Well, it's not too big of a deal. I'm able to make it in most cases. This time, I didn't realise you guys went on whilst I was waiting for the UFC preliminary fights.@mazhar13 shame about the time difference. Seems to be a bit of an obstacle at the moment
I'd like to finish off that first person one that we started the other day but understand if you'd rather me not.
Cool - well if they are online then up for that later. Otherwise I will either try and join some heists with randoms or do some missions solo I guess.Yep.
CoolI'll be up for finishing number 5 off if people are around.
@Levo - are you looking to try and get the yacht (obviously depending on price)? If it was 410m, would you buy it, or would you buy the cars etc first?
Just curious - my guess is the yacht will be $10m - in which case you are the only one who could afford it!
I reckon $1.75m will be enough for a fully-modded car - am going to get the Verlierer and Nightshade, so that's $3.5m, leaving me with $6m. I think that will be enough for a mansion/house plus the Mamba (especially given that you are able to trade your existing property towards the cost of a new place), but think I will be out of luck for the yacht.
I might skip the mansion - all depends on what is included. The garage would need to be 10 car minimum - ideally 20 car. I have sold most of my cars, so the space isn't as important as it was. The location of the houses is good from a view perspective (although I don't spend any time inside my apartments!) but not so good for a driving perspective - the roads up there are a pain to drive around and you are a ways away from stores etc. If they had a helipad, then that would be different! I think they will, as the trailer shows helicopters around the houses so it suggests that you can use them - actually the trailer shows helicopters in pretty much every external shot of the houses. I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't order Pegasus vehicles there, but you would be able to pay extra and have a 'generic' helicopter available for transportation - kinda like the Merryweather helicopter pickup. I think this is also how it would work on the yacht - you could pay more to have the functionality on the yacht.
If the yacht was $10m, then am not sure I would try and buy it before the cars.
In saying that, the trailer does suggest that there could be more to this update than first assumed. I thought the whole Boss and Bodyguards thing would be like a new adversary type mode - but if it says "Become a Boss, Hire Bodyguards, Defend Your Organization, and Take Down Rivals Across Freemode", then I think that it could be more involved than a simple game mode. The "defend your organization" part sounds intriguing - sounds like it could be a new way to make money - and make serious money. That is the only way I can see the yacht being priced in the $20m+ range.
Is this tomorrow?
#CrewLeaderI meant the launch of the new stuff but whatevz!
But tomorrow, tomorrow will be today...This is today.
Tomorrow is tomorrow.
But tomorrow never comes.But tomorrow, tomorrow will be today...
But, but how on earth will we replace someone of Stoney's caliber????????????@swooshboy We'll get a sub in if Stoney doesn't show.
I'll see what the deal is laters
@Duffy obviously isn't as secure as the rest of us, going for the shapeless, baggy number that ironically resembles his physique.Who likes short shorts? We like short shorts.
Say a few words.
Found an accurate representation of the impact...
Become a VIP and create your own criminal organization in the latest addition to Grand Theft Auto Online,Executives and Other Criminals. Featuring all new gameplay modes and opportunities for luxury living, Executives and Other Criminals also includes new customizable apartments, stilt houses in the Vinewood Hills and the ultimate in executive excess: the extravagant, fully staffed and upgradeable Super Yacht.
VIP’s who run their own operation gain access to new co-op Jobs, challenges and special abilities in Freemode, as well as having the power to hire and fire other players for their team of bodyguards. Meanwhile, Bodyguards earn a regular paycheck and their own special benefits including RP, GTA$, and stat boosts for working for a VIP’s organization.
Organizations can go head to head in Freemode, with new missions that make full use of the latest executive defense options including new armored vehicle variants, the devastating Turreted Limo and the missile defense systems of the Super Yacht, which also comes with its own suite of supporting vehicle upgrades including the new SuperVolito Carbon helicopter and personal watercraft.
Some existing Freemode Events will automatically adapt when played by organizations, allowing for new ways to take on King of The Castle, Moving Target and more. Also included is the new Extraction Adversary Mode, tasking teams of Bodyguards to search, locate and safely extract an Executive from their downed jet before a Hit Squad intercepts and eliminates the target.
Sitting on the edge of my seat.i don't get it