Is anyone else kinda scared how easily freedoms were taken away from people? Of course it’s the right thing to beat this virus now, but it gives me an uneasy feeling how very fragile our ‘freedoms’ really are.
The type of individual freedom a lot of people think they have is an illusion and always has been. Sure, you have a range of things you're allowed to do but if you choose to live within a society then these liberties are tightly constrained so society is functional and others around you do not suffer as a consequence. People may think that they choose willingly to follow these constraints but each one of us has been moulded by the society we live in to follow, and accept these rules. People are not truly independent but rely on millions of people and thousand of systems all around them for their lives and society to continue. When something threatens those systems and therefore our way of life then (very) minor alterations have to be made, which is what is happening now. People are mostly upset because things have changed or an illusion has been shattered, not because they are no longer "free". For autonomy you gotta do a cabin in a woods kind of thing.