SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

My problem? I asked you a simple question.

A few small corrections, the 8 doctors haven't been prosecuted but reprimanded by Wuhan's police, later the chinese supreme court criticized the police and exonerated the doctors. In the memo the Health director said that there were suggestions that human to human transmission was possible based on the existence of cases not directly linked to Wuhan, the next day they didn't say that human to human transmission didn't exist, they said that "the risk of sustained human to human transmission was low" which again based on how little everyone knew was a reasonable assumption, it was also a way to acknowledge their existence while not making the public lose their minds, remember that it was for the public, you don't go doom and gloom when you are not even sure about what you are dealing with. And there is nothing that puts the origin in the market, it was an early suspicion due to the fact that it was a cluster in Wuhan but many people that had no contact with the market got infected which is by the way how local doctors determined that human to human transmission was a thing.

As I said in this thread clearly China(mainly local authorities) botched things initially but nothing suggests that they knew more about it than the rest of the world, most of what we know suggests that they didn't knew a whole lot and reacted slowly, in the AP summary the chinese CDC is specifically accused of being sluggish and bureaucratic. But from the moment they had a better idea, they did things relatively well outside of not closing their external borders.

PS: The far right part is about Pompeo's comments about the lab, it's a conspiracy that mainly comes from that side of the political spectrum. You can question the chinese response to the health crisis but the conspiracies about it being man made have no substance for the moment.

Sorry but I disagree. Its not reasonable to make a statement about levels of human to human transmission at the start of an outbreak of a new and deadly virus if you don't know that statement to be factually true.

Its not reasonable at all, its is reckless and self serving and if it was done to stop a panic, then it was not a mistake but a deliberate decision and calculated gamble that risks the outbreak getting out of hand if the wishful thinking about the transmission rate turns out to be wrong.

Which it was and that in my opinion is indefensible.
They opened up provincial parks, walking trails and driving ranges on the weekend where I am, and I was actually pleasantly surprised at the adherence to the 2metre rule for the most part but it’s just not possible to stick to it 100% unless everyone walks the same pace and doesn’t bring their dog with them. There’s a long term care home here that is responsible for 100% of Covid deaths and 75% of all cases so I think they are easing the restrictions partly because of that undeniable cluster, but I feel like a few more weeks with stricter rules would be better in the long run.
Chances of catching it passing by someone in wide open spaces are very small, even if you do pass less than 2m apart. I wouldn't let that worry you.
Sorry but I disagree. Its not reasonable to make a statement about levels of human to human transmission at the start of an outbreak of a new and deadly virus if you don't know that statement to be factually true.

Its not reasonable at all, its is reckless and self serving and if it was done to stop a panic, then it was not a mistake but a deliberate decision and calculated gamble that risks the outbreak getting out of hand if the wishful thinking about the transmission rate turns out to be wrong.

Which it was and that in my opinion is indefensible.

In the context of a botched job it was reasonable. Bear in mind that I was responding to the withheld part and I'm not defending China. Initially they messed up locally, it is apparently the case in Thailand that made them realize that a human to human transmission was definitely possible, the CDC failed to determine it wihen they sent two teams in Wuhan in late december and early January it also took them an eternity to deal with suspected cases in Shenhzen. Beijing handled it directly after the Thai case and prepared things behind the scenes before warning the public of a possible pandemic.

As I said to someone else a few weeks ago, praising China is a joke because they made the exact same mistakes that almost everyone else made, the difference is that they had the manpower to fixt a lot of mistakes quickly. And they seemingly had limited knowledge themselves due to a serie of early mistakes.
Mars cannot sustain human life and so he wouldn’t survive very long in the unlikely event he had been there since birth. Also Mars does not have WiFi.

Maybe it can’t sustain life forever and you need other sustenance like vitamins and minerals but a Mars a day definitely helps you work rest and play.
Anyone knows what is happening in Russia and Brazil? Have they changed their testing policies or are they getting oubreaks?
A security guard is shot and killed after telling customer to put on a face mask


Two suspects still on the run, should be found soon though.

Problem these days getting into any kind of argument or altercation is people are ready stab or shoot you, throw their life away and end yours over nothing.
That's an absolute sickening story. Why do US stores even have security guards anymore? To stop old ladies from shop lifting? That's about all they should risk, and even then the old lady might have a heavy waiting outside to shoot you.

These people should get the death sentence, screw life in prison.
That's an absolute sickening story. Why do US stores even have security guards anymore? To stop old ladies from shop lifting? That's about all they should risk, and even then the old lady might have a heavy waiting outside to shoot you.

These people should get the death sentence, screw life in prison.
If the other people had guns, he wouldn't have got shot
If the other people had guns, he wouldn't have got shot

I'm almost thinking malls have come to a point where they will need snipers at various points to take out possible gunmen (because you can't ban them from bringing guns into the mall, 2nd amendment innit). Then watch as a dad gets blown away for taking his son's toy gun out of a bag. Once upon a time in America. :rolleyes:
I'm almost thinking malls have come to a point where they will need snipers at various points to take out possible gunmen (because you can't ban them from bringing guns into the mall, 2nd amendment innit). Then watch as a dad gets blown away for taking his son's toy gun out of a bag. Once upon a time in America. :rolleyes:
If the dad had a gun... Oh wait
Anyone knows what is happening in Russia and Brazil? Have they changed their testing policies or are they getting oubreaks?
Not seen much news on Brazil but Russia looks screwed with the updates I got before. (Edit. on a news app I'm not a Putin ITK or anything)
I'm almost thinking malls have come to a point where they will need snipers at various points to take out possible gunmen (because you can't ban them from bringing guns into the mall, 2nd amendment innit). Then watch as a dad gets blown away for taking his son's toy gun out of a bag. Once upon a time in America. :rolleyes:
Do you live in America mate ? I always thought when I was a kid that America was just a bigger version of the UK but things like this show that it's a completely different world over there, don't get me wrong there's plenty of crazy shit that goes on around here but I'm not sure it goes as far as someone taking a gun to the local Asda to pop off any security guards.
Jesus wept i never realized prof Ferguson's modelling/ prediction record was so tragic. For context this were his and his college's predictions on previous epidemic's/pandemic's.

Am i missing something? How the fecking hell is that guy still in a job let alone being trusted to help make decisions that will shape this country for generations.
Jesus wept i never realized prof Ferguson's modelling/ prediction record was so tragic. For context this were his and his college's predictions on previous epidemic's/pandemic's.

Am i missing something? How the fecking hell is that guy still in a job let alone being trusted to help make decisions that will shape this country for generations.

Looks like a hatchet job by right wingers trying to reduce restrictions too early - it is in The Spectator which is a bit of a giveaway.

And I'm not sure their gossip columnist writing this gives it much scientific credibility.
Probably already been posted but this is terrible, doctors only doing their jobs Being killed.
Jesus wept i never realized prof Ferguson's modelling/ prediction record was so tragic. For context this were his and his college's predictions on previous epidemic's/pandemic's.

Am i missing something? How the fecking hell is that guy still in a job let alone being trusted to help make decisions that will shape this country for generations.
If that is the best a hatchet job can do, I don’t see anything too damning there. In situations like this, only very minor things need to slightly shift to have very different outcomes. There’s a world in which this coronavirus never left China, and there’s another world in which we were hit even worse than we are now. What lay people often struggle to appreciate is that whilst we may ordinarily deal with exact figures and exact predictions, modellers and statisticians deal with confidence interval ranges. Just because a modellers’s worst outcome in their confidence interval doesn’t come to pass, doesn’t mean they were wrong as such.
A tale of two cities: how New York police enforce social distancing by the color of your skin

The footage that led up to the photo on the left is unbelievable. Cops getting right up in someone’s face for not social distancing. Then almost immediately escalating to a violent struggle with a scrum of cops involved. Making absolutely certain that if any individual involved did have the virus to begin with, they all do afterwards.

Puts the moaning of libertarian twats in the Uk and Ireland into perspective.
Do you live in America mate ? I always thought when I was a kid that America was just a bigger version of the UK but things like this show that it's a completely different world over there, don't get me wrong there's plenty of crazy shit that goes on around here but I'm not sure it goes as far as someone taking a gun to the local Asda to pop off any security guards.

America is a completely different place to here - culture and society is entirely different. The only thing we really have in common is some shared history, the language and that's about it.
Hopefully the UK lockdown gets extended longer.

I have a horrible feeling that the government will bow to public pressure, open everything back up too soon and inadvertently create an even worse second wave.

On a side note, they can feck off if they think I’m sending my son back to school next month.

Summer holidays usually start in mid July so just write the rest of the year off and let them all return in September.
America is a completely different place to here - culture and society is entirely different. The only thing we really have in common is some shared history, the language and that's about it.

If we had an extra 150 m people plus legalised guns, you’ll find there’s not much difference!
Dont know if it is talked about before but they found a case from 27:e december in France. Seems like they were cases, but not a spread, many places before we knew about the virus at all.
Its becoming more apparent that Covid-19 was around before the Chinese announcement in January. They knew long before they locked down and let it out of the country. It just seems so obvious yet people defend this unforgivable mistake.

I've heard many callers on LBC complaining of Covid-19 symptoms before Christmas. Some of them are kranks but not all of them. There were offices in London where whole floors were infected. We'll see as more information comes out but there already seems to be plenty of evidence supporting the claim that China let this virus spread unnecessarily.

Whats going on in the States is very concerning. They seem to have a cultural problem with dealing with this. If these new projections of the death rate transpire to be true the country could easily spiral out of control. There is a very strong conviction that they need to get back to work to save the economy and their personal freedoms. It seems to have become so strong that they are prepared to risk very high casualty rates. Maybe this is a regional problem but there will be interstate travel and the spread will continue. There is potential for an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and they seem unable to legislate for it as a country.
Yeah but we dont..... Plus we don't want to have guns here in the most part - that's a big difference.

You are right, but we’re the same nation who after laughing at Trump thought it was ok to elect a bigot Boris Johnson so.....