The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He's a salesman and he did everything to sell himself to the Yank electorate, even if it meant selling them lies and bullshit he never really believed in. Furthermore, he needs to gain support & allies in the congress and senate. So all this "softening" is all very predictable.
Come on langy, there's a big difference between setting up legitimate business ventures and accepting donations to your foundation from the House of Saud.

Hypocrisy Dwazza, hypocrisy, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. He was buying paintings with his foundation while the Clintons were helping people with HIV and AIDS. I doubt anything he does is legitimate, and to be fair, all Hillary did was accept donations. Seeing as she wont be President, it shouldn't be a problem should it? Unlike the chat the soon to be POTUS had with the Argentinian President regarding planning permits while his daughter was present.
Hypocrisy Dwazza, hypocrisy, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. He was buying paintings with his foundation while the Clintons were helping people with HIV and AIDS. I doubt anything he does is legitimate, and to be fair, all Hillary did was accept donations. Seeing as she wont be President, it shouldn't be a problem should it? Unlike the chat the soon to be POTUS had with the Argentinian President regarding planning permits while his daughter was present.

It's problematic when she's secretary of state. Foundations do stuff on both ends of the spectrum. They have a need to help people and a need to ensure they can do that in the future, so purchasing assets can be useful.

Haven't seen the details about Argentina but is it wrong that he's still running his business?
So many MOOZLEM countries


Saudi Arabia
Turkey - I guess...
Hypocrisy Dwazza, hypocrisy, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. He was buying paintings with his foundation while the Clintons were helping people with HIV and AIDS. I doubt anything he does is legitimate, and to be fair, all Hillary did was accept donations. Seeing as she wont be President, it shouldn't be a problem should it? Unlike the chat the soon to be POTUS had with the Argentinian President regarding planning permits while his daughter was present.

She will probably never be President but she was Secretary of State. It is like Cesar"s wife, it has to be above suspicion. There maybe nothing illegal about the Clinton Foundation but there is enough suspicion that not everything is kosher that it warrants a full investigation. If there is no closure on this it will always dog the Clintons and help divide the country. I would think they would welcome an investigation if they have not done anything wrong.
but is it wrong that he's still running his business?

Yeah, 100% He should be putting his businesses in to a blind trust, and that means his children shouldn't have anything to do with them either, but that's so problematic I don't know where to start. And he really should be concentrating on his policies and staffing issues and preparing for transition to becoming POTUS. The fact he hasn't/isn't and seems more concerned with sorting business out and planning more acceptance rallies shows how woefully inept he is for the job and how he really doesn't appear to be taking it seriously enough. It also shows how over his head he is.

There are more worms in this can than anyone can comprehend. It's a clusterfeck of monumental size and scale and we can only wait and see how it all ends. My prediction is in tears. I just hope they are his and his cronies and not ours.
I think it's time we need to wipe the slate clean and reevaluate Trump. Pre-election Trump is obviously not the same as President-Elect Trump. Much more muted, less prone to gaffes and more to the middle than to the alt-right that people expected.
The slate will never be wiped clean.
The thing is given the nature of his businesses is a blind trust even possible? It is one thing to hand over your investments and have them redistributed into a blind trust where you don't even know what the money is being invested in. For Trump's businesses, how do you set them up so that his involvement is not known?
Yeah, 100% He should be putting his businesses in to a blind trust, and that means his children shouldn't have anything to do with them either, but that's so problematic I don't know where to start. And he really should be concentrating on his policies and staffing issues and preparing for transition to becoming POTUS. The fact he hasn't/isn't and seems more concerned with sorting business out and planning more acceptance rallies shows how woefully inept he is for the job and how he really doesn't appear to be taking it seriously enough. It also shows how over his head he is.

There are more worms in this can than anyone can comprehend. It's a clusterfeck of monumental size and scale and we can only wait and see how it all ends. My prediction is in tears. I just hope they are his and his cronies and not ours.

Problematic situation, the US has never had a President with the kind and amount of business activity that Trump has. Some of his business activity is kind of like MacDonalds where his business partners are like a franchise and they are really paying for the Trump name and having the head office management team which is mainly Trump's kids advise on how to market the brand. I am not sure the country really know how to deal with this situation.

As for his children not having anything to do with the businesses, is it really fair that they should lose their jobs? Are they not supposed to work while their father is President? Even Billy Carter produced his own beer.
I don't think he really has any interest in Hilary, any more. I'm not convinced he has the attention span required.
Well she said something nice about him in her concession speech. The guy is so shallow that an insult will send him over the edge but a compliment will have him on his back purring. The Dems should unleash Alan Grayson on him, that should tie him up for the next four years.
Yeah, 100% He should be putting his businesses in to a blind trust, and that means his children shouldn't have anything to do with them either, but that's so problematic I don't know where to start. And he really should be concentrating on his policies and staffing issues and preparing for transition to becoming POTUS. The fact he hasn't/isn't and seems more concerned with sorting business out and planning more acceptance rallies shows how woefully inept he is for the job and how he really doesn't appear to be taking it seriously enough. It also shows how over his head he is.

There are more worms in this can than anyone can comprehend. It's a clusterfeck of monumental size and scale and we can only wait and see how it all ends. My prediction is in tears. I just hope they are his and his cronies and not ours.

He's not serving as president yet. No one really expected him to win, either. So it's a bit harsh to call him out on that, considering that it's probably a big task and something he cares about deeply. It's been two weeks and there are nine or ten more to go up to inauguration. Give it time and then be critical if he's still running things.
He's not serving as president yet. No one really expected him to win, either. So it's a bit harsh to call him out on that, considering that it's probably a big task and something he cares about deeply. It's been two weeks and there are nine or ten more to go up to inauguration. Give it time and then be critical if he's still running things.
If you are going to run a fifteen month campaign for POTUS then you're affairs should be in order.
The thing is given the nature of his businesses is a blind trust even possible? It is one thing to hand over your investments and have them redistributed into a blind trust where you don't even know what the money is being invested in. For Trump's businesses, how do you set them up so that his involvement is not known?

Oh I agree, that's why I said it's a clusterfeck.

As for his children not having anything to do with the businesses, is it really fair that they should lose their jobs? Are they not supposed to work while their father is President?

As above really it's a clusterfeck. I think Ivanka would be ok with her clothing label. Eric with the vineyard, and Don Jr take over The Apprentice. :lol: But again, as I said above, it's a giant clusterfeck. The one thing I do know is, is that it's not right for the POTUS and his family to profit unfairly from the position while he is in charge of the country. It's like insider trading on a massive scale. The conflicts of interest are so vast, the soliciting of gifts etc. The hotels actually seem to be one of the biggest problems now, but I don't know, thankfully it's not up to me.

He's not serving as president yet. No one really expected him to win, either. So it's a bit harsh to call him out on that, considering that it's probably a big task and something he cares about deeply. It's been two weeks and there are nine or ten more to go up to inauguration. Give it time and then be critical if he's still running things.

How is it harsh to be worried already? Two weeks in he has had major problems not knowing about staffing the WH. Has appointed people with dubious backgrounds to important jobs, and floated others for various positions. He has already had his kids present in important meetings with world leaders, and some have admitted staying in his hotels as to curry favour with him. He's been accused of asking about building permits with the Argentinian President, and on top of all that he's fallen out with the press AND has spent hours Tweeting about them being unfair. Oh, and he's also causing trouble stirring up problems with the UK Government over the Farage issue AND has mentioned the wind farm proposals that he doesn't want because they will affect the view from his Scottish golf course. THAT is a massive conflict of interest!

And please don't use the "nobody expected him to win" argument. Seriously? Well he shouldn't have applied then if he wasn't prepared or ready. He's had plenty of time to sort everything out. If he hadn't spent so much time arguing and fighting with people on Twitter he could have been far more prepared.
Suppose Trump gives his children their inheritance now? I suspect they will inherit the business anyway and after all when Trump leaves office 8 years from now:) he will be almost 80 and may want to take it easy with what time he has left.
Sorry, does that make the result too painful? ;)

Nope, no pain from the result here. Just sympathy and empathy for my friends and family in the States, and obviously some trepidation and worry. Some has slightly been eased with his change of stance on Climate Change today, but then more put on with this Farage nonsense.
Nope, no pain from the result here. Just sympathy and empathy for my friends and family in the States, and obviously some trepidation and worry. Some has slightly been eased with his change of stance on Climate Change today, but then more put on with this Farage nonsense.

Aww man you ruined my bantz! :(
Two weeks in he has had major problems not knowing about staffing the WH. Has appointed people with dubious backgrounds to important jobs, and floated others for various positions. He has already had his kids present in important meetings with world leaders, and some have admitted staying in his hotels as to curry favour with him. He's been accused of asking about building permits with the Argentinian President, and on top of all that he's fallen out with the press AND has spent hours Tweeting about them being unfair. Oh, and he's also causing trouble stirring up problems with the UK Government over the Farage issue AND has mentioned the wind farm proposals that he doesn't want because they will affect the view from his Scottish golf course. THAT is a massive conflict of interest!

The staffing problem is overblown. He'll get his appointment in time. As to qualifications of the appointments, it'll be no surprise if they turn out to be as unqualified as the President himself.

There'll be a blind trust set up and Trump will back off from overt advertisement. He likes being president and will do all it takes to not get least not before he gets richer. And he knows how to work the bureaucracy.

Richard Spencer, invited to talk about his perspective following the Nazi conference.

And well.. he's even more ignorant than I thought.

Ancient Egyptians were white. Free labour for 300 hundred years didn't help the American economy, and white people would've "found some other way to pick cotton". White men are under-represented etc.

Christ, people actually identify with this "movement"?

Richard Spencer, invited to talk about his perspective following the Nazi conference.

And well.. he's even more ignorant than I thought.

Ancient Egyptians were white. Free labour for 300 hundred years didn't help the American economy, and white people would've "found some other way to pick cotton". White men are under-represented etc.

Christ, people actually identify with this "movement"?

Spencer is basically a walking SNL sketch. Adding Roland Martin only makes it more so.
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