The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The rigging stuff has no basis.

It's kind of funny, the GOP can get away with passing local rules that disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of minorities across the country, but then after the election everyone starts talking about actual vote rigging. It's like someone steals your house and you don't say a word, but then you start accusing them of picking your pocket.
And it's also a needless distraction from someone actually trying to steal an election in North Carolina.
It's desperate and unbecoming.
Not if they actually have something to back it up though?

I don't say the elections have been rigged btw. Obviously my comment was tongue in cheek and I don't expect any results coming from it.
Not if they actually have something to back it up though?

I don't say the elections have been rigged btw. Obviously my comment was tongue in cheek and I don't expect any results coming from it.

There's nothing to back it up. The only thing this nonsense is based on is the discrepancy in voting pattern b/w electronics and paper ballots, which is easily explained by the urban/rural and education gap.

It's the 2016 equivalence of 'Romney got no vote in X precincts in Philadelphia'.
There's nothing to back it up. The only thing this nonsense is based on is the discrepancy in voting pattern b/w electronics and paper ballots, which is easily explained by the urban/rural and education gap.

It's the 2016 equivalence of 'Romney got no vote in X precincts in Philadelphia'.
They won't be so cavalier once they discover he played them to get their votes and will ignore them once he's in power.
Why does that picture have you both chuckling, what am I missing?
They won't be so cavalier once they discover he played them to get their votes and will ignore them once he's in power.

Oh I agree, but that tweet was just depressing. I've seen some bullshit on the internet in my time, but that's probably as low as it can get. Tweeting that in reply to a fecking fire department who were just updating people about a tragic accident. Just very, very sad :(
There's still potential that when shit tighter than it already is, the Trump administration uses crime to ramp up xenophobia and garner white support like Nixon did by marketing heroin as a black problem. Or like Anslinger did by marketing weed as making Mexicans violent.
They won't be so cavalier once they discover he played them to get their votes and will ignore them once he's in power.
See, that's what I'm waiting for... For reality to make it through their thick skulls.

It was either gonna be a fascist was elected, or a lot of folks voted for a fascist and got played.

Now that it's sort of coming out that it was option #2, what happens now?
NYT are being genuinely shit recently

Just a quick update........

Both Trump and the Argentine president denied a report that Trump asked him for help with a long-stalled business project. Three days later, the development has been given the go-ahead. Not coincidence.

:rolleyes: Of course, no conflicts of interest whatsoever. Feck being impeached, what are the chances of him actually being prosecuted and going to jail?
Unless he is first impeached and removed from office then you can forget about anything else

I don't want either really, as the alternative Pence is far worse. But if it should happen like a week before the election 2020 then I would be ok with that. I just wondered how it actually works, and wondered if he breaks the law then can he face charges after being impeached?
I don't want either really, as the alternative Pence is far worse. But if it should happen like a week before the election 2020 then I would be ok with that. I just wondered how it actually works, and wondered if he breaks the law then can he face charges after being impeached?
Disagree on that. Pence is a twunt but you know what you're getting with him, he'll adhere to democratic norms, and you can beat him on the arguments. Trump is a loose cannon with little knowledge and thin skin.
Disagree on that. Pence is a twunt but you know what you're getting with him, he'll adhere to democratic norms, and you can beat him on the arguments. Trump is a loose cannon with little knowledge and thin skin.

Pence is guaranteed to go ahead with SS privatisation, hard intervention in Syria, and complete withdrawal of funding for climate change. Trump is likely to but he may not. Also if anyone can find a way to overturn Roe, it's Pence (and Cruz). Also Obergeffel, where Trump has explicitly said he doesn't care.
Disagree on that. Pence is a twunt but you know what you're getting with him, he'll adhere to democratic norms, and you can beat him on the arguments. Trump is a loose cannon with little knowledge and thin skin.

Hmmmm, I can see your point there, I definitely agree about the PE being far more erratic and dangerous, but he's also a giant pussy. He's already proven that he will go with whoever gives him the most support and what policies please the most people, so I agree with @Raoul that he actually could be rather liberal in many ways. However, the danger from him being a complete moron is not to be ignored and I get that's the scary part with him, I just think Pence could take society back decades if he got his way with many things because of his strong religious beliefs. And as for the rest of the world, he'd be a disaster in the Middle East and especially for the Palestinians. As I said though, neither are great, and yeah the PE worries the feck out of me. I was reading an article earlier about how he would react if his hotels started getting attacked, and it's a frightening prospect to be fair, especially after his discussions about nuclear weapons. Feck it, doesn't bear thinking about really.

Here's a very interesting article about a vote recount, written by someone who doesn't actually think the election was rigged, he clearly says he thinks the polls just got it wrong, but he makes a strong point on why a recount is a good idea AND that it would shut people up either way.

Clinton: 64,225,863
Trump: 62,210,612

Over 2 million now.
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See, this is alarming.

I mean it's a genuine douche vs shit-sandwich scenario, unlike the election. He turns arrogance into an artform.
Pence is definitely worse than Trump. Trump is a megalomaniac opportunist riding the waves of GOP lunacy. Pence is GOP lunacy.
See, this is alarming.

He's well known to have a shorter attention span than a goldfish though. He's also so used to blagging everyone he speaks to, and usually in business he rips people off and is probably surrounded by sycophants continually blowing smoke up his arse. I've mentioned it before, but you only need to watch a couple of The Apprentice episodes to see what he's used to. People constantly kissing his arse just because he has money, but in that show he's so weak. He's always asking what the majority think in any situation and he's constantly looking for approval for himself and constantly bigging himself up and always seeking praise when saying he is donating cash too, yet it's been reported that's all paid for by the show. Also, he's often exceedingly creepy towards the women, and on top of that he just comes across as clueless.

The point being that he's not actually a leader at all and if he's like that on a TV show where he's supposed to be the big dog in control, then what the feck will he be like as President? AS @Raoul often says, malleable, which has shown to be very true so far, but it's his thin skin, petty and vicious streak and need for revenge and constant lies that worries me more. Just look at the treatment of Megyn Kelly for example, and she did nothing wrong but ask him a fair question about something he actually said. I've always stated he has serious mental health issues, but does anyone think he actually knows he is lying all the time? Or does he actually believe what he is saying? I mean he lies so often, and it's all on record, yet he completely denies it all the time. That's the bit that puzzles me so much because I can't believe how he always gets away with it all the time. Surely he can't do that to other world leaders? That won't go down well at all and could cause serious problems.
See, this is alarming.

I mean it's a genuine douche vs shit-sandwich scenario, unlike the election. He turns arrogance into an artform.

At this stage he's beginning to appear more like a sort of general figurehead than actual leader, and he's not even been sworn in yet. Which makes his whole desire to become President very, very pointless. Always got the impression he'd be bored with the actual reality of Presidency and liked the chase more than the role itself. Pence will be pulling the strings and all we can hope for is some mediation from a Romney-type figure if he gets a prominent position and disagrees with Pence on certain big issues.
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