The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Did you erase your post? I didn't have time to respond until now.

I read it, though, and you called me a child or something and told me to study history. For what it's worth, I'm not a child and I'm rather interested in history. In fact, so much that I teach the subject. Next time we're debating something, please refrain from name calling.

Did you erase your post? I didn't have time to respond until now.

I read it, though, and you called me a child or something and told me to study history. For what it's worth, I'm not a child and I'm rather interested in history. In fact, so much that I teach the subject. Next time we're debating something, please refrain from name calling.
Two people who actually know history he's called out in the same week. Impressive by him.

Did you erase your post? I didn't have time to respond until now.

I read it, though, and you called me a child or something and told me to study history. For what it's worth, I'm not a child and I'm rather interested in history. In fact, so much that I teach the subject. Next time we're debating something, please refrain from name calling.

We're not debating that in this thread as its off topic. If you want to start a new thread that focuses solely on history then go for it.
We're not debating that in this thread as its off topic. If you want to start a new thread that focuses solely on history then go for it.

Of course. Sorry!

Mueller just hired someone who specializes in money laundering cases. A hint where things may be headed.

Mueller just hired someone who specializes in money laundering cases. A hint where things may be headed.

For the amount of money he's spending, he better have something better than the low hanging fruit like Flynn and Manafort.
For the amount of money he's spending, he better have something better than the low hanging fruit like Flynn and Manafort.

I suspect his strategy is to secure the low hanging fruit first, then dangle the prospect of prison time infront of them unless they agree to testify against the higher hanging fruit.
Before the highest of hanging fruit just says "feck it" and pardons everyone, including himself.

He can't pardon himself (at least its not settled law). And if he tries that he still isn't immune to state level charges that the likes of Schneiderman are working on.
WH spokesperson is refuting this. Will the WSJ join the plethora of other mainstream media Trump calls #FakeNews

He can sort it out during his weekly call with Murdoch. I haven't watched Hannity lately and am curious how Trump's chief sycophant is handling the pivot towards the Dems.
WH spokesperson is refuting this. Will the WSJ join the plethora of other mainstream media Trump calls #FakeNews

I feel like that's their new tactic. Go back on a promise, WH denies it to placate the degenerates who touch themselves over memes and all of that nonsense, and then eventually will go back on the promise when enough people have lost interest.
He can sort it out during his weekly call with Murdoch. I haven't watched Hannity lately and am curious how Trump's chief sycophant is handling the pivot towards the Dems.

You've been waiting months to say that :lol:

I'm not even going to argue with that, you've earned it :lol:
Naaaaah, I'd say it's just that Mar-A-Lago is at risk now. A golf course in Co. Clare wasn't enough, but the Winter White House being in the hurricane's path spurred him to take action on climate change.

By the way, I think it's utterly fascinating this situation with him refusing to release the guest list at Mar-A-Lago and having the justice dept fight his side. This is up there with his tax returns.
He can't pardon himself (at least its not settled law). And if he tries that he still isn't immune to state level charges that the likes of Schneiderman are working on.
Pence will pardon him, just like Ford pardoned Nixon. Trump will pardon everyone else before he goes. Simple.
Shitty, but inevitable.
I guess that last tweet truly confirms that when Cobb said that he and Kelly were the adults in the room he really meant it in every sense of the word.
He's gone right off the fecking rails today. Seriously, I've not seen him like this before. He's just Retweeting anyone and anything positive about him. Including this beauty....

Which even I admit is funny, but not for the President of the USA to be Retweeting. The shitstorm his actions today are going to cause. He must be desperately trying to distract from something else I think.

Check his feed out, it's gone bonkers.

He's now Retweeting HIMSELF! Retweeting shit about Terrorists being dealt with far more harshly and how his travel ban should be far tougher too, but it's not allowed because it wouldn't be politically correct. He's really gone off his rocker. After weeks of seemingly having his Twitter feed and habits under control, he's fallen off the wagon in a big way today. Relapse :lol:
Eichenwald doesn't seem to grasp that POTUS can legally divulge classified info. May not be a wise thing to do, but he can do it.
Eichenwald doesn't seem to grasp that POTUS can legally divulge classified info. May not be a wise thing to do, but he can do it.
Isn't his point more that he's disclosing information from an ally, information that may be less forthcoming if Trump just goes ahead twits it?
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