The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Crikey, I know we call it a soap opera, but there's no need to throw a diedre ballo divorce into it all.

They really do want to compete with corrie.
HAHA This is amazing. This makes Reince Penis's circle jerking of trump at the cabinet meeting all the more hilarious and ironic :lol:
By the way folks... the President is giving a speech to some police academy graduation. MSNBC is streaming it on my Facebook page... he's telling the police officers to intentionally injure people they've just arrested.

"Don't be too nice... don't protect their head when you put them into the car... etc."

So yeah, the president doesn't believe that arrested people have Constitutional rights.
In fairness to Trump that's been the polices position for some time now.
The WH are in for a shock if they think the level of leaks is going to stop with Reince's departure.

Trump needs to look closer to home (Ivanka & Jared) if he wants to see who are the main backstabbers and the biggest connivers in this WH.
Has there been anything like this kind of staff turnover in such a short space of time before? @Carolina Red
I know this is my 2nd reply to that, but to give you a real historical answer (cause WH Harrison died after a little over a month in office)...

Has there been this amount of turnover this quickly? No... the only historical comparisons would be when a president died.

But, just for fun, here are some of the shortest Cabinet tenures and why the person left office...

Thomas Walker Gilmer: Secretary of the Navy for 9 days under John Tyler - Gilmer died in an accident

EB Washburn: Secretary of State for 11 days under Ulysses Grant - Washburn fell ill and resigned

Robert Bacon: Secretary of State for 37 days under Theodore Roosevelt - Bacon was appointed 37 days before Teddy left office

Lawrence Eagleburger: Secretary of State for 42 days under George HW Bush - Eagleburger served the final 42 days of Jim Baker's term as Baker had resigned to run Bush's re-election campaign

Jonathan Daniels: Press Secretary for 47 days under FDR - Daniels left office upon FDR's death
Yeah, It's not unusual, it's just Trump campaigned on lowering it, not raising it. Because he's such a good businessman and all that, innit?
I love when Republicans ask me what single payer healthcare would do to the national debt... I'm like "What? Are you worried we will have another Reagan or Bush II scenario?"
Interesting to see who the new Homeland Security secretary will be.

Yep. They're trying to give the impression they were always in control.

That makes no sense though because if this was true then Reince would have walked before all of this Mooch bullshit. Why would he stay to be insulted like that? Nah, he got the boot today, either found out just before the Tweet or when he read the Tweet but no way did he hand his notice in yesterday or know two weeks ago. Well, I don't think so anyway.
Even when they've been ridiculed and humiliated, they still show no bottle and act like cowards when they leave.

First Spicer and now Priebus will be doing exit interviews with propaganda host Hannity to try to make out everything is fine.
That makes no sense though because if this was true then Reince would have walked before all of this Mooch bullshit. Why would he stay to be insulted like that? Nah, he got the boot today, either found out just before the Tweet or when he read the Tweet but no way did he hand his notice in yesterday or know two weeks ago. Well, I don't think so anyway.

It kind of makes sense for Priebus to have handed his resignation yesterday after the news broke of Sacaramucci's insults.

What doesn't make sense is Priebus not telling his allies in the WH that he was resigning, as they've been briefing the media since yesterday that he wouldn't quit.
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