The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Yes I was insinuating it could be the case because I don't have access to the investigation material so can't make an assessment on wether they have cause for steps they take. I assume that they do but the post was related to the points Javi were making in earlier posts.

In that case, you equally can't make an assessment (in your opinion) on whether they do have cause for these steps. Against that, there appears in my opinion (and others) quite a lot of evidence to give them cause to investigate the finances of the Trumps - namely, Don Jr.'s emails, the other son's statements that all of their money was coming from Russia and Donald's own dodgy dealings with connected Russians (that $90m property he sold). On top of that, his refusal to release his taxes in direct contravention of the established tradition for presidents, and his current grumblings about his finances, is more than suspicious.
But what is the wording of his mandate? Surely he doesn't have a blanque cheque to investigate anything regarding Trump.

The wording is pretty broad.

It states that the special counsel is “authorized to conduct the investigation” that includes “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump” as well as “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”


11 Emails since last night, all completely deranged, all either complete lies, falsehoods, or he's completely misunderstood the point.

He's also off playing golf again this weekend. All that winning must be taking its toll. :rolleyes:
In that case, you equally can't make an assessment (in your opinion) on whether they do have cause for these steps. Against that, there appears in my opinion (and others) quite a lot of evidence to give them cause to investigate the finances of the Trumps - namely, Don Jr.'s emails, the other son's statements that all of their money was coming from Russia and Donald's own dodgy dealings with connected Russians (that $90m property he sold). On top of that, his refusal to release his taxes in direct contravention of the established tradition for presidents, and his current grumblings about his finances, is more than suspicious.
I think he is as corrupt as they come. I also think that had he been more predictable and less of an idiot he would be left alone.
It's bullshit thuough in regard to this thread. Left wing fake news like Louise Mensch has been consistently slapped and laughed upon here. So what he is doing is taking credible articles and claiming they are "fake news" we shouldn't believe in. That's the problem.
I don't believe I have made any claims of fake news. However, we have seen lots of contradictory news articles, some resulting in retraction and/or sackings. Whether it be dossiers, secret meetings, alleged business dealings. No real factual story of X and Y collaborate to distribute some public damaging info which made people change their votes.

We have also, in the States, seen lots of government committee public hearings. Yet, no matter how loaded the questions, they seem to result in a dead end. Even Comey didn't really bring anything to light other than his queasiness. I suppose we should all jump to conclusions about what he said about the DoJ under Obama. How many times do security service and people being summoned have to say, "No, we or I didn't do/see/hear that" before people realize maybe the Russians and whoever did it of their own free will.

We also have a lot of 2+2=5 from both sides, whether they be politicians or media, which makes the public unsure about the information.

Whether you believe WaPo, NYT or Asange is down to your political preference or dislike of Trump. But you should still believe in the premise of innocent until proven guilty, rather than guilty until proven innocent.
donald trump jnrs emails indicate conspiracy to collude with a foreign entity. The fact that he wasnt successful does not mean he is not guilty
When you see the text is does look worrying for him, and the other two.

However, don't you just hate that word, when the lawyers get involved it will be ripped apart piece by piece.

Was their intent? Seems so, but when you look at the law regarding collusion when associated with elections, it is specifically aimed at gaining monetary value. It was meant to stop an elected official being under the control of a foreign entity. Both dem and rep lawyers have stated this. Is information of monetary value. If so, the outcome may not be as people wanted, because most of the information on say Manafort has come from a foreign entity and may end up giving him a pass.

Add in a third party misrepresenting the lawyer, expecting 1 person, not 4 and so on the lawyers will find fault.

If you then ask whether Trump instructed campaign people to collude with Russia's government, whether he did it himself, or whether he had knowledge prior to the meeting he tends to get a free pass. All people interviewed or who have provided a testimony on oath have said he did no such thing.

Expect something to come out of this, but if Manafort is such an experienced campaign manager, he probably will have a get out.
Was their intent? Seems so, but when you look at the law regarding collusion when associated with elections, it is specifically aimed at gaining monetary value. It was meant to stop an elected official being under the control of a foreign entity. Both dem and rep lawyers have stated this. Is information of monetary value. If so, the outcome may not be as people wanted, because most of the information on say Manafort has come from a foreign entity and may end up giving him a pass.

Others will respond to you soon enough, however, the clause say that the thing only need to be 'of value'. It doesn't specifically need to be monetary. Opposition research falls under 'of value'.
We have also, in the States, seen lots of government committee public hearings. Yet, no matter how loaded the questions, they seem to result in a dead end. Even Comey didn't really bring anything to light other than his queasiness.
Not sure about that. I think the Comey hearing was pretty tasty - as tasty as you could expect from an open hearing. Among other things he literally called Trump untrustworthy. I don't really see how Comey was queasy at all.

The Sessions hearing was a big nothing though, but I also think that somewhat comes down to the format. Every time a democrat was asking tough questions and going down a path where you could clearly see Sessions getting uncomfortable, the time was up. A republican could then throw him some soft balls (or just pat him on the back and talk about something mildly related) while he could gather his thoughts and go back to default answers for the next round of D questions.

I can't really think of a better way to do the whole thing, but (as long as the parties are as divided as they currently are) I think it's a big help for people who just want to come in and give default answers and say nothing of substance.
Trump obviously wants Sessions out so he can appoint a sycophant like Rudy or Christie, then have them sack Mueller.

I don't believe I have made any claims of fake news. However, we have seen lots of contradictory news articles, some resulting in retraction and/or sackings. Whether it be dossiers, secret meetings, alleged business dealings. No real factual story of X and Y collaborate to distribute some public damaging info which made people change their votes.

We have also, in the States, seen lots of government committee public hearings. Yet, no matter how loaded the questions, they seem to result in a dead end. Even Comey didn't really bring anything to light other than his queasiness. I suppose we should all jump to conclusions about what he said about the DoJ under Obama. How many times do security service and people being summoned have to say, "No, we or I didn't do/see/hear that" before people realize maybe the Russians and whoever did it of their own free will.

We also have a lot of 2+2=5 from both sides, whether they be politicians or media, which makes the public unsure about the information.

Whether you believe WaPo, NYT or Asange is down to your political preference or dislike of Trump. But you should still believe in the premise of innocent until proven guilty, rather than guilty until proven innocent.

When you see the text is does look worrying for him, and the other two.

However, don't you just hate that word, when the lawyers get involved it will be ripped apart piece by piece.

Was their intent? Seems so, but when you look at the law regarding collusion when associated with elections, it is specifically aimed at gaining monetary value. It was meant to stop an elected official being under the control of a foreign entity. Both dem and rep lawyers have stated this. Is information of monetary value. If so, the outcome may not be as people wanted, because most of the information on say Manafort has come from a foreign entity and may end up giving him a pass.

Add in a third party misrepresenting the lawyer, expecting 1 person, not 4 and so on the lawyers will find fault.

If you then ask whether Trump instructed campaign people to collude with Russia's government, whether he did it himself, or whether he had knowledge prior to the meeting he tends to get a free pass. All people interviewed or who have provided a testimony on oath have said he did no such thing.

Expect something to come out of this, but if Manafort is such an experienced campaign manager, he probably will have a get out.

Funnily enough, that's not true. It's against the law to receive any aid, be it money or anything else of "value".
When you start dealing with the devil you never know where he leaves you in the end. If Trump can do this to Sessions who the hell in their right minds are going to ally with him?
Trump obviously wants Sessions out so he can appoint a sycophant like Rudy or Christie, then have them sack Mueller.

Giuliani? I think he's going to turn up in Mueller's investigation soon enough if he hasn't already. I expect leaks to the press if his name comes up for the job.
Regarding his tax returns being investigated, I've seen various people say "well they won't be made public, it will only be for Mueller and his team to see".

While that is true, it's worth remembering that Mueller will have to choose a fairly sizeable team to go through his tax returns. Even just a single year's worth would take months and months to investigate and that's without following all the different offshoots that spring up.

You then multiply that by 5/10/15 tax years and you see how large the investigation will need to be.

You know what an easy way to get that work done for you is? Leaking details to rabid reporters who love to get their teeth into that sort of thing and sniff out the dirt. Then you have the added bonus of the dirt being aired in public and the people involved incriminating themselves further with their dodgey denials.
I would imagine they would consult the IRS agents who looked at the returns already before going in themselves to save themselves time. Some agent could have spotted something concerning but that wasn't in their remit to dig deeper into.
"or other thing of value, "

Really? First paragraph mate. What do you think is meant here, a Mig 29 to bomb Hillarys campaign office?
I did actually say in my other post that the question is whether information is of value and how if it is, obviously left and right will interpret it differently, how it will impact DNC, Clinton and Ukraine.

If you get something for free does it have value? Who knows who will win that argument.

The courts in the USA will have a field day with this definition and it's purpose.

I am in a court case at the moment for a trade secret case. Value is a big concept, which is not easy to prove or disprove. Going to be interesting what the outcome is in my case.

From what I have seen on tv over here lawyers on both the left and right have said information on its own is not of value. The lawyers on the left are arguing intent, not value argument.
Oh dear. The Virginia governor is having a brain fade on stage at the USS Ford ceremony, where he is boasting that all military contracts should be awarded to Virginia, as they get it done on time and on budget.

He's forgetting that this new carrier (built in Virginia) was 22% over budget (over 2 billion) and had multiple delays :rolleyes:
Oh dear. The Virginia governor is having a brain fade on stage at the USS Ford ceremony, where he is boasting that all military contracts should be awarded to Virginia, as they get it done on time and on budget.

He's forgetting that this new carrier (built in Virginia) was 22% over budget (over 2 billion) and had multiple delays :rolleyes:
Also looks like the GAO think USS Kennedy costs have not learnt from USS Ford mistakes.
I did actually say in my other post that the question is whether information is of value and how if it is, obviously left and right will interpret it differently, how it will impact DNC, Clinton and Ukraine.

If you get something for free does it have value? Who knows who will win that argument.

The courts in the USA will have a field day with this definition and it's purpose.

I am in a court case at the moment for a trade secret case. Value is a big concept, which is not easy to prove or disprove. Going to be interesting what the outcome is in my case.

From what I have seen on tv over here lawyers on both the left and right have said information on its own is not of value. The lawyers on the left are arguing intent, not value argument.

Are you kidding? So when someone is gifting you a rolex while he is trying to get a contract and you accept it, that's no corruption because it was for free? :wenger:
Are you kidding? So when someone is gifting you a rolex while he is trying to get a contract and you accept it, that's no corruption because it was for free? :wenger:

You need to go to a court case where these definitions are discussed rather than just try and trash anything you don't agree with.

The courts do have definitions on which they base their decisions. Based on this list information is not of value, but I am sure there are exceptions.
So Fox News have stooped to saying that if they investigate Trump long enough, they'll inevitably unearth something substantial. The line is "if you've been to Russia, you won't survive a forensic look into your finances". So he's undoubedly guilty...but that's ok, because the voters knew that already - they knew he wouldn't publish his taxes - and voted for him anyway. The FBI, DOJ and everyone else should just ignore it and let him get on with the job.

He's visibily flustered by the "threat" they're faced, in this case the threat of someone carrying out a thorough investigation of the most powerful person in the country in relation to their involvement with Russia. He's basically saying the threat to democracy is effective enforcement of law at the highest levels. He doesn't give a shit about America, he only cares about his America. I'm amazed this kind of thing exists in the mainstream media.
So Fox News have stooped to saying that if they investigate Trump long enough, they'll inevitably unearth something substantial. The line is "if you've been to Russia, you won't survive a forensic look into your finances". So he's undoubedly guilty...but that's ok, because the voters knew that already - they knew he wouldn't publish his taxes - and voted for him anyway. The FBI, DOJ and everyone else should just ignore it and let him get on with the job.

He's visibily flustered by the "threat" they're faced, in this case the threat of someone carrying out a thorough investigation of the most powerful person in the country in relation to their involvement with Russia. He's basically saying the threat to democracy is effective enforcement of law at the highest levels. He doesn't give a shit about America, he only cares about his America. I'm amazed this kind of thing exists in the mainstream media.

I wouldn't call Fox as part of the MSM. They are more in the right of center propaganda lane, along with talk radio.

If Trump becomes a completely useless tool for Putin, if he has his hands tied and it's impossible help Putin's agenda, I wonder if Putin will throw him under the bus to create chaos.
Thanks for the telegram, Chuck.
I can't believe Trump tweeted about pardons.. Was it just because he wants to feed his ego by saying he can do anything as Prez, or did he do it because when it inevitably comes to it he has "convinced" everyone that he can pardon anyone he wants, no questions asked?......

Whatever the case may be, it's never a dull moment when Donnie is in charge, that's for sure.
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