The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What a horrible post. To wish ill on someone is not clever and any moral standing you think you have is just bollox.

What a precious little snowflake we have here.
I think I've said it before on here but that video of Obama roasting Donald Trump and a huge room full of famous and important people (lots of whom Trump will class as his "friends") laughing along at his expense - that was the birth of a super villain. I think my view on this has only been solidified now we have learned the extent of Trump's narcissism, that will have absolutely destroyed him, he will have been spitting blood when he got out of that room.

I realise he hated Obama before this and was already spewing birtherisms but Obama destroying him in a public forum and everyone laughing at him only filled him with more hate and I think this is exactly the reason why Trump's entire Presidency is focused on undoing any of his work.

It's extremely depressing that one man's hate and revenge is going to cost so many their quality of life.
Exactly. He is just looking for revenge.
It may be true, it may be false. Take it with grain of salt, so to speak.

On the left side, Democrat, they have Planned Parenthood (PP). On the right, Republican, they have Pro Life (PL). On face value, PP is for women's rights for abortions, and PL is against it, but there are more than just that basically. Having said that, the more I read, or gain info from hearsay (again take my resources with pinch of salt), PP's real agenda is for mass abortions, for all reasons and not only because of health-related issues, rape and whatnots.

Hence, PL is created to fight that, the mass abortions so that the organs would be sold for reasons I am not sure yet, but rumours of cosmetics (make ups, face cream) and even for food ingredients (disgusting!). PL fight so the 'unwanted' babies could be adopted.

Again, I am not against abortion, nor I advocate/support banning of contraceptions. I just find the idea of cutting up babies (that has formed into complete human already, not the alien looking fetus stage) is inhuman. That is all.

Again, up to you to do your own research and find your own truth. :)

The statements you make about planned parenthood shows that either you failed to do your own research, only went to right wing websites or you just plain suck at doing research.

For things like the meaning of life you might find your own truth, but in most cases it is just a cover for ignoring facts to support your own ignorance.

So once again we see those who are always telling people to do their own research are the ones who desperately need to take their own advice.

Abortions used to make food ingredients? Please tell me you are just wumming.
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I'd love to get Gen. Kelly's thoughts on Trump using his dead son as a political tool. Everyone near him gets burned eventually.

CNN tried to ask Kelly about it but he didn't return interview requests. I'd imagine he must be livid that Trump brought it up.
Did anyone see McCain's speech? Seems to get a lot of praise from media for taking a swing at Trump and ''half baked nationalism''. Do they actually fail to see the nationalism in his speech?
White House visitor records from former President Barack Obama's term show that he hosted current White House chief of staff John Kelly at a breakfast for Gold Star families after his son died in Afghanistan.

In a Fox News Radio interview, President Donald Trump defended his claim that his predecessors fell short in honoring those killed in action by saying: "You could ask Gen. Kelly, did he get a call from Obama?"

Former aides to Obama say it's difficult this many years later to determine whether Obama called Kelly and when.

The breakfast for relatives of U.S. troops killed in action occurred in May 2011, six months after Kelly's son died. An individual familiar with the breakfast for families of says that Kelly and his wife sat at former first lady Michelle Obama's table. The individual demanded anonymity because the event was private.

A day after he made the false accusation that former president Barack Obama "didn't make calls" to the families of US soldiers killed in combat, President Donald Trump brought up the dead son of his own chief of staff.

"I mean, you could ask General [John] Kelly did he get a call from Obama," Trump told Fox News Radio host Brian Kilmeade on Tuesday at a conservative radio event at the White House. "You could ask other people. I don’t know what Obama’s policy was."
I'd like to reiterate I didn't wish ill on someone so @Fearless is full of it

"I hope Trump lives a long life watching his companies crumble and hear daily what an awful presidency he had, the worst ever. The most hated ever. The ultimate suffering for him. If he's ever diagnosed with a terminal disease I may switch fields to try to cure him to make his suffering last longer."

You wished him ill in his fortune and brought a terminal disease into your weird equation so he could suffer even longer at your 'healing' hands.

Sick post. Lets see if you apply the same venom at Assad etc.
Yep, i just dont believe Obama would not have offered his condolences to Kelly.

The question here is why is Kelly telling people in the WH that Obama never called him if Obama offered his condolences via another way.
Thing with the Trump administration is you have to think technicalities. If he offered his condolences another way, he never called him about it did he?

Stupid, I know. But it's just another way to respond back to those who rightly call his bullshit out.
"I hope Trump lives a long life watching his companies crumble and hear daily what an awful presidency he had, the worst ever. The most hated ever. The ultimate suffering for him. If he's ever diagnosed with a terminal disease I may switch fields to try to cure him to make his suffering last longer."

You wished him ill in his fortune and brought a terminal disease into your weird equation so he could suffer even longer at your 'healing' hands.

Sick post. Lets see if you apply the same venom at Assad etc.

You need to be gone.
Had there even been a whiff of "Obama doesn't respect dead soliders!" in the last 8 years you can bet the right wing alarmists would have not stopped crying about it before today. Just another Trump distraction - look at the lengths people have to go to prove him wrong almost daily when really we should all just be ignoring the ravings of an elderly lunatic.
It's whenever he feels vulnerable - it's like a uncontrollable protective response. Bring up Obama, deflect and show how shit a president he was, I hope nobody calls me out about this...

...oh feck...someone has.
Blaming the past is always a good excuse to hide your failures.
"I hope Trump lives a long life watching his companies crumble and hear daily what an awful presidency he had, the worst ever. The most hated ever. The ultimate suffering for him. If he's ever diagnosed with a terminal disease I may switch fields to try to cure him to make his suffering last longer."

You wished him ill in his fortune and brought a terminal disease into your weird equation so he could suffer even longer at your 'healing' hands.

Sick post. Lets see if you apply the same venom at Assad etc.
Ill fortune? Sure I did that and I stick by it. He was handed a fortune and barely beaten what a monkey picking stock tickers would have done while at the same time he's ripped off many individuals including small businesses over and over. He deserves a taste of his own medicine. At no point did I wish a disease upon him so please stop twisting words. Venom? Feck off with that nonsense too. Pathetic. And also what the feck does Assad have to do with this? Oh yes, I know, whataboutism? Anyhow, at the risk of derailing the thread, the tactic of most Trump lovers, my take on Assad and many others are they are sick evil individuals. If you want to discuss him or other evil people create a thread about them or reply on an existing one. I'm sure there are lots of people willing to respond in the appropriate thread.
"I hope Trump lives a long life watching his companies crumble and hear daily what an awful presidency he had, the worst ever. The most hated ever. The ultimate suffering for him. If he's ever diagnosed with a terminal disease I may switch fields to try to cure him to make his suffering last longer."

You wished him ill in his fortune and brought a terminal disease into your weird equation so he could suffer even longer at your 'healing' hands.

Sick post. Lets see if you apply the same venom at Assad etc.

It's hard to tell if you are being entirely serious here. I would ask you again respectfully to clarify your position.
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