Tarheel Tech Wizard
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You need to put yourself in the shoes of an ahole and reanalyzewhat is wrong with that.
Once you have single payer, it will just be noise.
You need to put yourself in the shoes of an ahole and reanalyze
It was always inevitable.And so the normalization begins....
Think of the mental gymnastics involved in this...Problem here is the hardcore GOP base will see this as proof of voter fraud. The sane persons (everyone else) will see that as protection of personal information and preferences. The last thing I want is my information in the hands of Russians crooks and GOP asshats noting that I've voted DNC the last two GEs.
Trump is obviously attempting to do one thing - galvanize his base so that they support him unconditionally during the storm that is about to hit him. If he loses Republican politicians he's toast. The only way to keep them in line is to rally the people who vote for them to support him, so that he can in effect control their congress members to support him. Without that, he's extremely vulnerable.
As a European, the only positive thing about Trump is that, this farce is has made more Europeans aware of the need to not elect clowns as leaders.
We're looking at this shambles and we want nothing of it.
We're all going to die.
a point that may not have been explored.
Obama being the clever man he is, may have forseen the eventual issues we are seeing with the ACA.
The alternative?
Not going back to a private health insurance package.
The only movement is towards Medicaid and a government run program.
Im not convinced. Red states will get all worked up. Also the lazy non working? How on earth do they deserve healthcare? Bunch of moochers!Medicare For All will not be derailed by the abortion issue. There are other non-profit avenues.
The GOP plan isn't going back to private healthcare. It leaves all key issues in place and changes a bit of the size of benefits/funding - primarily in the far future (from 2024, so these things are never actually going to happen). On some issues it actually even expands on the ACA by forcing states that didn't went along to do stuff and by changing the funding.
This plan is the best thing that will ever happen to the democrats. If this passes, the GOP owns healthcare including all the rate hikes and exploding costs.
Yet due to media outrage and ignorance, the Dems can use it as effective campaign issue. When the Dems win a majority during the next 6years, they can easily remove the cuts, with almost no harm done and go all the way to single payer.
The GOP has/had one shot to move towards a market based system and they are not even attempting to do so.
So instead of panic, you should celebrate. Obviously that also means that exploding healthcare costs are never going to get addressed, but that's not something Dems care about anyway.