SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Density only matters so much when you're looking at death totals. Ultimately London as a standalone city is more than dense enough to have an extremely fast spread of the virus. The virus has enough legs to spread from one to another, and when you consider London has 4x more people than Paris, it will have more deaths.

I'm in whole agreement that our lockdown, our closure of flights, our stockpiling among other areas should have been done earlier. However I do think we were likely to have the highest death total in our city as soon as the virus came and we failed to trace the source effectively.

You can't consider that though because from a practical standpoint it's wrong. The actual comparison between the two cities would be at metro level, London has 14m inhabitants and Paris has 12m but Paris is 4 times smaller and therefore denser.
Random question but saw a graph which shows females under 50 are testing positive for corona more than males in that age group . Yet for over 50’s it’s a complete u turn. Why is this?

Gloryhole I imagine ?

Haven’t seen that graph but I’d imagine it’s skewed by who is getting tested. In the Uk, you either need to be a healthcare worker or admitted to hospital to be tested.

The majority of nurses/care home workers are women, which would explain female majority in people of working age. When you get older is when people are more likely to get very sick and men are much more likely than women to get very unwell from covid (nobody knows why).
You can't consider that though because from a practical standpoint it's wrong. The actual comparison between the two cities would be at metro level, London has 14m inhabitants and Paris has 12m but Paris is 4 times smaller and therefore denser.

I'm not denying the density is greater with Paris, but London is still very densely populated even when you branch out to greater London be it Harrow or Croydon. When one city has 8x more people and is still very densely populated, the virus will take more lives.
I don't really understand what we're doing at this point. I havent really understood at any point but now it's just bordering on sheer lunacy.

I thought the whole point of lockdown was to allow the health service to cope during the peak period which would also potentially have come at a time when they are already stretched. Now we are past both of those possibilities and ae still carrying on exactly the same.

Who are we even saving at this point? The virus is not going to go away and one way or another most people will get it before there is a vaccine...unless they are literally made to live a life of misery as permanent prisoners in their own home. Even those who don't get it before there is a vaccine...the vaccine wont help a lot of them who the virus is actually a risk to.

I don't know anyone who's been affected by corona virus, yet know countless people who've lost jobs, income, opportunities, who are living in misery or who's mental health has been severely affected. A friend of a work colleague has committed suicide. My dad who's been forced to self isolate has seen his health deteriorate where he can't exercise and has been drinking and smoking more. My mum has severe mental health issues and I'm not even allowed to see her to check she is ok. things like this are 500x more widespread as corona virus and for a signnifiant percentage of people are a far bigger risk.

We're on the verge of a point now where we are killing and torturing people rather than helping them, I'm afraid. I see people laughing at people who think they're being "opressed"...but the reality is we've all had most of our freedoms taken away with no guarantee we'll ge tthem back, and if I asked anyone to explain what it's actually achieving, it's very hard to say it's achieving anythhing at all as there is literally NO evidence or plan to support any argument.

We're at 30,000 deaths, plus probably a whole load more, plus a whole load more again that are due to lockdown measures rather than the virus. The recorded overall death numbers suggest lockdown is killing thousands a week already. There will be a much bigger death toll number next to the lockdown/economic impact in the longer term. If the aim is to save lives where is the evidence that it is doing that?
We can’t move to the next stage until the tracking and tracing infrastructure is ready, especially with the disease spreading rapidly through care homes. That’s why we currently in a bit of a holding pattern. I can assure you that people are working like manic to get this done on both a national and regional level.
So what lockdown measures will be eased in the UK then?

I can see a huge second wave of this bastard virus on the horizon.
Nah. Look at the States and how many of them are believing Trump and a continuous stream of lies. When the information channels fail to portray an objective view and/or over a critical part of the populous are indoctrinated or more interested in what fits their narrative or worldview rather than factual/scientific truths, then you get a large portion of people that are unable to make up their own decision and unwilling to reconsider their own views based on new information. This goes both ways.

The same tendencies, regarding the media and a more populistic/Trumpistic governmental public relation strategy, are already happening. It all depends on the ability of the average Englishman to be able to make up his own opinion. You already "failed" with Brexit two times, and you elected an obviously incompetent and morally unscrupulous man as prime minister. So I'm not so sure about England/UK not turning into USA 2.0 within the next 10 years.

Yes. Have to agree.
Sad state of affairs.
I'm not denying the density is greater with Paris, but London is still very densely populated even when you branch out to greater London be it Harrow or Croydon. When one city has 8x more people and is still very densely populated, the virus will take more lives.

But you kind of made a comparison and drew a conclusion that was wrong. Paris and London metro areas are comparable in terms of population but Paris is significantly denser, it should be the worst hit area in Europe and I wouldn't be surprised if it actually is, London should be the second one and it probably is.

So you have a point about the fact that it's not surprising to see the UK near the top but I had to quibble regarding Paris vs London. :D
Haven’t seen that graph but I’d imagine it’s skewed by who is getting tested. In the Uk, you either need to be a healthcare worker or admitted to hospital to be tested.

The majority of nurses/care home workers are women, which would explain female majority in people of working age. When you get older is when people are more likely to get very sick and men are much more likely than women to get very unwell from covid (nobody knows why).
Ah, course, makes sense.
It would pass public interest criteria I reckon.
Who she is isn't relevant, though. She's not a Government public health expert. I don't see why the story couldn't run without the pictures of the attractive blonde woman (which is completely irrelevant to the issue here), but of course, she's an attractive blonde woman so they're bound to show her. It's really invading her privacy.
I remember watching a documentary on that one day, where they gave unemployed Brits a job picking produce or working as a waiter in a curry house or whatnot. If I remember correctly, they all quit.

I'd imagine you'd get similar results here in the realm of "jobs foreigners do".
There is some logic to putting unemployed people to work picking crops, but at the moment I wouldn't look at those on jobseekers allowance of £300 a month, I'd look at those furloughed. Start off with the ones on £2,500 a month and work down til you have enough. Want your furlough money? Get down to the farms mate.

In the Lancashire Cotton Famine of the 19th century (bloody yanks again with their civil war, no cotton) the mill workers were literally starving to death so the local authorities sustained them, but in return they to landscape parks, build roads and reservoirs, all sorts of things. I expect they were happy to be fed too.
There is some logic to putting unemployed people to work picking crops, but at the moment I wouldn't look at those on jobseekers allowance of £300 a month, I'd look at those furloughed. Start off with the ones on £2,500 a month and work down til you have enough. Want your furlough money? Get down to the farms mate.
FDR instituted stuff like that in the Great Depression... that said, we weren't mid pandemic at the time.
bloody yanks again with their civil war, no cotton
Yeah... sorry about that.
I remember watching a documentary on that one day, where they gave unemployed Brits a job picking produce or working as a waiter in a curry house or whatnot. If I remember correctly, they all quit.

I'd imagine you'd get similar results here in the realm of "jobs foreigners do".
I saw one of those a while back, maybe the same one, and yep they all quit, moaning about the
i dunno - mass unemployment - work for your benefits etc (probably unworkable due to not enough people living close to fruit farms ) - could see some elements of the conservative party pushing for that
The Daily Mail comment section already is.
Who she is isn't relevant, though. She's not a Government public health expert. I don't see why the story couldn't run without the pictures of the attractive blonde woman (which is completely irrelevant to the issue here), but of course, she's an attractive blonde woman so they're bound to show her. It's really invading her privacy.
It is obviously massively invading her privacy, but is anyone really surprised by the coverage? In Britain we're weirdly prudish about this stuff, while also loving the written by a 14 year old sex-starved boy, thigh-rubbing tone of the coverage.

That's an old link! It was ages ago tbf- quite possibly that, although I had Channel 4 in my head, not BBC.
In Ireland there was a strawberry farm looking for workers a couple of weeks ago and had to hire Romanians i think. They hired a few Irish but not enough.
There is some logic to putting unemployed people to work picking crops, but at the moment I wouldn't look at those on jobseekers allowance of £300 a month, I'd look at those furloughed. Start off with the ones on £2,500 a month and work down til you have enough. Want your furlough money? Get down to the farms mate.

In the Lancashire Cotton Famine of the 19th century (bloody yanks again with their civil war, no cotton) the mill workers were literally starving to death so the local authorities sustained them, but in return they to landscape parks, build roads and reservoirs, all sorts of things. I expect they were happy to be fed too.

Paying decent wages has always been the antidote to filling vacancies in a range of so called ....'jobs that brits won't do'
I remember watching a documentary on that one day, where they gave unemployed Brits a job picking produce or working as a waiter in a curry house or whatnot. If I remember correctly, they all quit.

I'd imagine you'd get similar results here in the realm of "jobs foreigners do".

I would have thought the waiter jobs would not be so bad. The picking fruit would be boring i assume.
Isn't it convenient how governments have the legend of the lazy, choosy British worker to fall back on?
I would have thought the waiter jobs would not be so bad. The picking fruit would be boring i assume.
It's boring, but can also be knackering, involving loads of bending down, depending on the fruit. I had a student job picking and tending to cucumber plants in a giant greenhouse and it was a baking hot summer. Was shite and loads dropped out, but was still money.
It's boring, but can also be knackering, involving loads of bending down, depending on the fruit. I had a student job picking and tending to cucumber plants in a giant greenhouse and it was a baking hot summer. Was shite and loads dropped out, but was still money.

Yea i was thinking that alright. Any farm work is tough work. It could be roasting hot or raining, both of which would be tough to work in.

I worked in a computer factory years ago. I remember one of the jobs you had to do was pull wires out of all the laptops they were testing. You would think it was easy, but far from it. You were bending up and down literally 5000 times per 12 hour shifts. It was tough and it was boring. Like you loads of people would start and drop out two days later. I stuck by it to pay for my college. But if you kept it up, 12 hour shifts six days a week, you would be dead by the time you were sixty.

Some jobs like anything on the buildings or farms is serious tough work.
I really can't make sense of russians figures. Why would their daily cases double in the last 10 days, allegedly they have been testing people at a high rate since February/March, they tightened their borders and have lockdowns in place. Are their recent stats due to a delay between tests and results or are they seeing fresh cases?
I really can't make sense of russians figures. Why would their daily cases double in the last 10 days, allegedly they have been testing people at a high rate since February/March, they tightened their borders and have lockdowns in place. Are their recent stats due to a delay between tests and results or are they seeing fresh cases?
Too late with enforcing lockdowns, also those lockdowns are fairly loose. Moreover, some of the so called "healthcare professionals" were all over TV saying that this virus is quite similar to seasonal flu. Unfeckingbelievable.
Too late with enforcing lockdowns, also those lockdowns are fairly loose. Moreover, some of the so called "healthcare professionals" were all over TV saying that this virus is quite similar to seasonal flu. Unfeckingbelievable.

Thanks, you are in Russia? Looking at official figures Moscow and its regions are at 100k cases and an increase of 5k per day which is worrying, do you think that they are following New York?
Yes. Have to agree.
Sad state of affairs.
People that that social media, internet etc would make people more enlightened due to the readily available information. It turns out that the opposite is true... And I fear for the generation currently growing up in this hyperbolic and all-encompassing social media world. Some (few) will be able to handle it and be able to discern what is right and wrong, but most will be naive, easily manipulated and shallow people without any ability to reflect, evaluate and make up their own opinion. When this group of people start reproducing, will their kids become independent due to lack of parenting or will they be the same as their parents?
Yea i was thinking that alright. Any farm work is tough work. It could be roasting hot or raining, both of which would be tough to work in.

I worked in a computer factory years ago. I remember one of the jobs you had to do was pull wires out of all the laptops they were testing. You would think it was easy, but far from it. You were bending up and down literally 5000 times per 12 hour shifts. It was tough and it was boring. Like you loads of people would start and drop out two days later. I stuck by it to pay for my college. But if you kept it up, 12 hour shifts six days a week, you would be dead by the time you were sixty.

Some jobs like anything on the buildings or farms is serious tough work.
Yep. Tbf though, while plenty of students etc dropped out, there was a hardcore group of permanent staff who'd been there years and genuinely put a shift in day and day out. They'd even have races .
I know it is. At least I and others have the common sense though not to blindly issue UK policy to those abroad and would have the contrition to withdraw any dangerous advice that I mistakingly issued online.
He said whoever he replied to lives in the US for what its worth
Yep. Tbf though, while plenty of students etc dropped out, there was a hardcore group of permanent staff who'd been there years and genuinely put a shift in day and day out. They'd even have races .

Yea during lunch time you would look around the canteen and see loads of people with their hands in their faces.

TBH if it were an eight hour day you would put up with it. Pay was decent. Boring yes. But the 12 hour shift with every second week being the night shift was just soul destroying. It was basically work sleep work sleep.

I actually missed the semi final match against Barca when scholes scored the cracker because i was working in the factory.
Yep. Tbf though, while plenty of students etc dropped out, there was a hardcore group of permanent staff who'd been there years and genuinely put a shift in day and day out. They'd even have races .

British Growers Association.

BGA chief executive Jack Ward said he expected the ‘vast majority’ of seasonal workers this year will be British but that businesses cannot run ‘on enthusiasm alone’.

He said: ‘When you’re operating on the scale (that large food producers) are, you do need a few people around who know what they’re doing. ‘You just can’t run these businesses on enthusiasm alone.’ He said that, historically, a ‘significant proportion’ of pickers come from Eastern Europe and return year after year. ‘I think what that workforce provides is a bit of experience and know-how to mix in this year with the people who have never done this before,’ he said.

He added that crops are harvested 12 months of the year and the height of the season is from May to autumn. He said coronavirus restrictions could lift before the end of the season. ‘What we’ve got to be a little bit aware of is that when we get to, let’s say, July and we’re still absolutely flat out in the fresh produce industry, how many of the people who have volunteered have then returned to their original jobs,’ said Mr Ward. ‘I think what some farms are trying to do is balance what’s available today, what might be available in three months’ time or four months’ time, and the requirements of what is quite a long season. ‘I think they’re trying to cover every eventuality but I sense that this year the vast majority of seasonal workers will be from the UK. ‘The numbers you can get on a plane are almost insignificant compared with the total numbers that are needed.’ He said there had been a ‘terrific response’ to a campaign to recruit more British workers this year. ‘If anything we’ve been overwhelmed with offers of help,’ he said. ‘It’s been an amazing response.’ He said the asparagus season, which requires around 5,000 pickers across the UK, is just getting under way.

It is always easier to propagate the anti Brexit/Lazy Brit trope than look at the real picture including the difficulties in suddenly transferring 10'000's of workers and the inertia inherent within different employment sectors.
Thanks, you are in Russia? Looking at official figures Moscow and its regions are at 100k cases and an increase of 5k per day which is worrying, do you think that they are following New York?
Not now, left Moscow mid-Feb. Looks like they are following New York. Huge city, tube has always been packed, people are not really disciplined. I am not even sure if Moscow has peaked yet.
Deaths are worryingly up today in Italy, with about two-thirds of the deaths being in Lombardia. New cases also up. We only eased the lockdown 2 days ago so it's too soon for that to be the reason, but I suspect people were moving around more in anticipation of the May 4th easing.

I believe Conte has said that they will re-impose the lockdown on a regional basis if things get bad again.
Yea i was thinking that alright. Any farm work is tough work. It could be roasting hot or raining, both of which would be tough to work in.

I worked in a computer factory years ago. I remember one of the jobs you had to do was pull wires out of all the laptops they were testing. You would think it was easy, but far from it. You were bending up and down literally 5000 times per 12 hour shifts. It was tough and it was boring. Like you loads of people would start and drop out two days later. I stuck by it to pay for my college. But if you kept it up, 12 hour shifts six days a week, you would be dead by the time you were sixty.

Some jobs like anything on the buildings or farms is serious tough work.

The problem with a lot of the fruit picking jobs in the UK is that the farmers only allow workers that will live on site permanently through the season in static caravans, about 4 to a Van. They then deduct board from the workers wages leaving them with little take home pay. It works for Eastern European’s because the cost of living is so much lower in their home countries. It’s farmers gaming FoM.

A lot of Brits rejected those farm jobs this summer because they were not allowed to travel to site independently to avoid have their wages halved or whatever through the board.

Before FoM housewives from local towns used to pick the fruit, they were collected daily by a coach in the nearest towns etc.

All this means that the price of Strawberries has barely risen for a long time.