There's a wilful ignorance of 'facts' on both sides of the aisle, yet only one side gets castigated for it.
To echo the sentiments of my OP in the thread linked above, I still believe there's nothing much between the major political parties. Both prey on whatever item is on the societal agenda at any given time, e.g. Obama and Clinton only championed same-sex marriage and LGBT+ rights when it was politically safe to do so. How is that 'progressive' or representative of my outlook as a left-leaning liberal?
Furthermore, I still see myself as belonging to neither side as neither side fully encapsulates what I believe in. There's many, many people who feel similarly. It should be easier to see, then, why the complete and utter 'witchhunt' and demonisation of one side, to use Trump's own words, can draw sympathising eyes and ears.
To repeat, I am not a Trump supporter but I believe he deserves a shot at making a real go at the job. Let's judge his tenure in four years.