The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Sorry, but major historical figure? First? In the age of the first black president, Merkel, the eternal chancellor, Assad, the major player in the conflict pretty much defining our decade? You overestimate his importance. Yes, he will be remembered. Bot not more than those I've mentioned and tons of others I've forgot.
How does one person person being a major historical figure stop someone else being a major historical figure? One of the things people will remember about Obama is his roasting of Donald Trump at a white house correspondence dinner. And of Trump his appeal to racism over Obamas heritage.
feck it, I will just say it. I hope John McCain dies a nasty death before one hair is harmed on the head of the millions of people affected by this bill. Karma is a beautiful bitch and a cnut that decides to run with Sarah Palin that pushed the political discourse in to overdrive deserves a fecking ass kicking.
How does one person person being a major historical figure stop someone else being a major historical figure? One of the things people will remember about Obama is his roasting of Donald Trump at a white house correspondence dinner. And of Trump his appeal to racism over Obamas heritage.

I mainly objected "first". There have been tons before him.
Why? He's an asshole, but read his speech post vote was ok. Blasted Obama for pushing through ACA on party lines back then. Blasted GOP for shoddy current bill and secretive behind scenes working. Blasted repeal and later replace. Called for bipartisan efforts.


He's on a fecking wum. If he said all that and had voted NO then fair enough, but the fact he voted yes makes all those pretty words he said absolutely meaningless.
Why? He's an asshole, but read his speech post vote was ok. Blasted Obama for pushing through ACA on party lines back then. Blasted GOP for shoddy current bill and secretive behind scenes working. Blasted repeal and later replace. Called for bipartisan efforts.

He can blast them all he likes but he's ultimately given them his approval to go ahead with his and will help to ensure a significant number of Americans lose their healthcare.
Why? He's an asshole, but read his speech post vote was ok. Blasted Obama for pushing through ACA on party lines back then. Blasted GOP for shoddy current bill and secretive behind scenes working. Blasted repeal and later replace. Called for bipartisan efforts.

Because he constantly says things and then votes in the complete opposite way.

He's a hypocrite. Blasting Obama for pushing through the ACA on party lines just after a vote had to be broken by the vice-president where the only people who voted for it, was his party.
He just said, and I quote........!

"With the exception of the late great Abe Lincoln, I can be more Presidential than any other President that there has been in the history of this country"

He also said "No President HAS EVER done as much in their first 6 months as I have"

"I've added ONE MILLION jobs since I was elected"

"We've achieved a historic increase in defence spending" :lol: For fecks sake.

I don't think I can take much more of this.
"Apart from the late, great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than anyone"

I would love to hear what Lincoln thinks of the republican party at the moment. I feel bad for him when the republicans say 'The party of Lincoln', it's an embarrassment for him to be associated with the current day republican party.
The crazy eyed girl doing a praise the leader clap is topped only by the guy in red to the right of Trump. Zoom in. Trust me...:lol:

I've seen him. Just watched him tell the press off :lol: He's a beauty that one.

Check out the old midget right behind Trump. The lady that keeps looking to the roof and praising the sky at every opportunity.
It's so surreal. Normalization has set in and it's infinitely less shocking than it should be but every now and again I have to pause and think 'WTF?'

It's so surreal. Normalization has set in and it's infinitely less shocking than it should be but every now and again I have to pause and think 'WTF?'


Mate, I have to laugh because otherwise I sincerely want to cry. He is making hardly any sense because even for him it's fractured and all over the place, but when he does form coherent sentences, he's either flat out lying or taking credit for shit he has no control over. Obviously that's nothing new at all, but still, it's maddening.
He's been saying the same fecking things for two years now.
McCain, in a speech following the vote, called for bipartisan cooperation on health care and revealed he would not vote for the GOP’s legislation in its current form.

“I will not vote for this bill as it is today,” McCain said, emphasizing every word. “It’s a shell of a bill right now ― we all know that. I have changes urged by my state’s governor that will have to be included to earn my support for final passage of any bill.”
We've entered deranged cultist territory now. He's going to keep the rallies and social media nonsense going all the way to election day/impeachment day. By that time he'll have a fervent supporting base so stuck in we'll likely see random acts of violence.
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