The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I know that in your must be thinking you've made a smart, intellectual argument. But in reality it only comes across as dumb, uninformed and written by kid with one hand downs his pants.

One thing I will say, the pay gap thing is very misleading, and it is in part for one simple reason.

Women do not do, will not do, many of the hyper dangerous, very high paying working class jobs. This acts to skew figures significantly more than they are (not denying a pay gap, just that it isn't actually as big as people claim due to it being an apples and oranges comparison).

Women, for example, do not become loggers, the most dangerous job on the planet. They do not become fishermen in some of the very lucrative markets. They do not become, or rarely become under water welders. These are jobs, and not the only jobs of this kind, that men do almost exclusively, and they are all EXTREMELY lucrative working class jobs. A crab fisherman can make a hundred grand in a few months. Underwater welders can retire after a decade on the job if they don't piss their money away. Loggers can make in excess of 100,000 dollars a year if they are their own boss/contractor.

The existence of these jobs, with no female representation skews figures even further to make the gap look even larger than it already is. People often are unaware of this, or simply find it inconvenient. I'm 100% pro equal pay in all jobs where both sexes do the same work btw. Professional sports are obviously one area where things shouldn't be equal, because female pro sports don't make any fecking money. Just pointing something out that goes under the radar.
One thing I will say, the pay gap thing is very misleading, and it is in part for one simple reason.

Women do not do, will not do, many of the hyper dangerous, very high paying working class jobs. This acts to skew figures significantly more than they are (not denying a pay gap, just that it isn't actually as big as people claim due to it being an apples and oranges comparison).

Women, for example, do not become loggers, the most dangerous job on the planet. They do not become fishermen in some of the very lucrative markets. They do not become, or rarely become under water welders. These are jobs, and not the only jobs of this kind, that men do almost exclusively, and they are all EXTREMELY lucrative working class jobs. A crab fisherman can make a hundred grand in a few months. Underwater welders can retire after a decade on the job if they don't piss their money away. Loggers can make in excess of 100,000 dollars a year if they are their own boss/contractor.

On the flip side, jobs that women gravitate towards in numbers larger than men : Nurses, Teachers, are low paid, with pay parity a given.
On the flip side, jobs that women gravitate towards in numbers larger than men : Nurses, Teachers, are low paid, with pay parity a given.

Bingo, and if the various governments really was interested in shrinking the pay gap, they would pay these professions more. Nurses for example are shamefully underpaid considering the nature and stress of their job
Bingo, and if the various governments really was interested in shrinking the pay gap, they would pay these professions more. Nurses for example are shamefully underpaid considering the nature and stress of their job

Not sure this is the best topic to discuss at the moment considering that we just paid our latest signing upwards of $400k/week. :nervous:
Please keep this thread on topic. That's on Trump and his presidency.

Use the relevant threads (or create new ones) for more general American or global political and social topics, or for more detailed discussion of specific issues.
The 24 hours newscycle wasn't there during the 90s.

Political coverage of Obama was pretty constant up until the shutdown in 2011, if anything the constant fearmongering and paranoia from Fox was even more than what we have currently, but it reverted to a degree of normalcy after that, until the Cheeto arrived.

There's a difference between political coverage in the old sense, which was basically just the political news media trying to come up with something to argue about, and the Thunderdome we find ourselves in now. Under Obama the talking heads would be rehashing a comment from 2 months earlier and trying to find new ways to pretend it was relevant. Now we have the President doing things multiple times a week that would have filled a 6 month cycle under any previous president.

This is truly unprecedented in every way.
I sometimes eat slices of pizza this way too, I feel so dirty now.

You should. I bet you drink water like this too..

There's a difference between political coverage in the old sense, which was basically just the political news media trying to come up with something to argue about, and the Thunderdome we find ourselves in now. Under Obama the talking heads would be rehashing a comment from 2 months earlier and trying to find new ways to pretend it was relevant. Now we have the President doing things multiple times a week that would have filled a 6 month cycle under any previous president.

This is truly unprecedented in every way.

#tansuitgate vs affair with porn star, slagging democrats on Twitter, trolling women's marches against him on twitter, golfing every free minute, putting obviously cronies in positions of power etc etc etc...
I think Trump mistrusting the media is actually responsible for the amount of ammunition they have to criticize and ridicule him. If he would just use his spokespeople to make his points they would be able to nuance the things he says, or make them at least sound somewhat coherent and factual. By using Twitter Trump bypasses the filter, which in his case would act as a mask of sanity. All though, looking at his staff I'd still doubt it.
I sometimes eat slices of pizza this way too, I feel so dirty now.

In other news; Fat Joe disses Trump in his new track. I didn't know Fat Joe was still alive..


Fat Joe dissing the President, what a time to be alive almost feels like the early 00's .. whole gang getting back together, just need Ja Rule now, what's Ashanti upto?
He did the same thing with bottled water. So weird.


Anyhow, I wonder how long before people start requesting that meetings with him must be transcribed and/or recorded? There seems to be polarizing opposite recollections of every single meeting he has. Sessions should just carry a voice recorder since he never recollects a thing. He needs to take the dementia test trump just took.
He did the same thing with bottled water. So weird.


Anyhow, I wonder how long before people start requesting that meetings with him must be transcribed and/or recorded? There seems to be polarizing opposite recollections of every single meeting he has. Sessions should just carry a voice recorder since he never recollects a thing. He needs to take the dementia test trump just took.

It's been said before but it can't be said enough. If Session can't recall anything then he is either mentally unfit for office or he's lying. Am I right in thinking that in these hearings you've sworn under oath to tell the truth?
Interesting comments on fake news from the pope. I wonder how some of those religious people feel about them, the ones that ignore the attempts to distort facts and truth just because they feel this guy is doing their work.

Will they take their new god over their old one?
Then they should remove him from office given that it's pretty important that someone in his position is able to recollect simple things.

As Elizabeth Warren said it (albeit to someone else) "At best you were incompetent, at worst you were complicit.. Either way, you should be fired"
He did the same thing with bottled water. So weird.


Anyhow, I wonder how long before people start requesting that meetings with him must be transcribed and/or recorded? There seems to be polarizing opposite recollections of every single meeting he has. Sessions should just carry a voice recorder since he never recollects a thing. He needs to take the dementia test trump just took.
:lol: If this prick hadn't been born into wealth he probably would have end up homeless. Seems incapable of doing basic things properly, wouldn't last 5 minutes in a regular job.
So an "informed" Trump supporter put me in my place apparently, first he started of calling me a "liberal whiney snowflake" and told me how much America is winning right now, failed to back up any of his claims until he showed me this doozy < which basically just repeats itself over and over again in different wording, guess they can't tell the difference when being played.
So an "informed" Trump supporter put me in my place apparently, first he started of calling me a "liberal whiney snowflake" and told me how much America is winning right now, failed to back up any of his claims until he showed me this doozy < which basically just repeats itself over and over again in different wording, guess they can't tell the difference when being played.

Its not entirely certain how informed they are since they generally get their information from Fox, Breitbart, and Talk Radio,
:lol: If this prick hadn't been born into wealth he probably would have end up homeless. Seems incapable of doing basic things properly, wouldn't last 5 minutes in a regular job.

Cut him some slack, he's basically dead lifting the bottle to drink it. Very clever, I bet his lower back, hips, and glutes are, naaaa they are flabby as ffffffffffff.
Bingo, and if the various governments really was interested in shrinking the pay gap, they would pay these professions more. Nurses for example are shamefully underpaid considering the nature and stress of their job
I’m sorry, but the jobs market is basic supply and demand, when lots of people are capable of doing those jobs, they’ll inevitably be paid less.

Presumably Morgan will be giving Trump the full fawning and sycophantic Micheal Aspel-style "This is you're Life" treatment.
"Just got off the phone with Europe, they've told me to tell you that they're looking forward to me coming over but they don't need me to talk about how good I'm making America win again because it's all their real news media can talk about. In fact they asked if they can move Europe closer to America but I said no because America is the best and it belongs to us. They accepted this and cheered my name and clapped and had a big party in my honor all acrros Europe. and then Tom brady came over and gave me high fives. But my hands are so yuge that it broke his throwingf arm so he asked me to take his place at the sper bowl. Sorry tom! But I have to focus my attention on KEEPING AMAERICA GREAT!!!"
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