The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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That's a bizarre interpretation of McCain's narrative with Trump. He, like most rational people, is obviously appalled by Trump's demagoguery and faux nationalism, which was what the swipe at Trump was about.
I'm talking about the rest of the speech about exceptionalism, organizing the world, portraying the myth about fighting noble wars and bring power and wealth to America. I get McCain, war is what he knows and believes in. He needs to give purpose to a life that has been filled with war I guess.
McCain will stomp his feet, play to the cameras, give others hope then immediately side with the GOP 95% of the voting process. Charlatan like the others.

Oh come on, what do you expect? he's a Republican, but credit where it is due, he voted the right way over the healthcare bill and he has publically stood up against Trump on numerous occasions now. He's doing what he thinks is right before he goes and he loves his country. Agree with him politically or not, he has to be respected for standing up for what he believes in.
I'm talking about the rest of the speech about exceptionalism, organizing the world, portraying the myth about fighting noble wars and bring power and wealth to America. I get McCain, war is what he knows and believes in. He needs to give purpose to a life that has been filled with war I guess.

Not sure about pro-war, but he’s definitely a proponent of the world’s most powerful state using its military, economic, and diplomatic power to engage global issues - as opposed to say isolationists like Rand Paul, Bannon et al.

McCain’s position isn’t particularly far off from Hillary’s in this regard.
Oh come on, what do you expect? he's a Republican, but credit where it is due, he voted the right way over the healthcare bill and he has publically stood up against Trump on numerous occasions now. He's doing what he thinks is right before he goes and he loves his country. Agree with him politically or not, he has to be respected for standing up for what he believes in.

Not so hard to stand up to an asshole cretin like Trump. Shame more won't, so much respect to McCain. But everyone knows he's hardcore GOP majority of the vote.

It's scary that he actually believes this shit. FML, he's out of control.

I saw some stats today, since elected he has spent 1 out of every 3 days at a Trump property and 1 out of every 4 days playing golf. But yeah, he's accomplished more than any President in history.
Not so hard to stand up to an asshole cretin like Trump. Shame more won't, so much respect to McCain. But everyone knows he's hardcore GOP majority of the vote.

No, I agree, I just think he deserves some credit and hope that he inspires others to find their conscience and follow his lead.
And some asshats will just tag him a RINO (many have when it suits so).

:lol: He's a pure war-hawk, he ran for President, he's clearly a fiscal Republican, he's right wing on nearly every single issue, and he picked Palin as his running mate. RINO really doesn't apply to McCain.

Then you discover that rock bottom has a basement

John Oliver said this over a year ago now. It's frightening that he keeps going lower and lower and that he hasn't finished yet. It's even more scary to think he's normalised much of his behaviour and much he does isn't even shocking anymore.
The 'calls to families' thing will hurt him a lot if it isn't dealt with, I think. It's one of the few things that could be toxic to his support.
:lol: He's a pure war-hawk, he ran for President, he's clearly a fiscal Republican, he's right wing on nearly every single issue, and he picked Palin as his running mate. RINO really doesn't apply to McCain.

RINO labeling is a RWNJ defense mechanism. You have to understand the fragile psyches one is dealing with. ;)
RINO labeling is a RWNJ defense mechanism. You have to understand the fragile psyches one is dealing with. ;)

Oh yeah, I get that completely, and the fact that they will say/do/use anything to defend their position or justify their argument and they now have a leader that does the same so he's a perfect fit tbh.
He is. But it angers me.

Mate, it angers me, it saddens me and at times it makes me want to cry. He's abhorrent, despicable, evil and just so unbelievably disgusting. The damage he is doing could be irreversible and it frightens me, but also it baffles me how people can still not see it and still defend him or make excuses for him. I'm pretty much done now, I'm Trumped out, I just hope and pray that something happens sooner rather than later that removes him from office, or that other leaders around the world get some fecking balls and all start standing up to him en masse. Although, tbf I don't hold out much hope anymore.
Mate, it angers me, it saddens me and at times it makes me want to cry. He's abhorrent, despicable, evil and just so unbelievably disgusting. The damage he is doing could be irreversible and it frightens me, but also it baffles me how people can still not see it and still defend him or make excuses for him. I'm pretty much done now, I'm Trumped out, I just hope and pray that something happens sooner rather than later that removes him from office, or that other leaders around the world get some fecking balls and all start standing up to him en masse. Although, tbf I don't hold out much hope anymore.

You just said what I feel.

Hey on the plus side. My Zlatan shirt came today.
Mate, it angers me, it saddens me and at times it makes me want to cry. He's abhorrent, despicable, evil and just so unbelievably disgusting. The damage he is doing could be irreversible and it frightens me, but also it baffles me how people can still not see it and still defend him or make excuses for him. I'm pretty much done now, I'm Trumped out, I just hope and pray that something happens sooner rather than later that removes him from office, or that other leaders around the world get some fecking balls and all start standing up to him en masse. Although, tbf I don't hold out much hope anymore.
He seems thoroughly impotent to me. I imagine the world's leaders would gladly stand up to him if they thought he was going to do anything but I think most have little interest in getting too involved in his soap opera.

When he was elected I said I felt the worst he'd do had already been done by his election itself strengthening poisonous views. I still see little reason to believe he'll achieve anything more significant.

Unbelievable. Look at that mechanical wonder, looks like a tunnel will get right under that bit of 2 foot thick concrete.

F***ing foolproof.

What a total wanker.

It's a symbol. He's a Charlatan. Ladders have been invented.
I think I've said it before on here but that video of Obama roasting Donald Trump and a huge room full of famous and important people (lots of whom Trump will class as his "friends") laughing along at his expense - that was the birth of a super villain. I think my view on this has only been solidified now we have learned the extent of Trump's narcissism, that will have absolutely destroyed him, he will have been spitting blood when he got out of that room.

I realise he hated Obama before this and was already spewing birtherisms but Obama destroying him in a public forum and everyone laughing at him only filled him with more hate and I think this is exactly the reason why Trump's entire Presidency is focused on undoing any of his work.

It's extremely depressing that one man's hate and revenge is going to cost so many their quality of life.

This. I wonder how many times hes mentioned him in his speeches, because it seems he can't fecking help himself at times
Trump has just declared that he has defeated ISIS and it was all down to him. Apparently they are giving up, throwing their hands up in the air and all walking away.

Trump just ended terrorism all on his own. Hail Trump!

Obama's Deputy Chief of Staff responds to Trump's bullshit.

How the GOP can continue to defend and support him is beyond me, the damage this is causing will take decades to correct. I honestly think that the Republicans would be far more respected if they came out and shunned Trump and everything he says and stands for. It's telling that John McCain is yet again the hero and is hugely respected for speaking out against Trump. He's dying and knows he has to do the right thing, he has a conscience and it's commendable how hard he is fighting in more ways than one.

EDIT. Breaking now Trump told the widow of one of the fallen Marines that "he knew what he signed up for" FFS. He's just not right at all. What an utter cnut.

We've seen it before when he tweeted his 'Warmest Condolences' regarding another tragedy. Nearly, almost every English speaker knows the phrase to be 'Sincerest condolences', not something cross between what you write on Christmas Card or RSVP to a wedding invite. Why can't he get the response right? Well it's simple really, it's because he doesn't feel what we would expect anyone with compassion or empathy would feel, he simply can't say what human beings think because he has no Empathy. Call him a sociopath if you like but I prefer to think that he cannot use the mammalian brain because his reptile brain overrides all.
We've seen it before when he tweeted his 'Warmest Condolences' regarding another tragedy. Nearly, almost every English speaker knows the phrase to be 'Sincerest condolences', not something cross between what you write on Christmas Card or RSVP to a wedding invite. Why can't he get the response right? Well it's simple really, it's because he doesn't feel what we would expect anyone with compassion or empathy would feel, he simply can't say what human beings think because he has no Empathy. Call him a sociopath if you like but I prefer to think that he cannot use the mammalian brain because his reptile brain overrides all.

Warmest Hot Cross Buns.
EDIT. Breaking now Trump told the widow of one of the fallen Marines that "he knew what he signed up for" FFS. He's just not right at all. What an utter cnut.

This is why you shouldn't really let narcissistic sociopaths make consoling phonecalls to grieving widows.

"He had a great death, the best really, someone told me that, but you know, it's a sad thing but that's what he signed up for and maybe, I don't know, but maybe if he hadn't signed up under Obama and signed up for me this might have been avoided, but look on the bright side at least he didn't get captured and you know, tortured cos that would have been really bad for you, and for me of course, so, warmest condolences and take care now bye bye then"
Here's what I would label a decent, non-combative response I saw on a friend's FB page (asking difference in Eminem calling out Bush and Trump). It's nearing a cult mentality.

--Bush was ran by elites, a mere puppet for the establishment. Trump isn't bought out. Spouts at the mouth a bit much, at war with mainstream media for false reporting, and against the establishment. The difference? The people will support the president because he's not a politician. That's why I do. He's not a cookie cutter president.--

You know how doctors can be. Overworked, sometimes bad bedside manner, controlled by the administrators, always trying to hit government targets. That's why I prefer to have my drunk friend Jeff do all my surgery in the back of a transit van with some woodworking tools he nicked off a lorry. He's not a cookie cutter doctor.
This is why you shouldn't really let narcissistic sociopaths make consoling phonecalls to grieving widows.

"He had a great death, the best really, someone told me that, but you know, it's a sad thing but that's what he signed up for and maybe, I don't know, but maybe if he hadn't signed up under Obama and signed up for me this might have been avoided, but look on the bright side at least he didn't get captured and you know, tortured cos that would have been really bad for you, and for me of course, so, warmest condolences and take care now bye bye then"

Feck me :lol:
This is why you shouldn't really let narcissistic sociopaths make consoling phonecalls to grieving widows.

"He had a great death, the best really, someone told me that, but you know, it's a sad thing but that's what he signed up for and maybe, I don't know, but maybe if he hadn't signed up under Obama and signed up for me this might have been avoided, but look on the bright side at least he didn't get captured and you know, tortured cos that would have been really bad for you, and for me of course, so, warmest condolences and take care now bye bye then"
If someone told me that was a literal transcript of the phone call I wouldn't even be surprised. :lol:
He's a bit of a joke and he says all sorts of stupid things, but he isn't actually doing much, is he? I mean all the material hurricane response is not really down to him, there's all the crap about healthcare and he isn't going to fix it, but that is a very tough nut to crack, all the stuff about N Korea is just noise I think and surely he would be reined back by Tillerson et al if he actually did have a thought to do anything stupid. He might cut taxes a bit. He won't take on gun control unfortunately. They might as well just let him go and play golf and ignore his insane ramblings like everyone else is starting to.
I'm as Anti-Trump as anyone but I don't really have a problem with a President not calling families of deceased soldiers. A President should be working on more important projects. Now Trump will be either watching TV, playing golf or tweeting so that doesn't really apply to him. But I also don't see why a deceased soldier takes presidence over a man wrongly murdered by the police and no presdient has ever called a family consoling relatives about that either. It's simply propoganda to respect dead soldiers and have the president acknowledge them more than men who have died prematurely in other walks of life. So to an extent my fellow liberals are playing team politics in this thread as I'm sure they agree with me on those points.

Now I do wonder if part of the reason this soldiers family didn't get a call was because he's a black a man. It could be because of his neo-fascist beliefs but it could equally be because he's lazy and incompetant. And let us be thankful for those latter 2 failings because his politics would be far more dangerous without them.
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