SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Yea i was thinking that alright. Any farm work is tough work. It could be roasting hot or raining, both of which would be tough to work in.

I worked in a computer factory years ago. I remember one of the jobs you had to do was pull wires out of all the laptops they were testing. You would think it was easy, but far from it. You were bending up and down literally 5000 times per 12 hour shifts. It was tough and it was boring. Like you loads of people would start and drop out two days later. I stuck by it to pay for my college. But if you kept it up, 12 hour shifts six days a week, you would be dead by the time you were sixty.

Some jobs like anything on the buildings or farms is serious tough work.
The hotrail they put me there for a week nearly went off my game, some stations in computer factorys are a joke constant going for 12 hours I remember one station where it was constant going 12 hours and it was the long week so 6 12s in 7 days It took 2 days for my feet to get back to normal.
The problem with a lot of the fruit picking jobs in the UK is that the farmers only allow workers that will live on site permanently through the season in static caravans, about 4 to a Van. They then deduct board from the workers wages leaving them with little take home pay. It works for Eastern European’s because the cost of living is so much lower in their home countries. It’s farmers gaming FoM.

A lot of Brits rejected those farm jobs this summer because they were not allowed to travel to site independently to avoid have their wages halved or whatever through the board.

Before FoM housewives from local towns used to pick the fruit, they were collected daily by a coach in the nearest towns etc.

All this means that the price of Strawberries has barely risen for a long time.

Yup, when someone mentioned Boston I look at it closely and the reality seems to be that british farmers bypass british prospective workers, partially for the reasons that you mentioned, they literally import workers from eastern Europe and fill their job vacancies in advance and on their particular terms. I also seem to remember that they do the same thing with north africans and spanish workers, a large sea food company comes to mind.
Yup, when someone mentioned Boston I look at it closely and the reality seems to be that british farmers bypass british prospective workers, partially for the reasons that you mentioned, they literally import workers from eastern Europe and fill their job vacancies in advance and on their particular terms. I also seem to remember that they do the same thing with north africans and spanish workers, a large sea food company comes to mind.

I’ve also heard people claim they only pay what equates to minimum wage in the workers home countries after boarding but that enables them to claim a number of tax breaks etc so the taxpayer ends up subsidising the workers/farmers too.

Not seen that from any proper source and I don’t know how the benefits system works but it wouldn’t surprise me.
The hotrail they put me there for a week nearly went off my game, some stations in computer factorys are a joke constant going for 12 hours I remember one station where it was constant going 12 hours and it was the long week so 6 12s in 7 days It took 2 days for my feet to get back to normal.

Yea the hours were terrible. Where i worked every second week was night shift as well.

People were so tired that they were crashing their cars when they went home.

Good pay but shitty hours.
The sun headline is awful. A humiliation. If that were me i would be contacting my lawyer. Doubt much could be done though.

If the sun had said it about the woman there would be a national outcry.

The sun was awful, but they surely got a legal department that made sure they won't get sued, and even if they got sued they'll win on the basis of "enter loophole here"
People that that social media, internet etc would make people more enlightened due to the readily available information. It turns out that the opposite is true... And I fear for the generation currently growing up in this hyperbolic and all-encompassing social media world. Some (few) will be able to handle it and be able to discern what is right and wrong, but most will be naive, easily manipulated and shallow people without any ability to reflect, evaluate and make up their own opinion. When this group of people start reproducing, will their kids become independent due to lack of parenting or will they be the same as their parents?

While I understand the need for widescale government intervention into all of our lives due to the current situation, I am quite concerned about how this could pan out.

We all need to be very careful that it is exclusively associated with the fight against Corona Virus.
Full stop.

The fear is that once the government and police get used to being able to gain access to and control us with much of the data we use in our private lives, will they be prepared to stop.

Should we trust them???
Do I trust them; definitely not.
It is obviously massively invading her privacy, but is anyone really surprised by the coverage? In Britain we're weirdly prudish about this stuff, while also loving the written by a 14 year old sex-starved boy, thigh-rubbing tone of the coverage.

That's an old link! It was ages ago tbf- quite possibly that, although I had Channel 4 in my head, not BBC.

Vic Reeves reference?
The sun was awful, but they surely got a legal department that made sure they won't get sued, and even if they got sued they'll win on the basis of "enter loophole here"

I agree. They have a room full of lawyers analysing these things.

But if it were a woman, as in they said "woman caught with her knickers down." You can bet your bollix they would be in trouble.
Concerning for UK is the amount of cases, (6k today not on the graph) is how we're in this 4.5-6.5k range. You can say increased testing but Italy increased there's massively as well, as did Spain, Italy more so in fact and saw it down to 2-3k consistently by this time. While deaths are past the peak I fear they will keep kind of medium to high as these 5-6k cases per day unfold in the next month.


Concerning for UK is the amount of cases, (6k today not on the graph) is how we're in this 4.5-6.5k range. You can say increased testing but Italy increased there's massively as well, as did Spain, Italy more so in fact and saw it down to 2-3k consistently by this time. While deaths are past the peak I fear they will keep kind of medium to high as these 5-6k cases per day unfold in the next month.



I don’t think people appreciate how rigorous the lockdown has been in Italy and Spain. Kids not allowed out of their apartment under any circumstances for several weeks. Hefty fines regularly issued to anyone leaving their home without official documentation.

The Uk approach is a walk in the park (literally!) by comparison. So you would expect the UK “tail” to be much longer and taller than those two countries.
I don’t think people appreciate how rigorous the lockdown has been in Italy and Spain. Kids not allowed out of their apartment under any circumstances for several weeks. Hefty fines regularly issued to anyone leaving their home without official documentation.

The Uk approach is a walk in the park (literally!) by comparison. So you would expect the UK “tail” to be much longer and taller than those two countries.

In Spain if you went to the shops you had to keep your receipt in case the police stopped you asking why you were out.

In Ireland, granted its a much smaller population and only Dublin is really dense, the infections are down to 250-ish. They are sort of easing things now, but a second wave is a certainty then.
I don’t think people appreciate how rigorous the lockdown has been in Italy and Spain. Kids not allowed out of their apartment under any circumstances for several weeks. Hefty fines regularly issued to anyone leaving their home without official documentation.

The Uk approach is a walk in the park (literally!) by comparison. So you would expect the UK “tail” to be much longer and taller than those two countries.

Oh yeah, I'm aware of how strict the lockdown is in Italy and Spain, I should've mentioned that like I've done in the past.

France is interesting though, UK and France both lockdown at 330-340 deaths, both had very low rates of testing throughout, both talked about 25k per day and took a very similar amount of time to really get there but France have seen a pretty quick fall. France had some earlier measures mind, not sure how strict the lockdown was and maybe UK outbreak is spread out more in a land size much smaller. London only is 20-25% of the cases when I've looked in the past, other countries might be more concentrated, Madrid was 50% for a long time.
Oh yeah, I'm aware of how strict the lockdown is in Italy and Spain, I should've mentioned that like I've done in the past.

France is interesting though, UK and France both lockdown at 330-340 deaths, both had very low rates of testing throughout, both talked about 25k per day and took a very similar amount of time to really get there but have seen a pretty quick fall. France had some earlier measures mind, not sure how strict the lockdown was.

We roughly have the same type of lockdown that Italy has. It isn't like the UK.
Oh yeah, I'm aware of how strict the lockdown is in Italy and Spain, I should've mentioned that like I've done in the past.

France is interesting though, UK and France both lockdown at 330-340 deaths, both had very low rates of testing throughout, both talked about 25k per day and took a very similar amount of time to really get there but France have seen a pretty quick fall. France had some earlier measures mind, not sure how strict the lockdown was and maybe UK outbreak is spread out more in a land size much smaller. London only is 20-25% of the cases when I've looked in the past, other countries might be more concentrated, Madrid was 50% for a long time.
France's lockdown was a lot more strict than the UK one
Concerning for UK is the amount of cases, (6k today not on the graph) is how we're in this 4.5-6.5k range. You can say increased testing but Italy increased there's massively as well, as did Spain, Italy more so in fact and saw it down to 2-3k consistently by this time. While deaths are past the peak I fear they will keep kind of medium to high as these 5-6k cases per day unfold in the next month.



I think in our case it looks flatter due to how bad our testing was to start with and how many we weren't catching. If it was anything but that our death rates wouldn't be falling at this rate surely?
Concerning for UK is the amount of cases, (6k today not on the graph) is how we're in this 4.5-6.5k range. You can say increased testing but Italy increased there's massively as well, as did Spain, Italy more so in fact and saw it down to 2-3k consistently by this time. While deaths are past the peak I fear they will keep kind of medium to high as these 5-6k cases per day unfold in the next month.
The demographic catching the virus this month should differ from that catching the virus in mid - late March. I would suspect that apart from care homes the vulnerable should be significantly less likely to catch this disease due to shielding. So a higher number of new infections can be sustained but this doesn't lead to the same number of ICU admissions / deaths. That's what I would hope at least.
I think in our case it looks flatter due to how bad our testing was to start with and how many we weren't catching. If it was anything but that our death rates wouldn't be falling at this rate surely?

Possibly, we'll see if they keep falling. UK took a week longer to hit the 400-600 hospital deaths per day range from a peak of 900+ and we might see a longer period in that 400-600 range as well. Hopefully we don't get stuck in that too long and get a handle on the situation.
Just started to watch NHS Heroes on C4, it looks horrendous for anyone who's working on the front line at the moment.
Yes it is.
And very simple 3 word messages.
But eventually, these empty promises and spin will be seen for what they are.
I hope so. But get the sense that there is not enough of a proportion of the "voice of reason" in any UK media. Government messages are repeated for weeks on end. Mistakes are reported for one day.

This is good news, right?

It is. Especially if they've not spent too much on a doomed solution.

As soon as you decide to take on Google (Android) and Apple (iPhone) in a single app and ask both companies to change their policy you're pushing water uphill. Asking users to live with a workaround that involves overriding normal phone security settings and kills battery life, it really is pushing your luck.

It's better for creating a multinational app as well. And that's just a couple of advantages before even thinking about security/private issues.

This is good news, right?

It depends on how much you trust the government. Centralised could potentially allow the NHS to converge sensitive medical records with the collected data (if they got people to provide their NI Number) which you could then let some genetic algorithms (a type of AI inspired by genetics rather than specific to) attempt to build a predictive model to attempt to find patterns in the data which would help understand it.
But you kind of made a comparison and drew a conclusion that was wrong. Paris and London metro areas are comparable in terms of population but Paris is significantly denser, it should be the worst hit area in Europe and I wouldn't be surprised if it actually is, London should be the second one and it probably is.

So you have a point about the fact that it's not surprising to see the UK near the top but I had to quibble regarding Paris vs London. :D

Ha, no I do agree agree, Paris is more densely populated. My overarching point was that London is densely populated enough for the virus to spread like crazy, and it's population is multiple times more than Paris/Brussels and comfortably higher than Barcelona's, so a high death total was inevitable.
It depends on how much you trust the government. Centralised could potentially allow the NHS to converge sensitive medical records with the collected data (if they got people to provide their NI Number) which you could then let some genetic algorithms (a type of AI inspired by genetics rather than specific to) attempt to build a predictive model to attempt to find patterns in the data which would help understand it.

Some of your medical data is not private anymore. NHS already gave (some) access to Amazon for example. Most people also use gmail or outlook and their emails are scanned and read by Google and Microsoft respectively, who can easily build a picture of health profile if you have any emails/ messages revealing any information. Same story with communication services such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp. If you ever spoke to a friend about it, they already know. They may not know precise details, but they will have key words assigned to your profiles.
It is. Especially if they've not spent too much on a doomed solution.

As soon as you decide to take on Google (Android) and Apple (iPhone) in a single app and ask both companies to change their policy you're pushing water uphill. Asking users to live with a workaround that involves overriding normal phone security settings and kills battery life, it really is pushing your luck.

It's better for creating a multinational app as well. And that's just a couple of advantages before even thinking about security/private issues.

Yeah a novel app was never going to be as good as a solution integrated into Android/Apple. Google are probably the best data business in the world - their data collection and machine learning is going to be hard to match for anyone making a novel solution. So why not just use the capability they've already developed and have been using for the last 10 years or so.
Some of your medical data is not private anymore. NHS already gave (some) access to Amazon for example. Most people also use gmail or outlook and their emails are scanned and read by Google and Microsoft respectively, who can easily build a picture of health profile if you have any emails/ messages revealing any information. Same story with communication services such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp. If you ever spoke to a friend about it, they already know. They may not know precise details, but they will have key words assigned to your profiles.

Correct to an extent but there’s no way any of those companies would allow that data to be reidentified and converged with the decentralised and obfuscated corona data. The point is that the NHS with a centralised service could pair that data before obfuscation ready for data mining.
I don’t think people appreciate how rigorous the lockdown has been in Italy and Spain. Kids not allowed out of their apartment under any circumstances for several weeks. Hefty fines regularly issued to anyone leaving their home without official documentation.

The Uk approach is a walk in the park (literally!) by comparison. So you would expect the UK “tail” to be much longer and taller than those two countries.

Also how has the testing capacity fared between the two countries? In the UK we have only ramped up ours very recently, and even still it seems to be driven by a political tick box.
I've been highly critical of the lockdown.

However, in a few months we'll look back at the lockdown as some sunny period of national unity and furlough.

In the coming weeks we're going to enter the economic wild west.

Good luck everyone.
I just wish CCP can just corporate and let others to do investigation in their country. The longer they are being persistent then the worse it'll get even for them.

If they believe they aren't to blamed for this mess and they aren't the original of how the virus happened then they shouldn't be scared of the idea investigation. The point of investigation is not to blame China but to find the patient zero which is the origin of the covid 19 and by finding it'll increase the chance of all scientist to know more about the virus and find the cure for it. At the moment, the clue we only know is that it's started in Wuhan.