The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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If you truly want to judge Trump on only his policies and not a witch hunt then start with healthcare. The plans being put forth by him and his party are going to ruin the lives of many. Leave people without affordable healthcare. Leave people with health issue to be denied insurance. It will kill people.
Aport from some run of the mill EOs, has his government passed anything that requires approval?
There's a wilful ignorance of 'facts' on both sides of the aisle, yet only one side gets castigated for it.

To echo the sentiments of my OP in the thread linked above, I still believe there's nothing much between the major political parties. Both prey on whatever item is on the societal agenda at any given time, e.g. Obama and Clinton only championed same-sex marriage and LGBT+ rights when it was politically safe to do so. How is that 'progressive' or representative of my outlook as a left-leaning liberal?

Furthermore, I still see myself as belonging to neither side as neither side fully encapsulates what I believe in. There's many, many people who feel similarly. It should be easier to see, then, why the complete and utter 'witchhunt' and demonisation of one side, to use Trump's own words, can draw sympathising eyes and ears.

To repeat, I am not a Trump supporter but I believe he deserves a shot at making a real go at the job. Let's judge his tenure in four years.

Complete nonsense. One side is fact based and the other is fact free, rumor/innuendo/or full lies based. We need not look any further than Trump's affiliation with Russian methods of influencing elections and his constant attempts to castigate legitimate main stream journalism as fake news, his full on lies about everything from Birtherism, crowd sizes, fake stories about people dancing in the streets after 9/11, Comey etc etc.

You can read all about Trump's lies here.
A rap artist at United post match party:

Not sure the glazers will be best pleased considering they are mates.
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Ken Kurson is on CNN 'Reliable Sources' at the moment saying Trump is a normal person, watches Wimbledon and connects with people and that the media doesn't focus on it.

Kurson is an editor for the New York Observer, an online tabloid, which is owned by Jared Kushner.
Ken Kurson is on CNN 'Reliable Sources' at the moment saying Trump is a normal person, watches Wimbledon and connects with people and that the media doesn't focus on it.

Kurson is an editor for the New York Observer, an online tabloid, which is owned by Jared Kushner.

Of course Ken is correct. We all grab pussies just because we can. You mean you don't?
Ken Kurson is on CNN 'Reliable Sources' at the moment saying Trump is a normal person, watches Wimbledon and connects with people and that the media doesn't focus on it.

Kurson is an editor for the New York Observer, an online tabloid, which is owned by Jared Kushner.

If only he exhibited normalicy in his public persona as opposed to being an insecure narcissist and a professional liar.
I say that because he'n not used to people having a go at him.
He sees himself being attacked from every angle and there's nothing he can do.
The only place he can lash out is on twitter and it's driving him crazy.

Yup, I get that, and like you, I can foresee the excuses coming already.

If you truly want to judge Trump on only his policies and not a witch hunt then start with healthcare. The plans being put forth by him and his party are going to ruin the lives of many. Leave people without affordable healthcare. Leave people with health issue to be denied insurance. It will kill people.

Yup, absolutely right. As is his environmental policies. They have the potential to kill millions, maybe more. His policy towards women and Planned Parenthood is criminal too and will result in people dying and suffering needlessly. His foreign policy, or complete lack of will kill people, it will cost people their lives. Again, potentially it could cost millions or even billions of lives.
What was that facebook post about that buchan posted? I can't seem to view it.

That is the image. He liked something Trump related and it gave him the standard privacy message and he panicked and thought he was being shamed.

This is proof that big media corporations like Facebook have an agenda you see.

I liked a post one of my girlfriend's friend's was in last week and got the same message. Obviously Facebook has got an agenda against Sarah from Bristol too and wanted to shame me for liking her anniversary with her boyfriend. Bloody Zuckerberg, his scope is too damn big these days.
I liked a post one of my girlfriend's friend's was in last week and got the same message. Obviously Facebook has got an agenda against Sarah from Bristol too and wanted to shame me for liking her anniversary with her boyfriend. Bloody Zuckerberg, his scope is too damn big these days.

They clearly knew you have impure designs on the girl. Bravo to the thought police!
I'd rather the news focus more on his policies, as that would completely expose him. He isn't actually doing anything, going back on most of his promises (Mexico will pay for the wall, making healthcare cheaper, leaving NAFTA/NATO and even, won't golf). And the things he will pass i.e. tax reform (massive cuts for the rich) and the monstrosity that is the health care bill are gonna make the lives of many people, including his supporters, much worse.

This is what I don't understand. I get that CNN and other media outlets need ratings etc but I just don't understand the tactics employed by Dems. While everyone seems to be trying to bring up Russia and Trump collusion, I would like to see some Dems step up and call Trump out on all those unkept promises. Surely that's gonna help them more than just letting the Russia angle play out.
This kind of "Trump will self destruct" attitude cost them an election already and they don't seem to be able to regroup and launch an offensive based on policy and the performance of this administration.
This is what I don't understand. I get that CNN and other media outlets need ratings etc but I just don't understand the tactics employed by Dems. While everyone seems to be trying to bring up Russia and Trump collusion, I would like to see some Dems step up and call Trump out on all those unkept promises. Surely that's gonna help them more than just letting the Russia angle play out.
This kind of "Trump will self destruct" attitude cost them an election already and they don't seem to be able to regroup and launch an offensive based on policy and the performance of this administration.

That's what he wants. He's used to people playing the game traditionally, and then he just steps outside the rules, tells blatant lies and wins. If they start hitting him on not fulfilling his campaign policies, he'll just flood twitter and news shows with a full on attack about hypocritical Democrats obstructing his wonderful policies. It would be handing him an open goal.
That's what he wants. He's used to people playing the game traditionally, and then he just steps outside the rules, tells blatant lies and wins. If they start hitting him on not fulfilling his campaign policies, he'll just flood twitter and news shows with a full on attack about hypocritical Democrats obstructing his wonderful policies. It would be handing him an open goal.

He has majority in both houses. Would be a lame excuse.
That's what he wants. He's used to people playing the game traditionally, and then he just steps outside the rules, tells blatant lies and wins. If they start hitting him on not fulfilling his campaign policies, he'll just flood twitter and news shows with a full on attack about hypocritical Democrats obstructing his wonderful policies. It would be handing him an open goal.

But now people are trying to beat him at his own game, which isn't gonna take anyone anywhere. It will only polarize people (increase the R&D divide) with no one coming out on top.

Besides, as long as he is the president, it becomes very easy for him to change the rules of the game. For instance, if this whole Russia thing gains momentum, all it will take to deflect attention is one absurd tweet about women/wall/ME countries/climate/whatever else and that will shift the news cycle so much and all the "progress" made in setting up the narrative of collusion etc will just move away from all the news cycles.

All I'm saying is, Dems should focus on some buzzwords based on whatever Trump had promised and failed abjectly up until now and use that stick to beat him all the time. In a way, it's genius how he won election focusing on "lyin Ted", "low energy", "Croked Hillary", "but her emails" etc., all the time and people lapped it up. Surely if a guy like Trump can pull something of this type out against career politicians, there's gotta be away for these guys to get one back at him.
To repeat, I am not a Trump supporter but I believe he deserves a shot at making a real go at the job. Let's judge his tenure in four years.
He has been given a go and he's been an idiot and embarassment. Massively incompetent.
:lol: so the secret service should vet his meetings?

How dumb do they think people are? Oh wait...

They blamed Obama and Lynch the other day for letting the Russians in to the country. Yup, people are buying it too. I give up I think. Stupidity and delusion know no bounds.
Very good point from Kayyem.

Why would Sekulow expect secret service to be vetting who goes into a particular meeting unless a protectee is in the room?

Trump Jr was not under SS protection at the time and the only reason for the agents to have had an opportunity to vet participants is if Trump was in the room as he was under protection at that time.

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Forget if this was posted earlier in response to the Kathy Griffin nonsense.

Edwards made his first comments to The Associated Press in response to Coulter's suggestion that she wished he would be "killed in a terrorist assassination plot." His campaign cited her remarks in two e-mails and a telephone text message to supporters for donations, with the fundraising deadline on Saturday.
This is also interesting

Why would the SS allow these people into Trump Tower without security checks?

Wonder whether they could have been bought in via the private entrance by Schiller, so that no records were written down by the SS.

“No one asked us for IDs,” Rinat Akhmetshin told Yahoo News in a brief telephone interview Friday. “We literally walked in” without any security check.
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But now people are trying to beat him at his own game, which isn't gonna take anyone anywhere. It will only polarize people (increase the R&D divide) with no one coming out on top.

All I'm saying is, Dems should focus on some buzzwords based on whatever Trump had promised and failed abjectly up until now and use that stick to beat him all the time. In a way, it's genius how he won election focusing on "lyin Ted", "low energy", "Croked Hillary", "but her emails" etc., all the time and people lapped it up. Surely if a guy like Trump can pull something of this type out against career politicians, there's gotta be away for these guys to get one back at him.

I think you might, fundamentally misunderstand what happened. Trump didn't create the movement. He jumped onto the movement. These people are like ultra dogmatic religious types. They've spent their entire lives believing this stuff, and then someone came along and told them they were right all along. They don't need facts. They don't need evidence. They don't need proof. They know it to be true. They BELIEVE it, and too people like this, belief is more important than facts or evidence.

This was a pre-existing condition in America, and Trump just came along and figured out he could surf it. Slinging buzz words and one liners at Trump won't work. It won't work because the Dems are mostly based on logic and facts, while the populous movement Trump rode, is based on faith and belief. You contradict their world view, and they call it fake. You show them evidence, and they call it fake.

We're not dealing with rational people. We're dealing with mentals. So, saying you fundamentally misunderstood what happened, just means you're a logical, rational person, so it's not demeaning at all! :)

I think it's a bit of a stretch to be honest, but feck me, what if Trump was there? Sheeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! Of course he will just shrug it off anyway, and will probably say something like "That's how I know Don Jr is innocent and how I know nothing was said, because I was there and nothing went on"
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