The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Situation at the state department is looking like a disaster. CNN's Michelle Kosinski is saying that she gets asked by foreigner diplomats on a weekly basis who they should get in contact with at the state department, as they cant get hold of who they need to talk to.

She's also been told it takes an entire day to set up a phone call with officials at the state department and Tillerson & his team are finding it "too difficult" to fill the hundreds of vacancies that are still vacant.
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Annoyed that some of the Hollywood crowd who had despised Spicer during his time at the WH are now helping him rebrand his image. It turns out this was Colbert's idea :rolleyes:
Annoyed that some of the Hollywood crowd who had despised Spicer during his time at the WH are now helping him rebrand his image. It turns out this was Colbert's idea :rolleyes:

I’m ok with Spicer appearing at the Emmys. Hope he rebrands his image as he was a fairly respected operative before he latched on to Trump, which he more or less had to since he was an RNC employee who worked for Priebus.
I’m ok with Spicer appearing at the Emmys. Hope he rebrands his image as he was a fairly respected operative before he latched on to Trump, which he more or less had to since he was an RNC employee who worked for Priebus.

I am more annoyed by the hypocrisy. Its the same people like Colbert's decision and the other celebs who had cast Spicer as enemy no 1 are there at the Emmy's clapping and cheering him on when he makes a unexpected appearance.
I’m ok with Spicer appearing at the Emmys. Hope he rebrands his image as he was a fairly respected operative before he latched on to Trump, which he more or less had to since he was an RNC employee who worked for Priebus.

That's BS. Even if he agreed to sign on, he should have refused to go out and lie on behalf of trump regarding crowd size on day one. Not to mention he stuck by that even after being fired.
That's BS. Even if he agreed to sign on, he should have refused to go out and lie on behalf of trump regarding crowd size on day one. Not to mention he stuck by that even after being fired.

Easy to pontificate about from the safety of internet anonymity, but not always that cut and dry when you're actually in the game and you want the job and to be in the arena. He did gradually detach himself from the administration and eventually left, so let's see how he fares from the outside.
We've gone beyond the pale so many times nothing is shocking, but how Manafort being campaign manager with all his ties to Russian money isn't shocking to the zealots of the party of the previously anti-Russian hawks beggars belief.

Suppose it shows that the whole anti-Russian stance was largely just a 'front' at the time, and opposing the Democrats/liberal wing of the US has become much more important to them than anything. To be sure, a lot of Republican figures still are quite anti-Russian/anti-Putin, but they've happily pandered to the Trump-wing of the party and the Russian sympathisers.
I think this new development was the kind of stuff Trump was referring to when he made that wiretap allegation.

Probably ended up finding out his name was on some intercepts, as he would been in contact via the phone with Manafort especially around the time he was the campaign manager.

Bernstein said on CNN that this indictment is likely to be related to the FARA law, which Mueller would use as leverage to try to get Manafort to flip.

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Looks like a Manafort indictment is imminent. Be prepared for a massive tweet storm from the White House tomorrow AM.
Macron has played Drumpf like a Stratovarius. Wining and dining them in Paris etc. He probably likes him better than Don Jr...... :lol:

Macron has played Drumpf like a Stratovarius. Wining and dining them in Paris etc. He probably likes him better than Don Jr...... :lol:

STILL can't tie a tie to the correct length.

Of all the things he's fcuking up, this is one he can correct overnight. What's he doing?
Watching "Vietnam" on PBS now and they're covering an early battle (Ap Bac).
General Harkins in Saigon saying it was a victory and that the VC lost more people than the Arvn (with no proof). And telling US reporters that were reporting the story that they should "get on the team".
Sounds very similar to the BS we hear today.
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