What kills me is the idea that the stock market is a reflection on the actual economy for the average workerFeck me - saying he is responsible for Stock market
What kills me is the idea that the stock market is a reflection on the actual economy for the average worker
Hoover saw them at all time highs too lolevery president will have seen the Stock market hit high levels - Its the way the markets works - absolute w@nker
His supporter base has no clue either. He can claim all he wants. Lord, saviour and Donald.What kills me is the idea that the stock market is a reflection on the actual economy for the average worker
Hoover saw them at all time highs too lol
They should only allow models with big t*ts who pose topless and work as escorts into the country.Immigration law being announced.
The RAISE Act - they're claiming it is based on the Canadian and Australian immigration systems
As predicted, Drumpf's sagging numbers are met with more GOP congress members pushing back against his policies. Just a few more points and we will be in freefall.
"Not a lot of people realise" - "Someone just told me"Trump Translated:
"Who knew?" - "I certainly didn't."
"Nobody knows." - "I haven't got a f*cking scooby."
"Who would've thought?" - "I have all the foresight of a gnat."
"Nobody else would've done this." - "Because I'm more nuts than them."
This exchange between Acosta and Miller is comedy gold.
Who the feck is "Mr. Elegant"?
Lot of stuff going on...
Immigration proposal: getting some subtle xenophobic vibes from the policy so far. Think there are some good ideas in there so hopefully Congress can bang those out. Ultimately I see this as playing to his base.
Try reading it with the voice of Grandpa Simpson. It is so fitting. The guy is either the best actor in the world, or suffering from dementia.
Try reading it with the voice of Grandpa Simpson. It is so fitting. The guy is either the best actor in the world, or suffering from dementia.
There's a good 2-3 paragraphs of that interview (must have been 2mins at least talking) dedicated to golf, Spieth at the British Open to be precise![]()
Question on economics and trade deal with the UK -That's the U.K. "Nobody says Britain anymore. Did you notice that? Nobody says it anymore".
He's a nut. Completely out of step with reality.
WSJ: Can I ask another economics question, while we’re on the subject?
WSJ: You tweeted this morning about trade talks with Britain.
WSJ: Can you tell us more about what’s going on?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: No, but I can say that we’re going to be very involved with the U.K. I mean, you don’t hear the word Britain anymore. It’s very interesting. It’s like, nope.
WSJ: I work with a Brit.
MR. BAKER: I’m English. We always make that point. You’re right, yeah.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Is Scotland going to go for the vote, by the way? You don’t see it. It would be terrible. They just went through hell.
MR. BAKER: (Inaudible) – but they’re going to be –
PRESIDENT TRUMP: They just went through hell.
MR. BAKER: Besides, the first minister’s already made it clear she –
PRESIDENT TRUMP: What do you think? You don’t think so, right?
MR. BAKER: I don’t.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: One little thing, what would they do with the British Open if they ever got out? They’d no longer have the British Open.
MR. BAKER: (Inaudible.)
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Scotland. Keep it in Scotland.
MR. BAKER: We just had a – (inaudible).
PRESIDENT TRUMP: By the way, are you a member there?
MR. BAKER: No. I’ve played there, but I –
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I thought that course showed well.
WSJ: It’s a gorgeous, gorgeous course.
MR. BAKER: Did you see Jordan Spieth’s amazing –
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I – well, I saw his first four holes. And I said, man, that’s the end of that, because – you know?
WSJ: Yeah.
MR. BAKER: Yeah.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: So for a guy to go – you know, to me, that’s almost worse than, like, a triple bogey, because – but for a guy to go through these horrible holes, hit a bad drive like I’ve never seen – I mean, he was 150 yards right. I don’t know what that –
WSJ: Come on, you and I have hit worse drives. You and I have hit –
PRESIDENT TRUMP: No, no, but for – I know, but for a tour pro it was very unusual. But for a guy to then go birdie, eagle, birdie, birdie, that’s a special –
MR. BAKER: He could – he could be a career major – he could be the youngest guy to do the career major –
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, he’s actually sort of – he’s in with Tiger and Jack. He’s essentially even, you know, with a number of terms and a number of majors.
MR. BAKER: Anyway, are you looking forward to doing a trade deal with the U.K.?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Yeah. I have a great relationship –
WSJ: It would be after, right? They have a time frame.
MR. BAKER: Yeah.
WSJ: The one thing is there’s a – the one thing is there’s a ticking clock with Brexit, so.
WSJ: Well, yeah. Your tweet made it sound like you’re really talking and so you have – (inaudible) –
(Cross talk.)
PRESIDENT TRUMP: We have a very good relationship. I have a very good relationship with the prime minister. And we are absolutely looking to do a major trade deal.
WSJ: Would the idea be that the trade deal will kick in pretty much as soon as Brexit happens?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: As soon as it’s appropriate to have it kick in, absolutely. And it’ll be a big trade deal – much, much more business than we do right now, many, many times.
I wouldn't be against a point based system like the one Australia uses. The system is pretty good and Australia isn't full of low skilled migrants* - obviously some of the not so subtle racist overtones Trump, Cotton (is a nasty piece of shit who would have done well with the Nazis) and Co are spewing is f-ed up and I don't support or condone.
*well with the exception of Brits going over there to pick fruits![]()
Question on economics and trade deal with the UK -
That was Nick Mulvaney. Trump's budget guy.Listening on the radio.. Cuomo on New Day is taking it to this GOP representative (didn't catch his name) about insurance companies and how their plan will hurt Americans and allow companies to pass increasing costs onto consumers.
Edit to add..
Rep.. "I was on Obamacare in a state with only 1 insurer now before I got to the House"
Cuomo.. "Did your state accept the Medicaid expansion?"
Rep.. "Ehh, no."
Cuomo.. "See what I mean? Your plan makes it worse."
That's what happened in 2014 I think. Democrats had more votes but GOP won more seats.I read something abut gerrymandering.
It seems, even with a huge pint lead, the GOP will still win more seats?
That's fecked up.
I predict a riot, I predict a riot.... Well, an outburst on Twitter at least.