibly deadly and dangerous things.
To all those thinking that he "can't sink any lower" you are wrong - look up Narcissistic personalty disorder and you will see that he is perennially locked into the state of mind of a spoilt little 6 year old boy that will say or do anything to get his way / project himself as the best boy in the world.

He will brazen out the worst possible scenarios and lie his way out of everything. America's best hope is that within the hours of raw footage of the Apprentice that Mark Burnett has referred to as being explosive - there is the only thing that i think will get him destroyed in the eyes of his supporters.

I can imagine hours of him leering over female candidates will be in there but that would be water off a duck's back now. However given his pattern of boasting, belittling and then distancing women in his life i can imagine a scenario where he boasts about a conquest....then claims she begged him for a herself pregnant to trap him.....he pays for abortion....she's a terrible person now.

That would destroy his support and you know what...i'll bet that footage exists somewhere!
It's simply propoganda to respect dead soldiers and have the president acknowledge them more than men who have died prematurely in other walks of life.

Not to derail the thread, but what he said ("Well he knew what he signed up for") is just a far blunter, glib version of the typical propoganda associated with national military service.
I'm as Anti-Trump as anyone but I don't really have a problem with a President not calling families of deceased soldiers. A President should be working on more important projects. Now Trump will be either watching TV, playing golf or tweeting so that doesn't really apply to him. But I also don't see why a deceased soldier takes presidence over a man wrongly murdered by the police and no presdient has ever called a family consoling relatives about that either. It's simply propoganda to respect dead soldiers and have the president acknowledge them more than men who have died prematurely in other walks of life. So to an extent my fellow liberals are playing team politics in this thread as I'm sure they agree with me on those points.

Now I do wonder if part of the reason this soldiers family didn't get a call was because he's a black a man. It could be because of his neo-fascist beliefs but it could equally be because he's lazy and incompetant. And let us be thankful for those latter 2 failings because his politics would be far more dangerous without them.

I think you're misunderstanding what's happened here. Trump is getting criticisiced in here because he knowingly incorrectly claimed other president’s didn't call families of deceased soldiers and called out Obama in particular acting like this was something special he was doing out of the goodness of his own heart when in actual fact he is just using dead soldiers, in particular his chief of staff (who does not like Trump at all) John Kelly's son to score cheap political points.

It was then revealed that on one of the calls Trump made to a grieving widow he used the phrase "well, he knew what he signed up for" because he's a fecking weirdo deviod of any empathy for other people.

It was also revealed that since four US soldiers have been killed in Niger that he's been on 3 golfing trips and hasn't mentioned them or called their families once so it's evidence it's not as high on his list of priorities as he's claiming.
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I've seen teenage girls with better impulse control and vocabulary. This is sad.
They will at least have a teenagers level of empathy - Trumps Narcissistic personality disorder means he has no ability to empathise with others and sees the world on a childlike level. Unfortunately in his case he also has the libido of a bonobo on exstacy with none of their sensitivity
This is why you shouldn't really let narcissistic sociopaths make consoling phonecalls to grieving widows.

"He had a great death, the best really, someone told me that, but you know, it's a sad thing but that's what he signed up for and maybe, I don't know, but maybe if he hadn't signed up under Obama and signed up for me this might have been avoided, but look on the bright side at least he didn't get captured and you know, tortured cos that would have been really bad for you, and for me of course, so, warmest condolences and take care now bye bye then"

Jesus I could actually believe it going down like that.
Lots of tweets today.

You know that feeling you get in your ears each time a storm is about to drop it's guts? Trump's Tweet regurgitation fits give me the same feeling only it's usually when something incriminating has come up for him.

As he is a very simple and transparent man with whubbism hardcoded into his system, I'm going to induce from these tweets...

... that Spicer or a mutual friend of Spicers has recently informed him that Mueller asked Spicer a ton of questions regarding Comey's dismissal and specifically the original letter Trump drew up.

The best his petty little mind can come up with is that.

COMEY - Check
You know that feeling you get in your ears each time a storm is about to drop it's guts? Trump's Tweet regurgitation fits give me the same feeling only it's usually when something incriminating has come up for him.

As he is a very simple and transparent man with whubbism hardcoded into his system, I'm going to induce from these tweets...

... that Spicer or a mutual friend of Spicers has recently informed him that Mueller asked Spicer a ton of questions regarding Comey's dismissal and specifically the original letter Trump drew up.

The best his petty little mind can come up with is that.

COMEY - Check

Obama.. check
Just imagine if it gets to a point where Trump is having to answer questions under oath with accusations and rhetoric that he perceives as personally attacking his fragile ego.
McCain will stomp his feet, play to the cameras, give others hope then immediately side with the GOP 95% of the voting process. Charlatan like the others.
SARAH feckING PALIN. McCain opened the floodgates for these idiots. The GOP is a clear and present danger to the future of this country but as far as I can see, very few people actually give a shit unless it's pumpkin spice flavor or an argument over the wether a dress is blue or black. Funny thing is that red America will be affected for the worse by GOP policies while blue pockets of America will be insulted by responsible adults in office. 65% of GDP or there abouts is created in blue areas of this country. Sanctuary cities are already winning against this dumb administration and if the ACA is gutted then blue states will set up their own system leaving red states to rot.
You just said what I feel.

Hey on the plus side. My Zlatan shirt came today.
Lucky boy. The only jersey that will ever make me forget about this disaster is Romeo's short sleeved keeper shirt, green or navy, doesn't matter. Never going to happen though. I need a hug:(
How are there still people trotting out the "he's not really doing anything" line?

I mean, seriously, pay attention or don't bother trying to discuss the situation.
Just imagine if it gets to a point where Trump is having to answer questions under oath with accusations and rhetoric that he perceives as personally attacking his fragile ego.
When that moment comes he will walk away just before they announce criminal charges against him. He will claim that the fake allegationas against him are a Washington conspiracy across both parties who have worked against him as traitors. He is walking away to highlight it and is thus saving the nation.
How are there still people trotting out the "he's not really doing anything" line?

I mean, seriously, pay attention or don't bother trying to discuss the situation.

If you watch Fox news and listen to folks like Limbaugh, youd think he is not doing a bad job as well
Lucky boy. The only jersey that will ever make me forget about this disaster is Romeo's short sleeved keeper shirt, green or navy, doesn't matter. Never going to happen though. I need a hug:(

I was trying to add some light hearted to this madness. Still think it's funny that my wife thought I got the wrong shirt. You ordered Zlatan and got the Chelsea manager.
You know how doctors can be. Overworked, sometimes bad bedside manner, controlled by the administrators, always trying to hit government targets. That's why I prefer to have my drunk friend Jeff do all my surgery in the back of a transit van with some woodworking tools he nicked off a lorry. He's not a cookie cutter doctor.
Nice. Reminds me of a segment on one of the networks during the ACA debates in 09. A long story short they asked a woman in Texas why she feels there is no need for affordable healthcare, her reply was "we shouldn't have to pay for other people, anyway we don't need it cause we have a surgeon in the family". When I think of that woman I always hope she went bankrupt over medical costs, the ironing would be delicious.
This is why you shouldn't really let narcissistic sociopaths make consoling phonecalls to grieving widows.

"He had a great death, the best really, someone told me that, but you know, it's a sad thing but that's what he signed up for and maybe, I don't know, but maybe if he hadn't signed up under Obama and signed up for me this might have been avoided, but look on the bright side at least he didn't get captured and you know, tortured cos that would have been really bad for you, and for me of course, so, warmest condolences and take care now bye bye then"
This is not real, right?
You know how doctors can be. Overworked, sometimes bad bedside manner, controlled by the administrators, always trying to hit government targets. That's why I prefer to have my drunk friend Jeff do all my surgery in the back of a transit van with some woodworking tools he nicked off a lorry. He's not a cookie cutter doctor.
Spot on. The New Yorker had a great cartoon on this a while back:

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