The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Kelly, yet another Irish name in the Trump admin.
Mooch Goebbels will be high-fiving himself right now.
What are the odds Trump timed this change of staff to pre-empt any possible stories that were about to drop about him/Russia/his family/whatever? Friday afternoon has been the preferred time for the NYT and Wapo to drop joint stories in recent weeks, Trump may have tried to get in first this week. That begs the question if there were stories due to drop, will they still? Or will they now wait till next week?
CNN reporting Reince handed in his resignation yesterday. That doesn't make sense when Reince's allies were briefing the media in the past 24 hours that he wouldn't resign and would fight on.
Wikipedia right now :lol:

John Kelly

28th Very White House Chief of Putas
CNN reporting Reince handed in his resignation yesterday. That doesn't make sense when Reince's allies were briefing the media in the past 24 hours that he wouldn't resign and would fight on.

The good old "They can't fire me because I quit~" move. Reality is that Priebus is a weasel who had to have been dragged out of his office while he was clinging onto the furniture.
Reports now that Scaramucci's wife has filed for divorce because of him getting too close to Trump
By the way folks... the President is giving a speech to some police academy graduation. MSNBC is streaming it on my Facebook page... he's telling the police officers to intentionally injure people they've just arrested.

"Don't be too nice... don't protect their head when you put them into the car... etc."

So yeah, the president doesn't believe that arrested people have Constitutional rights.
Am I right in thinking that now Reince has gone, that there are NO Republicans left in the White House? Well, none in the traditional sense anyway. Feck me, this is insane, he's making a mockery out of the GOP and treating them like shit and blaming them for everything. When are those spineless pieces of shit going to stand up for themselves and the party and country they profess to care so much for?
If he resigned yesterday, why the heck would Reince want to travel with Trump today on AF1?
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